(1) O Jesus, Jesus, Dearest Lord 耶穌 耶穌, 我的性命


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Presentation transcript:

(1) O Jesus, Jesus, Dearest Lord 耶穌 耶穌, 我的性命 新歌 New Song # 74 O Jesus, Jesus, dearest Lord! Forgive me if I say, 耶穌, 耶穌, 我的性命,因為愛的緣故, For very love, Thy sacred Name, A thousand times a day. 求原諒我, 將你聖名日念千遍不住. O Jesus, Lord, with me abide; I rest in Thee, whate’er betide; 耶穌, 耶穌, 最愛救主, 無人無物與你比擬; Thy gracious smile is my reward; I love, I love Thee, Lord! 你的笑容是我歡喜, 我愛, 愛你, 你, 主 (1) O Jesus, Jesus, Dearest Lord 耶穌 耶穌, 我的性命

(2) O Jesus, Jesus, Dearest Lord 耶穌,耶穌,我的性命 I love Thee so I know not how, My transports to control; 我心愛你, 不知如何約束我的奇樂; Thy love is like a burning fire, Within my very soul. 你愛有如一團熱火, 使我心中火熱. O Jesus, Lord, with me abide; I rest in Thee, whate’er betide; 耶穌, 耶穌, 最愛救主, 無人無物與你比擬; Thy gracious smile is my reward; I love, I love Thee, Lord! 你的笑容是我歡喜, 我愛,愛你, 你, 主. (2) O Jesus, Jesus, Dearest Lord 耶穌,耶穌,我的性命

(3) O Jesus, Jesus, Dearest Lord 耶穌,耶穌,我的性命 For Thou to me art all in all; My honor and my wealth, 因你是我一切, 一切, 我的倚靠、食糧 My heart’s desire, my body’s strength, My soul’s eternal health. 我心羨慕, 我身醫藥, 我魂永遠力量. O Jesus, Lord, with me abide; I rest in Thee, whate’er betide; 耶穌, 耶穌, 最愛救主, 無人無物與你比擬; Thy gracious smile is my reward; I love, I love Thee, Lord! 你的笑容是我歡喜, 我愛, 愛你, 你, 主. (3) O Jesus, Jesus, Dearest Lord 耶穌,耶穌,我的性命

(4) O Jesus, Jesus, Dearest Lord 耶穌,耶穌,我的性命 Burn, burn, O love, within my heart! Burn fiercely night and day, 燒,燒,哦愛, 在我心懷, 日夜厲害的燒! Till all the dross of earthly loves, Is burned and burned away. 直至所有其他的愛, 燒到無處可找. O Jesus, Lord, with me abide; I rest in Thee, whate’er betide; 耶穌, 耶穌, 最愛救主, 無人無物與你比擬; Thy gracious smile is my reward; I love, I love Thee, Lord! 你的笑容是我歡喜, 我愛, 愛你, 你, 主. (4) O Jesus, Jesus, Dearest Lord 耶穌,耶穌,我的性命

(5) O Jesus, Jesus, Dearest Lord 耶穌,耶穌,我的性命 O light in darkness, joy in grief, O heav’n begun on earth, 暗中之光, 憂中之樂, 天在地上開始; Jesus my love, my treasure, who can tell what Thou art worth? 耶穌, 你是我愛、我歌, 有誰知你價值! O Jesus, Lord, with me abide; I rest in Thee, whate’er betide; 耶穌, 耶穌, 最愛救主, 無人無物與你比擬; Thy gracious smile is my reward; I love, I love Thee, Lord! 你的笑容是我歡喜, 我愛, 愛你, 你, 主. (5) O Jesus, Jesus, Dearest Lord 耶穌,耶穌,我的性命

(6) O Jesus, Jesus, Dearest Lord 耶穌,耶穌,我的性命 What limit is there to this love? Thy flight, where will Thou stay? 這愛將受甚麼限制? 要到哪裏停止? On, on! Our Lord is sweeter far, Today than yesterday. 進, 進, 我主, 甘甜價值, 今日遠勝昨日. O Jesus, Lord, with me abide; I rest in Thee, whate’er betide; 耶穌, 耶穌, 最愛救主, 無人無物與你比擬; Thy gracious smile is my reward; I love, I love Thee, Lord! 你的笑容是我歡喜, 我愛, 愛你, 你, 主. (6) O Jesus, Jesus, Dearest Lord 耶穌,耶穌,我的性命