Hebrews – A book for those who have crossed over


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Presentation transcript:

Hebrews – A book for those who have crossed over 希伯來書 – 給過河之人的書 Hebrews – A book for those who have crossed over 在天路旅程中 In the heavenly journey 認識並經歷基督的超越, knowing and experiencing the superiority of Christ, 不要停留,遊蕩;要往目的地進前 Not lingering, wandering but going forward and toward the destiny

希伯來書的特點和思想 The features and the thought of the book of Hebrews 1. 本書強調是神說話,所以未提作者,但以 13:23 說到提摩太,慣用語氣,及啟示內容看 保羅應是本書作者. This book emphasizes that God spoke and therefore does not mention the writer; however, because Timothy’s name was mentioned in 13:23, and because of the writing style and the profound content, Paul is likely the writer.

2. 亞伯拉罕是聖經中被稱為希伯來人之第一人 Abraham is the first one who was called Hebrew in the Bible (創世記 Genesis 14:13) 希伯來人是過河的人, Hebrews are those who have crossed over the river (約書亞記 Joshua 24:2-3)

3. 過河的人開始一個屬天旅程 The one who crossed over the river starts a heavenly journey (11:8-11,13-16)

4. 這個旅程的終點不是屬地的,是屬天的耶路撒冷 The end of the journey is not earthly, it is the heavenly Jerusalem (12:18-24)

5. 這天路旅程是一個賽程,需要聯於屬天的源頭耶穌基督,免得疲倦灰心The heavenly journey is a race, it is essential to unite with the heavenly resource Jesus Christ, so that we will not grow weary and lose heart. (12:1-3)

6. 神的兒子耶穌基督,是與我們有關係的主 Jesus Christ is the Son of God, to whom we must give account.(4:13)

7. 耶穌是使者,是大祭司. Jesus is the Apostle and High Priest. (3:1)

8. 本書每一個重點都附帶一個警告,全書共有五個警告 In this book there are five warnings, each main point of the book is followed by warning.

Outline of the Book of Hebrews: 希伯來書大綱 Outline of the Book of Hebrews: I. 基督身位的超越 The Superiority of Christ’s Person – 神的兒子作為使者從神而來,是神說話,遠超眾先知,天使和摩西 The Son of God, being a messenger sent from God, and being the Word itself, is superior over the prophets, the angels and Moses (1:1-4:13)

1. 基督超越眾先知 The superiority of Christ over the prophets (1:1)

2. 基督超越天使 The superiority of Christ over the angels (1:2-2:18) a. 祂的神性 His Deity (1:2-14) b. 第一個警告:忽略救恩的危險 First warning: Danger of neglect (2:1-4) c. 祂的人性 His humanity (2:5-18)

a. 祂的神性 His Deity (1:2-14) - 創造萬有(諸世界) through whom He made the universe (worlds) (1:2) - 承受萬有 whom He appointed heir of all things (1:2) - 神榮耀所發光輝,神本体真像 the radiance of God’s glory, and the exact representation of His being (1:3) - 托住萬有(用權能命令) sustaining all things by His powerful word (1:3)

- 完成救贖(洗淨人罪,坐神右邊) complete redemption (after He had provided purification for sins, He sat down at the right hand of the Majesty in heaven) (1:3) - 承受兒子超越的名 the name (Son) he has inherited is superior to that of the angles (1:4) - 還要再來 again, when God brings His firstborn into the world..(1:6) - 永遠作王 Your throne, O God, will last for ever and ever(1:8)

- 以我們為同伴(夥) ..your companions (1:9) - 天使是服役的靈,為承受救恩的人效力 雅各的夢 – 伯特利的天梯 Jacob’s dream – the stairway at Bethel reaching to heaven (創 Genesis 28:10-19) 應驗在主耶穌身上 Fulfilled on Jesus (約 John 1:49-51) 神的使者上去下來在人子身上 the angles of God ascending and descending on the Son of Man

3. 基督超越摩西 The superiority of Christ over Moses (3:1-4:13) a. 在祂的工作上 In His work (3:1-4) b. 祂的身位 In His Person(3:5,6) c. 第二個警告:不信的危險 The second warning: Danger of unbelief (3:7-4:13) i) 硬心的危險 Danger of hardening the heart (3:7-19) ii)勉勵要進入祂的安息 Challenge to enter His rest (4:1-13)

II. 基督工作的超越 The Superiority of Christ’s Work – 是大祭司 將人帶進神裡 Being the High Priest, He brings men into God (4:14-10:18) III. 基督徒憑信心生活行動的超越 The Superiority of the Christian’s Walk of Faith (10:19-13:25)

II. 基督工作的超越 The Superiority of Christ’s Work – 是大祭司 將人帶進神裡 Being the High Priest, He brings men into God (4:14-10:18) 1. 基督祭司職份的超越 The Superiority of Christ’s Priesthood (4:14-7:28) a. 地位上的超越 Christ is superior in His position (4:14-16)

b. 條件上的超越 Christ is superior in His qualification (5:1-10) i) 亞倫的祭司職份 Aaron’s priesthood (5:1-4) ii)麥基洗德的等次 Melchizedekian priesthood (5:5-10) c. 第三個警告: 不長大,不成熟的危險 Danger of not maturing (5:11-6:20) i) 听的遲鈍 Dullness of hearing (5:11-14) ii)長大成熟的需要 Need of Maturity (6:1-8) iii)鼓勵生命長大 Exhortation to maturity (6:9-20)

2. 基督的更美之約 The superiority of Christ’s covenant (8:1-13) a. 更美的約 A Better Covenant (8:1-6) b. 新約 A New Covenant (8:7-13) 3. 更美的聖所和祭物 The superiority of Christ’s Sanctuary and Sacrifice (9:11-10:18) a. 舊約的聖所和祭物 Old Covenant’s Sanctuary and Sacrifice (9:1-10) i) 聖所 Sanctuary (9:1-5) ii)祭物 Sacrifice (9:6-10) b. 新約的聖所和祭物 New Covenant’s Sanctuary and sacrifice (9:11-10:18) i) 聖所 Sanctuary (9:11) ii)祭物 Sacrifice (9:12-10:18)

III. 基督徒憑信心生活行動的超越 (10:19-13:25) 1. 信心確據的勸勉 Exhortation to Full Assurance of Faith (10:19-11:40) a. 堅守所承認的指望 Hold Fast the Confession of Faith (10:19-25) b. 第四個警告: 退後的危險 Danger of drawing back(10:26-39) c. 信心的定義 Definition of Faith (11:1-3) d. 信心的榜樣 Examples of Faith (11:4-40)

2. 信心的忍耐 Endurance of Faith (12:1-29) a. 基督忍耐的榜樣 Example of Christ’s endurance (12:1-4) b. 勸勉忍受神的管教 Exhortation to endure God’s chastening (12:5-24) c. 第五個警告: 拒絕神的危險 The fifth warning: Danger of refusing God(12:25-29) 3. 愛的勸勉 Exhortation to love13:1-19 a. 六件實行 Six things to practice(13:1-7) b. 經歷基督 Experiencing Christ(13:8-15) c. 四件必行之事 Four things must do (13:16-19) 4. 結語 (13:20-25)