2008 TRF District Leaders’ Training Seminar 2008 扶輪基金會地區領導人訓練研習會


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Presentation transcript:

2008 TRF District Leaders’ Training Seminar 2008 扶輪基金會地區領導人訓練研習會

介紹地帶團隊 Introduce Zone Team

年度計劃基金策略顧問 APFSA 林華清 George 中壢扶輪社 Rotary club of Chungli District 3500 PDG (2002-03)

年度計劃基金策略顧問 APFSA 陳仁德 Ortho 嘉義南區扶輪社 Rotary club of Chiayi South District 3470 DG (2007-08)

巨額捐獻顧問 MAJOR GIFTS ADVISOR 李翼文 Color 台北首都扶輪社 Rotary club of Taipei Capital District 3520 PDG (2003-04)

巨額捐獻顧問 MAJOR GIFTS ADVISOR 吳輝龍 Cookie 高雄東北扶輪社 Rotary club of Kaohsiung Northeast District 3510 PDG (2006-07)

扶輪基金會前受獎人協調人 RFAC 邵偉靈 Dens 台北雙溪扶輪社 Rotary club of Taipei Swanshie District 3520 PDG (1999-2000)

4B地帶根除小兒麻痺挑戰協調人 康義勝 Kambo 台北城中扶輪社 Rotary club of Taipei Castle District 3480 PDG (2001-2002)

2008-09年度基金會目標 1. 堅守我們對根除小兒麻痺等疾病的承諾。 2. 欣然接受兩項支持扶輪基金會的支柱:透過〝每一扶 輪社員,每年〞的年度計劃基金以及永久基金。 3. 參與你們的基金會/我們的基金會,一項〝伸出援 手〞計劃從扶輪社及地區的基金會分享資金以便 永久成立扶輪世界和平獎學生計劃及支援全球根除 小兒麻痺等疾病。 4. 加強扶輪的公共形象 5. 支持扶輪基金會未來願憬計劃。

District Rotary Foundation Committee Structure 分享制度 與 地區扶輪基金委員會架構 SHARE & District Rotary Foundation Committee Structure The two topics we will cover are as indicated on this slide. Advance course will not get into detail. Will include some role play.

Learning Objectives 成為基金委員會架構/分享制度的專家 了解分享制度的工具(SHARE Kit) 及時間表(timeline) 了解地區扶輪基金委員會架構及基本原理 了解地域扶輪基金協調人團隊(RRFC Team)架構

分享制度 SHARE Provide transition comments and move the discussion to the SHARE kit.

SHARE Kit 1月份收到– 總監提名人(DGN)有一份複本 供2009-10 年度使用的起初餘額 回寄Share資料袋簽收函 分享制度DDF 選項的地區工作單(District Worksheet) “Check Register” 捐贈表格Donation Form Refer to handout – SHARE Kit – talk through the kit Emphasize need for help in getting receipts – cut off date if district doesn’t respond Emphasize worksheet is for use of district Emphasize that we rely on the DG to get a copy of the kit to the DGN and incoming DRFC chair if new appointee (contact information not available in our database this early) Key Point: There is no longer a requirement for districts to submit allocation worksheets to The Rotary Foundation.

2005 2006 2006 2007 2007 2008 2008 2009 2009 2010 2010 2011 2011 2012 Funds used for projects in current year were provided by Rotarians three years ago. Money because of the motivational efforts of predecessor. Responsibility is to provide motivation to district to leave more opportunity for district leadership three years hence. Highlight fact that all funds may not be used. Highlight that all unused DDF will roll forward to the next year so it will be available for immediate use. Highlight that all returned DDF for cancelled projects will become available in the current year for immediate use.

SHARE Timeline 年度捐款 Funds raised 3月31日 捐贈給教育計畫 基金使用 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 年度捐款 Funds raised Funds available 3月31日 捐贈給教育計畫 31 March: Donate scholarship 1 Oct. Scholars identified 1 Oct. Extra GSE application 基金使用 Funds used 31 March: DSG requests due Describe actions in 2007-08 and 2008-09 for funds to be used in 2009-10. Highlight suspense dates.

3 Notifications to Districts for Each Program Year SHARE Mailings 3 Notifications to Districts for Each Program Year May 2009 Inform districts of remaining 2008-09 DDF balance August 2008 Inform districts of carry forward from 2007-08 January 2007 Inform districts of starting DDF balance (2005-06 funds) 2008-09 Refer to handout - II

SHARE Best Practices 計畫 Planning 申請 Applying 使用 Spending 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 Planning (2006-07 funds) Spending Applying 計畫 Planning 地區扶輪基金委員會於2008 年3月1日前開會決定扶輪基金計畫使用包含募款 申請 Applying 捐贈給教育計畫截止日期 2008年3月31日 (2007-08年度) . 大使獎學金申請截止日期 2008年10月1日 (2008-09年度). 地區簡化獎助金申請截止日期 2009年3月31日(2008-09年度). 使用 Spending 2009-10 DDF 剩餘的餘額 可用於配合獎助金及增加捐贈

扶輪基金會的兩個主要活動計劃 人道計劃 Humanitarian Programs 教育計劃 Educational Programs

教育計劃 Educational Programs 大使獎學金 Ambassadorial Scholarships 團體研究交換 Group Study Exchange 扶輪國際研究中心 Rotary Centers for International Studies 扶輪和平及衝突研究計畫 Rotary Peace And Conflict Studies 扶輪大學教師獎助金 Rotary Grants for University Teachers

人道計劃 Humanitarian Programs 地區簡易獎助金 District Simplified Grants 配合獎助金 Matching Grants 保健、防飢和人道(3-H)獎助金 Health, Hunger and Humanity (3-H) Grant 義工服務獎助金 Volunteer Service Grants 根除小兒麻痺等疾病計劃 PolioPlus Program

Goal Setting 目標設定 研究社的過去紀錄 理事會討論 設定高於過去年度的目標 鼓勵每位社友支持

Role Play

地區架構 District Structure

Support Structure Zone Level Trustees RRFCs District Leadership Major Gift Advisors Strategic Advisors RFAC RRFCs District Leadership Rotary Foundation Alumni Coordinator

District Committee Structure 地區扶輪基金委員會 主委 地區總監– Ex-officio (with voting rights) 8位小組委員會主委 前受獎人 年度捐獻 獎助金 團體研究交換 永久基金 (巨額及捐獻計劃) 根除小兒痲痹等疾病計畫 獎學金 Key Points Review Standard District Rotary Foundation Committee Structure This is the district team Clubs should look to their district to answer TRF questions Use quick Reference Guide DG and DGE consulted in decision process 扶輪世界和平獎學金

DRFC Chair 地區扶輪基金主委 Three-year term (任期三年) Rationale (理性的) 由地區總監領導 重複三年是可以的 撤職原因– 是需要事先核准的 任期內的總監參與遴選 Rationale (理性的) Continuity 連續性 Stewardship管理 Success成功 Highlight – DRFC Chair works under direct leadership of DG. Governors to be served must participate in selection Signature for use of DDF to represent decisions of DRFC Committee Multiple three-year terms possible Highlight Rationale – note DRFC and DG are not positions of power but positions of Responsibility Stewardship (difficult to track history in the past) Continuity Better performance when looking at big picture – historically districts are more successful Overview of the District Structure This is the standard district structure as found in the TRF Code of Policy Copy of this section of the code is in your handout binder Removal for cause is not simple. The Chairman does not take this matter lightly. Please be sure to suggest seeking alternatives – resignation of DRFC chair is one.

DRFC chair Policy Changes 自2008年7月1日起地區總監與地區扶輪基金主委簽署DDF的使用 地區扶輪基金主委的指派需任期內各總監的簽署 多地區合併成為一個地區時,將遴選一位新的地區扶輪基金主委,為了連續性,建議此一地區扶輪基金主委由舊的地區產生。 分開為兩個地區時,地區扶輪基金主委將擔任他的扶輪社所屬的地區之扶輪基金主委。 DGs will be required to sign for the use of DDF along with the DRFC chair. DRFC chair appointments will require the signature of the DGs whom the DRFC chair will serve (if selected). This form will be distributed at GETS 2008. The form can be found in your handout binder and is currently available. If a resignation occurs, the DG will be sent this form. Districts that merge into one district, will have the opportunity to choose a new DRFC chair. It is recommended that the DRFC chairs from the old districts serve on the DRFC for continuity purposes. The DRFC chair will remain DRFC chair in a district that splits in two, and will move to the district which the DRFC chair’s club moves to.

Four Avenues of Service Effective clubs are able to Sustain and Increase Membership Implement Successful Service Projects Support The Rotary Foundation Develop Leaders Beyond the Club Level An effective Rotary club - Sustains and/or increases its membership base - Implements successful projects that address the needs of its community and communities in other countries - Supports The Rotary Foundation through program participation and financial contributions Develops leaders capable of serving in Rotary beyond the club level 4 pillars Encourage DRFC to provide support out of DRF Team to train clubs. It’s the role of the district teams to assist the clubs. Every club President gets a Quick Reference Guide in PETS kit. Districts should have all the names of subcommittee chairs @ PETS so the Presidents know who to go to with questions. Club Leadership Plan Four Avenues of Service

Club Board 社的理事會 社的 行政管理 社的 公共關係 社員 社的 服務計畫 扶輪基金 The new club committee structure replaces the former recommended committee structure that had 18 club committees. The 5 standing club committees are: Club administration - conducts activities associated with the effective operation of the club Club public relations - develops and implements plans to provide the public with information about Rotary and to promote the club’s service projects and activities 3. Membership - develops and implements a comprehensive plan for the recruitment and retention of members 4. Service projects - develops and implements educational, humanitarian, and vocational projects that address the needs of its community and communities in other countries The Rotary Foundation - develops and implements plans to support The Rotary Foundation through both financial contributions and program participation Additional committees may be appointed as needed on an annual basis. New Standing committees – Club Leadership Plan Board Has anyone worked with a club that has a CLP? How was it? Under the CLP, committee assignments are made to ensure continuity. *Additional committees can be appointed as needed on an annual basis

District support of the Club Leadership Plan Club Board 社的理事會 社的 行政管理 公共關係 社員 服務計畫 扶輪基金 The district structure under the District Leadership Plan supports the Club Leadership Plan. Assistant governors support the club administration committee and the board of directors Public relations committee supports the club public relations committee District Membership development committee supports the club membership committee District programs (such as Youth Exchange, Rotaract, etc.) committees support the club service projects committee District Rotary Foundation committee supports the club Foundation committee There are 5 additional recommended district committees: Extension RI Convention promotion District conference Training Finance Each Standing Committee has a Person that works with TRF and a TRF Committee. What is your role in the New Standing Committee? Train Districts to train the Clubs about this structure and support the implementation. 助理總監 公共關係 委員會 社員 發展委員會 地區 計劃委員會 扶輪基金 委員會 District support of the Club Leadership Plan

資 源 Resources www.rotary.org http://www.rotary2000.org 31

Questions Pass to RRFC to facilitate discussion