Wrap up all the shattered dreams At the feet of Jesus lay them down 全交託給耶穌 Give Them All To Jesus (1) 你是否厭倦追尋那彩虹? Are you tired chasing pretty rainbow? 是否厭倦終日忙忙碌碌? Are you tired spinning round and round? 將你破碎的美夢都帶到 Wrap up all the shattered dreams of your life 救主耶穌基督的腳前 At the feet of Jesus lay them down 1 of 3
全交託,全交託 破碎的夢,受傷的心,不如意事 他必將你悲傷變為喜樂 全交託給耶穌 Give Them All To Jesus (Chorus) 全交託,全交託 Give them all, give them all Give them all to Jesus 破碎的夢,受傷的心,不如意事 Shattered dreams, wounded hearts and broken toys 他必將你悲傷變為喜樂 And He will turn your sorrow into joy 2 of 3
他從來沒說你只見陽光 也從來沒說不下雨 他只應許,一個歌頌的心靈 在一切所有的痛苦裡 全交託給耶穌 Give Them All To Jesus (2) 他從來沒說你只見陽光 He never said you only see sunshine 也從來沒說不下雨 He never said that there’ll be no rain 他只應許,一個歌頌的心靈 He only promised a heart full of singing 在一切所有的痛苦裡 At the very things that once brought pain 3 of 3