Microsoft SQL Server 2008 報表服務_設計 胡百敬( 精誠公司 恆逸資訊
設計基本報表 資料來源 基本物件 文字方塊 線條 矩形 影像 Tablix 圖表 量測軌 互動式報表
Richly Formatted Text 文字方塊可以混合不同的格式設計 透過 expression placeholder 可做到 Mail-merge 功能 段落 Numbered/bulleted lists 段落對齊 HTML 標籤為基礎的格式化 Word DOC 輸出
矩形(Rectangle) 裝飾報表 放置其他報表項目 透過「PageBreak」屬性,利用其「Start」、「End」或「StartAndEnd」屬性值,強制在報表中加入換頁效果
影像(Image) Reporting Services 的「影像」物件支援 .bmp、.jpeg、.gif 和 .png 四種圖檔格式,並且提供多種影像來源,包括: 內嵌在報表中(Embedded Image) 儲存於專案中(Project Image) 從資料庫讀取(Database Image) 使用URL連結(Web Image)
群組資料 群組(Group)類型 群組工作窗格(Group Task Pane) 詳細資料 –預設 Table 或 List 沒有群組的內容 資料列群組和資料欄群組 – 傳統的群組 Recursive hierarchy groups – 階層資料 群組工作窗格(Group Task Pane) 階層式地呈現列和行的群組 透過快捷選單加入相鄰的資料列或資料行群組 透過群組屬性對話窗來定義群組運算式、分頁、排序、可見性、篩選、變數、進階 The Group Task pane makes it easier to see which groups are used and how they are arranged. Additionally, this pane makes it easier to access the editor for each group.
量測軌 兩種類型的量測軌,分別是「星形」以及「線性」 用途 一般繫結到單一或少許的資料點(值、目標…等) 可用來呈現 KPIs 單獨呈現或內嵌到 tablix (bullet graph)
發揮圖表的功能 混合圖表 數列標籤屬性 圖例屬性 軸屬性 呈現各資料點的標籤 在圖表中開啟細節報表 多圖表區域 多圖例 二○一九年二月二十五日 混合圖表 數列標籤屬性 圖例屬性 軸屬性 啟用刻度斷層 呈現各資料點的標籤 在圖表中開啟細節報表 Drill through 多圖表區域 多圖例 © 2006 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Microsoft, Windows, Windows Vista and other product names are or may be registered trademarks and/or trademarks in the U.S. and/or other countries. The information herein is for informational purposes only and represents the current view of Microsoft Corporation as of the date of this presentation. Because Microsoft must respond to changing market conditions, it should not be interpreted to be a commitment on the part of Microsoft, and Microsoft cannot guarantee the accuracy of any information provided after the date of this presentation. MICROSOFT MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, AS TO THE INFORMATION IN THIS PRESENTATION.
互動式報表 參數化報表 文件地圖 書籤 下鑽 內嵌報表 運算式(全域變數、自訂程式碼、自訂組件)
彙總函數 預設提供多種彙總函數,如 Sum、Count、Avg…等 以累加函數(RunningValue)為例,處理累積計算,包括累加、移動平均等,其語法: Scope :欲進行彙總的資料範圍,其使用方法如下: Scope 可以指定資料集名稱、群組名稱或是資料區域名稱 輸入「Nothing」:整個資料集,前後不需加雙引號 如果該報表僅有一個資料集,可以將「Nothing」省略,但是如果該報表出現一個以上的資料集,則須定義 Scope。 填入資料集名稱,前後加上雙引號 RunningValue(運算式, 彙總函數, Scope)
應用程式整合報表 URL Report Viewer 控制項 Web Service SharePoint Services
自訂組件 利用 .NET 語言撰寫並編譯成dll,就可以跨報表引用 DLL 建置後,將此DLL檔複製到以下兩個目錄 <報表伺服器> C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSRS10….\Reporting Services\ReportServer\bin <報表設計師> C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\Common7\IDE\ PrivateAssemblies 呼叫 Instance 物件,Expression 需要以 Code.Instance.Function 格式呼叫 需要考慮安全設定 如果沒有Signed過,反而不需要這些設定 By default, custom assembly code runs with the limited Execution permission set. In some cases, you may wish to implement a custom assembly that makes secured calls to protected resources within your security system (such as a file or the registry). In order to accomplish this, you must do the following: Identify the exact permissions that your code needs in order to make the secured call. If this method is part of a Microsoft .NET Framework library, this information should be included in the method documentation. Modify the report server policy configuration files in order to grant the custom assembly the required permissions. For more information about the security policy configuration files, see Using Reporting Services Security Policy Files. Assert the required permissions as part of the method in which the secure call is made. This is required because the custom assembly code that is called by the report server is part of the report expression host assembly, which runs with Execution permission by default. The Execution permission set enables code to run, but not to use protected resources. Mark the custom assembly with AllowPartiallyTrustedCallersAttribute if it is signed with a strong name. This is required because custom assemblies are called from a report expression that is part of the report expression host assembly, which, by default, is not granted FullTrust; thus it is a "partially trusted" caller. For more information, see Using Strong-Named Custom Assemblies.
綜合示範 存取 Analysis Services 使用者選擇呈現不同的圖表 監控報表執行