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Hubble 哈勃太空望遠鏡

這架望遠鏡能夠獲得更高的光學圖像的第0.1秒的弧。 The Hubble Space Telescope is a robotic telescope located on the outer edge of the atmosphere, in circular orbit around the Earth at 593 km above sea level, with an orbital period between 96 and 97 minutes at a speed 28,000 km / h. Named as a tribute to Edwin Hubble, was launched into orbit on 24 April 1990 as a joint project of NASA and ESA, thus inaugurating the Great Observatories program. Cylindrically shaped Hubble weighs 11 tons. Its length is 13.2 m and its maximum diameter is 4.2 meters. The telescope can obtain images with higher optical resolution 0.1 seconds of arc. 哈勃太空望遠鏡是一個機器人望遠鏡位於外大氣層,在環形軌道上圍繞地球五百九十三公里海拔,軌道間96和97分鐘,速度二點八萬公里/小時,命名埃德溫哈勃,1990年4月24日發射進入軌道作為一個聯合項目,美國航太局和歐空局,從而開創了大天文台計劃。圓柱狀哈勃重量11噸。其長度為13.2米,最大直徑為4.2米。 這架望遠鏡能夠獲得更高的光學圖像的第0.1秒的弧。

The International Space Station 國際航空站

View from inside the ship 從艙內鳥瞰地球

Hubble 哈勃太空望遠鏡

First we see the Galaxy Hat, also called M 104 in the Messier catalog, distance of about 28 million light-years it is considered the best photograph taken by Hubble. 首先,我們看到銀河系紅帽,也稱為M 104在梅西爾目錄,距離約為28萬光年它被認為是最好的照片由哈勃拍攝。

Now the famous nebula MZ3, called Formic, between 3000 and 6000 light years. 現在著名的星雲MZ3 ,所謂Forum之間, 3000和6000光年。

Third is the Eskimo Nebula NGC 2392 located 5000 light years. 第三次是2392年愛斯基摩星雲星系位於5000光年。 

Fourth, we can recognize the impressive Nebula Cat's Eye. 第四,我們能夠認識到的令人印象深刻的星雲貓眼石。

Fifth, here is the Hourglass Nebula located 8000 light years away, a beautiful nebula with a narrowing in its central part. 第五,這裡是沙漏星雲位於8000光年遠,有一個美麗的星雲縮小在其核心部分。

In sixth place we see the Cone Nebula, 2.5 light-years. 在第六,我們看到了錐形星雲, 2.5光年

Seventh, we find a fragment of the Swan Nebula, located at 5500 light years away, described as "a bubbling ocean of hydrogen with small amounts of oxygen, sulfur and other elements“ 第七,我們找到一個片段的天鵝星雲位於5500光年,被稱為“海洋的鼓泡少量氫與氧,硫和其他要素”

Eighth, a beautiful picture called "Starry Night“ 第八,一個美麗的圖片所謂的“星夜”

In ninth place, two swirling galaxies, the NGC 2207 and IC 2163 located 114 million light-years.

Tenth, we see a fragment of the Trifid Nebula, a stellar cradle to 9000 light-years. 第十,我們看到一個片段的三裂星雲的恆星搖籃到9000光年。

More pictures from Hubble 更多圖片來自哈勃太空望遠鏡

Voyager 1 旅行者1號

Current Status of Voyager 1 (102 A-U)

The dwarf planet 2003 UB 313 (Eris) 2003年的矮行星軍裝313 (厄里斯)

Comet Halley 哈雷慧星

M16: Eagle Nebula M16:天鷹座星雲

M57: Ring Nebula 環狀星雲

Nebula RCW 79 RCW 79星雲

NGC 2237: The Rosette Nebula 星系2237年:花環星雲

M42: Orion Nebula 獵戶座星雲

Proto-star 天王星

Milky Way (the red mark indicates our Sun) 銀河(紅色標誌表明我們的太陽)

Black hole 太空黑洞

NGC 4414 星系4414

Earth with clouds 地球與雲彩

Earth without clouds 地球沒有雲彩

The Earth with the moon rising 地球與月球上升

The Earth with the New Moon 地球與月球新月

The Earth with the Full Moon 地球和月球滿月

The Sun with the atmosphere 太陽與大氣層

Atmosphere without the sun 大氣層

Venus cloudless 金星碧空

Venus with clouds 金星的雲層

Mercury 水星


Phobos and Deimos in orbit around Mars 哈勃環繞火星的軌道

Jupiter 木星

The 8 closest satellites orbiting Jupiter 8 最接近木星衛星軌道

Saturn 土星

Satellites in orbit around Saturn 衛星在軌道上圍繞土星

Uranus 天王星

Satellites orbiting Uranus 天王星衛星軌道

Neptune 海王星

Satellites in orbit around Neptune 衛星在軌道上圍繞海王星

Nereid and Triton orbits Neptune Nereid和Triton海王星軌道

Pluto 冥王星

Charon orbiting Pluto 卡戎繞冥王星

The Milky Way 銀河系

The End