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TRF Zone Team Training 扶輪基金會地帶團隊訓練

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1 TRF Zone Team Training 扶輪基金會地帶團隊訓練

2 介紹地帶團隊 Introduce Zone Team

3 年度計劃基金策略顧問 APFSA 林華清 George 中壢扶輪社 Rotary club of Chungli District 3500
PDG ( )

4 年度計劃基金策略顧問 APFSA 陳仁德 Ortho 嘉義南區扶輪社 Rotary club of Chiayi South
District 3470 DG ( )

李翼文 Color 台北首都扶輪社 Rotary club of Taipei Capital District 3520 PDG ( )

吳輝龍 Cookie 高雄東北扶輪社 Rotary club of Kaohsiung Northeast District 3510 PDG ( )

7 扶輪基金會前受獎人協調人 RFAC 邵偉靈 Dens 台北雙溪扶輪社 Rotary club of Taipei Swanshie District 3520 PDG ( )

8 2008-09年度基金會目標 1.堅守我們對根除小兒麻痺等疾病的承諾。
2.欣然接受兩項支持扶輪基金會的支柱:透過〝每一扶輪社員,每年〞的年度計劃基金以及永久基金。 3.參與你們的基金會/我們的基金會,一項〝伸出援 手〞計劃從扶輪社及地區的基金會分享資金以便 永久成立扶輪世界和平獎學生計劃及支援全球根除 小兒麻痺等疾病。 4.加強扶輪的公共形象 5.支持扶輪基金會未來願憬計劃。

9 Support Structure Zone Level Trustees RRFCs District Leadership
Major Gift Advisors Strategic Advisors RFAC RRFCs District Leadership Rotary Foundation Alumni Coordinator

職責 Responsibilities 於其所委派的地區內促進並籌募巨額捐獻US10,000或以上至扶輪基金會。 其所委派的區域內提供地域扶輪基金協調人( RRFCs ) 、扶輪基金職員和地區的領導(地區總監、助理總監、地區扶輪基金委員會主委、地區永久基金委員會主委)之間的一種聯繫的功能,以促進巨額捐獻的籌募為目的。 由扶輪基金保管委員會主委指派一年任期,續任可以是三年。

巨額捐獻顧問應 : 根據自身財政能力對扶輪基金會,藉由巨額捐獻及/或遺贈會及/或永久基金捐獻人承諾的方式來以身作則; 持續進行訓練並與地區領導人合作,支持推動巨額捐獻、永久基金捐獻人與遺贈會

持續進行訓練並與地區領導人合作,支持推動巨額捐獻、永久基金捐獻人與遺贈會 ,特別是: 鼓勵各扶輪社與地區發展 每一個地區每年尋找–至少一位巨額捐獻給年度計劃基金方面(Annual Programs Fund ) 鼓勵每一地區每年培養與懇請至少十二位有希望成為巨額捐獻人選

13 年度計劃基金策略顧問 APFSA 職責: 於其所分派地區內從事「每位扶輪社員,每年」訊息之推廣與對年度計劃基金捐獻募款。
提供地域扶輪基金協調人( RRFCs ) 、扶輪基金職員和地區的領導(地區總監、地區總監當選人、助理總監、地區扶輪基金委員會主委、年度計劃基金小組委員會主委)之間的一種聯繫的功能 由扶輪基金保管委員會主委指派一年任期,續任可以是三年。

14 年度計劃基金策略顧問 APFSA 年度計劃基金策略顧問應: 以身作則以每年美金100 元或更多捐獻 至年度計劃基金;
於地帶研習會、社長當選人研習會、扶輪基金研習會、地區年會、地區講習會以及其他扶輪訓練與 活動,推廣「每位扶輪社員,每年」訊息 於所委派之區域內監督每月募款進度並提供扶輪社與地區克服達成目標障礙之支援與策略

15 年度計劃基金策略顧問 APFSA 協助扶輪社與地區訂定適當之年度計劃基金目標,而將這些目標提給扶輪基金會職員,並提供有助於目標達成的策略。
.引起對有關扶輪基金贊助會員與扶輪基金會直接捐獻計劃的瞭解 確保地區內沒有不捐獻的扶輪社 鼓勵所有扶輪社100%參與扶輪基金會計劃。

16 扶輪基金會前受獎人協調人 RFAC 是由扶輪基金會基金保管委員會主委當選人任命。RFAC的角色在於增進扶輪社員對於基金會前受獎人的認識,並推廣運用他們作為地區及扶輪社服務計劃和活動的資源,並有效提倡基金會各項計劃。

17 扶輪基金會前受獎人協調人 RFAC 前受獎人們應和地區各小組委員會主委合作發掘各計劃前受獎人的感人故事,呈報給世界總部工作人員,以便編入REConnections和其他適當的出版品,例如英文扶輪月刊、扶輪世界和全球扶輪社活動報導。關於基金會前受獎人資源小組協調人的詳細資料,請參考公式名錄。

18 根除小兒麻痺疾病 1 億美金的挑戰

19 Progress in Polio Eradication

20 Polio Cases 2006 2007 1,997 Non Endemic Pakistan Afghanistan India
1278* Nigeria 2006 2007 *As of 5 Feb 2008

21 扶輪社支持 根除小兒痲痺等疾病計畫 各扶輪社以國際社區服務計畫項目,在今後的三年內,為此“扶輪1億美元的挑戰”,編列每年募款至少1000美元的捐款目標,並將此項捐款列為社與地區的工作目標。 鼓勵社員個人捐獻,此項指定捐款可以列入保羅哈里斯之友(PHF)表彰。

22 DRFC Chair Three-year term Rationale Direct leadership of Governor
Multiple three-year terms possible Removal for cause – prior approval required Governors served participate in selection Rationale Continuity Stewardship Success Highlight – DRFC Chair works under direct leadership of DG. Governors to be served must participate in selection Signature for use of DDF to represent decisions of DRFC Committee Multiple three-year terms possible Highlight Rationale – note DRFC and DG are not positions of power but positions of Responsibility Stewardship (difficult to track history in the past) Continuity Better performance when looking at big picture – historically districts are more successful Overview of the District Structure This is the standard district structure as found in the TRF Code of Policy Copy of this section of the code is in your handout binder Removal for cause is not simple. The Chairman does not take this matter lightly. Please be sure to suggest seeking alternatives – resignation of DRFC chair is one.

23 DRFC chair Policy Changes
DG and DRFCC signature for use of DDF effective 1 July 2008 DRFCC appointment requiring DGs signatures Merging districts will select a new DRFCC Split districts retain the DRFCC in the district of the DRFC chair’s club. DGs will be required to sign for the use of DDF along with the DRFC chair. DRFC chair appointments will require the signature of the DGs whom the DRFC chair will serve (if selected). This form will be distributed at GETS The form can be found in your handout binder and is currently available. If a resignation occurs, the DG will be sent this form. Districts that merge into one district, will have the opportunity to choose a new DRFC chair. It is recommended that the DRFC chairs from the old districts serve on the DRFC for continuity purposes. The DRFC chair will remain DRFC chair in a district that splits in two, and will move to the district which the DRFC chair’s club moves to.

24 Current Permanent Fund Values
575.9 219.6 Net Assets (as of 30 June 2007) = $219.6 million Expectancies (as of 30 June 2007) = $356.3 million Expectancies have more than doubled since 30 June 2000 from $123.4 million to $356.3 million on 30 June 2007. Total of Net Assets and Expectancies (as of 30 June 2007) = $575.9 million Early in the Rotary year, combined assets and expectancies surpassed the $500 million mark. The next goal is $1 billion by 2025.

25 Major Gifts by Country 2006-07
Gifts from Number Amount United States 278 $ 8,000,000 India 65 $ 2,500,000 Taiwan 45 $ ,000 Korea 40 $ ,000 Japan 36 $ ,000 Other 94 $ 4,300,000 Total 558 $ 17,000,000 Question: What may account for the larger number of major gifts coming from US donors? Possible answers: the culture of charitable giving in the US; tax incentives; role of government vs. charity in different cultures; the Permanent Fund Initiative was started in the US. USA: 47.1% of total dollar amount India: 14.7% of total dollar amount Taiwan: 4.1% of total dollar amount Korea: 5.3% of total dollar amount Japan: 3.5% of total dollar amount Other: 2% of total dollar amount Note: This report is based on donor records and includes contributions such as the sponsor portion of Matching Grant contributions that are not recognized on the financial statements as required by U.S. accounting standards. The present value of major gifts is used for this chart. Note: For the purpose of readability, gift amounts have been rounded to the nearest $100,000.

26 Major Gifts by Fund 2006-07 Gift to Number Amount Permanent Fund 225
$ 8,900,000 Annual Programs Fund 247 $ 4,400,000 Matching Grants 31 $ 900,000 PolioPlus 23 $ 800,000 Other 32 $ 2,000,000 Total 558 $ 17,000,000 Last year TRF received a total of 558 major gifts. Donors designated these major gifts to be used for many different purposes based on their preferences and goals. Note: The “Other” category includes donors who made a gift but asked that it be used for multiple purposes (e.g. split between PF and APF) Note: This report is based on donor records and includes contributions such as the sponsor portion of Matching Grant contributions that are not recognized on the financial statements as required by U.S. accounting standards. The present value of major gifts us used for this chart. Note: “PolioPlus” includes Major Gifts to PolioPlus and PolioPlus Partners Note: For the purpose of readability, gift amounts have been rounded to the nearest $100,000.

27 Zone 4B RRFC Goals for 2008-09 Gift to Number Amount Permanent Fund
$ 350,000 Annual Programs Fund $ 2,200,000 Per capita Giving Goal $ 125 PolioPlus $ 450,000 Major Gifts Goal 50 $ 500,000 Total $ 3,500,000 Last year TRF received a total of 558 major gifts. Donors designated these major gifts to be used for many different purposes based on their preferences and goals. Note: The “Other” category includes donors who made a gift but asked that it be used for multiple purposes (e.g. split between PF and APF) Note: This report is based on donor records and includes contributions such as the sponsor portion of Matching Grant contributions that are not recognized on the financial statements as required by U.S. accounting standards. The present value of major gifts us used for this chart. Note: “PolioPlus” includes Major Gifts to PolioPlus and PolioPlus Partners Note: For the purpose of readability, gift amounts have been rounded to the nearest $100,000.

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