Abel: Worship in Faith 亞伯: 信心的敬拜


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Presentation transcript:

Abel: Worship in Faith 亞伯: 信心的敬拜 來 Heb 11:4 創 Gen 4:1-12

Faith Described. 信心的描述 (來 Heb 11:1-2) 1Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen. 2For by it the men of old gained approval. (NASB) 1信就是所望之事的實底,是未見之事的確據‧2古人在這信上得了美好的證據‧

Warren Wiersbe Description of Faith 信心的描述 True Bible faith is confident obedience to God’s Word in spite of circumstances and consequences. 聖經的信心乃是:”有把握地順從神的話…不管環境和後果如何.”

Contents of Faith 信心的內容 來 Heb 11:6 And without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is and that He is a rewarder of those who seek Him. (NASB) 人非有信就不能得神的喜悅‧因為到神面前來的人,必須信有神 (祂就是),且信他賞賜那尋求他的人‧

Gen 4:1-12 創世記 4:1-12

I. Cain and Abel compared 該隱与亞伯的異同 創 Gen 4:1-2 1 Now the man had relations with his wife Eve, and she conceived and gave birth to Cain, and she said, “I have gotten a manchild with the help of the Lord.” 2 Again, she gave birth to his brother Abel. And Abel was a keeper of flocks, but Cain was a tiller of the ground. 1有一日,那人和他妻子夏娃同房‧夏娃就懷孕,生了該隱﹝就是得的意思﹞,便說,耶和華使我得了一個男子‧2又生了該隱的兄弟亞伯‧亞伯是牧羊的,該隱是種地的‧

II. God’s redemption plan 神的救贖計劃 Sin (罪) Death (死) God’s mercy & forgiveness (神的憐恤) Faith in God’s salvation (信心) Obedience (順服) Sin offering (blood sacrifice) (流血贖罪祭)

Faith Worship Expressed via Godly Sacrifices. 信心的敬拜藉合神心意的献祭來表達. Sacrifice (sin offering) is part of worship. 献祭是敬拜的表達. True worship in faith: Obedience to God’s word. 真正信心的敬拜: 聽從主話.

III. Sacrifices offered by Cain and Abel 該隱与亞伯所献的祭 (來 Heb 11:4; 創 Gen 4:3-4) 3 So it came about in the course of time that Cain brought an offering to the Lord of the fruit of the ground. 4 Abel, on his part also brought of the firstlings of his flock and of their fat portions. And the Lord had regard for Abel and for his offering; 5 but for Cain and for his offering He had no regard. So Cain became very angry and his countenance fell. (Gen 4:3-4) 3有一日,該隱拿地裡的出產為供物獻給耶和華‧4亞伯也將他羊群中頭生的和羊的脂油獻上‧耶和華看中了亞伯和他的供物,5只是看不中該隱和他的供物‧該隱就大大的發怒,變了臉色‧

IV. Abel offered a true sacrifice acceptable to God IV. Abel offered a true sacrifice acceptable to God. 亞伯献上神所悅納的祭 來 Heb 11:4a; 創 Gen 4:4 Abel, on his part also brought of the firstlings of his flock and of their fat portions. And the Lord had regard for Abel and for his offering. (創 Gen 4:4) 亞伯也將他羊群中頭生的和羊的脂油獻上‧耶和華看中了亞伯和他的供物. By faith Abel offered to God a better sacrifice than Cain. (來 Heb 11:4a) 亞伯因著信獻祭與神,比該隱所獻的更美.

V. Abel obtained righteousness. 神称亞伯為義人. 來 Heb 11:4b By faith he was commended as a righteous man, when God spoke well of his offerings. 因此便得了稱義的見證,就是神指他禮物作的見證‧

VI. Abel still speaks from the dead. 亞伯死後仍对我们說話 來 Heb 11:4c “And by faith he still speaks, even though he is dead.” (Heb 11:4c) 他雖然死了,卻因這信仍舊說話‧ Abel was the first martyr for faith. 亞伯成為第一位殉道者

What God does not want as sacrifices 神所不喜悅的祭 Personal pride (創 Gen 4:3; 來 Heb 11:4) 個人成就 Empty religious rituals (賽 Isa 1:11-15) 空洞的宗教儀式 Fat animals (撒上 1 Sam 15:22) 肥牛羊 Lip services (太 Matt 15:7-9) 舌頭的空話 Human wisdom (太 Matt 15:7-9) 人空洞的智慧

太 Matthew 15:7–9 (NIV) 7 You hypocrites! Isaiah was right when he prophesied about you: 8 “ ‘These people honor me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me. 9 They worship me in vain; their teachings are but rules taught by men.’” 7假冒為善的人哪,以賽亞指著你們說的預言,是不錯的‧他說,8『這百姓用嘴唇尊敬我,心卻遠離我‧9他們將人的吩咐,當作道理教導人,所以拜我也是枉然‧』

撒上 1 Samuel 15:22 (NIV) 撒母耳說,耶和華喜悅燔祭和平安祭,豈如喜悅人聽從他的話呢‧聽命勝於獻祭‧順從勝於公羊的脂油‧ 22 But Samuel replied: “Does the LORD delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices as much as in obeying the voice of the LORD? To obey is better than sacrifice, and to heed is better than the fat of rams. 撒母耳說,耶和華喜悅燔祭和平安祭,豈如喜悅人聽從他的話呢‧聽命勝於獻祭‧順從勝於公羊的脂油‧

賽 Isaiah 1:13–15 (NIV) 13 Stop bringing meaningless offerings! Your incense is detestable to me. New Moons, Sabbaths and convocations— I cannot bear your evil assemblies. 14 Your New Moon festivals and your appointed feasts my soul hates. They have become a burden to me; I am weary of bearing them. 15 When you spread out your hands in prayer, I will hide my eyes from you; even if you offer many prayers, I will not listen. Your hands are full of blood; 13你們不要再獻虛浮的供物‧香品是我所憎惡的‧月朔,和安息日,並宣召的大會,也是我所憎惡的‧作罪孽,又守嚴肅會,我也不能容忍‧14你們的月朔,和節期,我心裡恨惡,我都以為麻煩‧我擔當,便不耐煩‧15你們舉手禱告,我必遮眼不看‧就是你們多多的祈禱,我也不聽‧你們的手都滿了殺人的血‧

True Sacrifices of God (in Faith) 神所喜悅的祭 A broken spirit (詩 Psa 51:17a) 憂傷的灵 A broken and contrite heart (詩 Psa 51:17b) 憂傷痛悔的心 Obedience to God (撒上 1Sam 15:22; 約 John 8:31; 14:21) 听從主話/順服 Body as a living sacrifice (罗 Rom 12:1) 身体献上当作活祭 A pattern of godly lifestyle (彌迦 Micah 6:8; 賽 Isa 1:16-17; 太 Matt 5:1-12) 敬虔的生活型式

撒上 1 Samuel 15:22 (NIV) 撒母耳說,耶和華喜悅燔祭和平安祭,豈如喜悅人聽從他的話呢‧聽命勝於獻祭‧順從勝於公羊的脂油‧ 22 But Samuel replied: “Does the LORD delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices as much as in obeying the voice of the LORD? To obey is better than sacrifice, and to heed is better than the fat of rams. 撒母耳說,耶和華喜悅燔祭和平安祭,豈如喜悅人聽從他的話呢‧聽命勝於獻祭‧順從勝於公羊的脂油‧

約 John 14:21 (NIV) 有了我的命令又遵守的,這人就是愛我的‧愛我的必蒙我父愛他,我也要愛他,並且要向他顯現‧ Whoever has my commands and obeys them, he is the one who loves me. He who loves me will be loved by my Father, and I too will love him and show myself to him.” 有了我的命令又遵守的,這人就是愛我的‧愛我的必蒙我父愛他,我也要愛他,並且要向他顯現‧

詩 Psalm 51:16-17 (NIV) 16 You do not delight in sacrifice, or I would bring it; you do not take pleasure in burnt offerings. 17 The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit; a broken and contrite heart, O God, you will not despise. 16 你本不喜愛祭物‧若喜愛,我就獻上‧燔祭你也不喜悅‧17 神所要的祭,就是憂傷的靈‧神阿,憂傷痛悔的心,你必不輕看‧

彌迦 Micah 6:8 (NASB) 世人哪,耶和華已指示你何為善‧他向你所要的是什麼呢‧只要你行公義,好憐憫,存謙卑的心,與你的神同行‧ 8 He has told you, O man, what is good; And what does the LORD require of you But to do justice, to love kindness, And to walk humbly with your God? 世人哪,耶和華已指示你何為善‧他向你所要的是什麼呢‧只要你行公義,好憐憫,存謙卑的心,與你的神同行‧

賽 Isaiah 1:16–17 (NIV) 16 wash and make yourselves clean. Take your evil deeds out of my sight! Stop doing wrong, 17 learn to do right! Seek justice, encourage the oppressed. Defend the cause of the fatherless, plead the case of the widow. 16你們要洗濯,自潔‧從我眼前除掉你們的惡行‧要止住作惡,17學習行善‧尋求公平,解救受欺壓的,給孤兒伸冤,為寡婦辨屈‧

罗 Romans 12:1 (NIV) 1 Therefore, I urge you, brothers, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God—this is your spiritual act of worship. 所以弟兄們,我以神的慈悲勸你們,將身體獻上,當作活祭,是聖潔的,是神所喜悅的‧你們如此事奉,乃是理所當然的‧

希伯來 Heb 11:4 By faith Abel offered to God a better sacrifice than Cain, through which he obtained the testimony that he was righteous, God testifying about his gifts, and through faith, though he is dead, he still speaks. (NASB) 亞伯因著信獻祭與神,比該隱所獻的更美,因此便得了稱義的見證,就是神指他禮物作的見證‧他雖然死了,卻因這信仍舊說話‧ 

VII. Personal Response 個人回應