大學生涯-I Supporting Academic Success-I


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Presentation transcript:

大學生涯-I Supporting Academic Success-I 107-2 義守大學春季外國新生入學説明會 2019 Spring Semester International Student Orientation 國際及兩岸事務處 Office of International and Cross-Strait Affairs

Welcome to ISU !!

國際移動力 Office of International and Cross-Strait Affairs By Ella Tseng

Exchange Program 海外研修計劃

海外研修計畫 Exchange Program 一學期/一學年 One Semester/One Academic Year 三方交換計畫 Trilateral program 研修+實習Study Abroad & Internship Program

交換生甄選 Selection of Exchange Students 申請條件Applicant Qualifications : 具有本校學籍之大學部及研究所在學學生 Continuing students of undergraduate or graduate degree. 外語能力須符合交換學校之規定;如交換學校未有外語能力規定,則須符合各系英 語能力畢業資格檢定標準。 Fulfillment to the requirement of language proficiency from host institution or your department 前一學期學業成績全班前60%,且操行成績達85分以上,且無懲處記錄者。 Academic Score: Top 60% in class of previous semester Moral Score: over 85 without punishment record

DUAL Degree Program 海外雙學位計劃 UK · USA

雙學位資格一覽表 Dual Degree Program 國家 姊妹校 計畫 學系 學位 英國 諾丁漢特倫特大學 Nottingham Trent University 3+1 國際企業管理學系 International Business Administration 國際財務金融學系 International Finance 雙學士 3+1+1+1 雙學士+NTU碩士 香港 香港理工大學 Hong Kong Polytechnic University 4+1 觀餐相關學系 Tourism & Hospitality related department ISU 學士 PolyU 碩士 1+1 商管相關學系 Business Management related 雙碩士 美國 奧克拉荷馬州立大學 Oklahoma State University 2+2 國際觀光餐旅學系 International Tourism & Hospitality 泰國 泰國國立發展管理學院 National Institute of Development Administration 國際企業管理碩士班 IMBA 日本 帝京大學 Teikyo University 經濟學院(地域經濟學系除外) College of Economic (except of department of regional economics) 法學院 College of Law 文學院 (心理學系除外) College of Liberal Art (except of department of psychology) 教育學院(初等教育學科除外) College of Education (except of elementary education) 韓國 又松大學 SolBridge University 國際企業管理學系/碩士班 International (Master) Business Administration 中國 四川大學 Sichuan University 不限 Unlimited eg. 國際經濟貿易學系 International economic and trade 工業工程學系 Industrial Engineering 3+2 SCU碩士 4+2 ISU學士

INTERNSHIP Program 海外實習位計劃 UK · USA

獎助學金 Scholarship

義守大學外國學生獎助學金 1/ 5 ISU Scholarship for International Student 獎助學金獎勵補助對象及金額 外國學生新生: 核予金額為新臺幣四 至十七萬五千元,分二學期核發。 外國學生在學生: 核予金額為一至七 萬二千五百元,並逐學期發放。 Scholarship types and amounts New International Students: The scholarship amount is TWD 40,000~175,000 per person. The scholarship will be divided by two and awarded in two semesters . Continuing International Students: The scholarship amount is TWD 10,000~72,500 per person. The scholarship will be awarded in the semester of approval.

義守大學外國學生獎助學金 2/ 5 ISU Scholarship for International Student 獲本校核發外國學生獎助學金者,本 校將以獎助學金抵減團體保險費、健 康保險費、學雜費等應繳費用,並採 取多退少補方式。 例: 獎助學金新台幣60,000元 團保費新台幣3,000元 學雜費新台幣57,421元 須補繳新台幣421元 OICA will help the scholarship recipients to conduct the exemption from the tuition and insurance fees. If the amount of the scholarship is less than the total fees payable to the University, the scholarship recipients shall pay for the difference. However, the remaining scholarship will be returned to the recipients if the amount of the scholarship exceeds the total fees payable to the University. For example: Scholarship: TWD 60,000 Group Insurance Fee: TWD 3,000 Tuition and Other Required Fee: TWD 57,421 Then, you have to pay for TWDNTD 421

義守大學外國學生獎助學金 3/ 5 ISU Scholarship for International Student 受獎助新生第一年若因特殊原因,不 入住學校宿舍,不得要求給予前條以 本獎助學金抵減宿舍費之獎助金額。 受核定獎助之學生因無不可抗拒之因 素當學期前九週缺席率達百分之三十, 或有小過以上懲處紀錄者,取消並追 回其當學期及之後已核定之獎助學金, 學生需繳清本獎助學金補助之費用, 以維持其學籍。 If a new student who is a scholarship recipient will not live on campus during the first year of study for special reasons, he/she shall not request the University to give him/her the scholarship amount used to offset dormitory fees as referred to in the preceding article. A scholarship recipients shall not receive the scholarship if his/her absence rate reach 30% for the first nine weeks of the current semester without compelling reasons, or has a record of minor demerits or even severer punishment; to maintain his/her status as a student of the University, such a student must pay up the tuition, other required fees.

義守大學外國學生獎助學金 4/ 5 ISU Scholarship for International Student 申請本獎助學金時間、申請條件、審查 項目 申請時間: 自第三學期起,於每年六 月第一週及十二月最後一週。 申請條件: 前一學期班級排名為前百 分之四十者、操行成績需達八十五分 以上,且無小過以上懲處紀錄。 Scholarship application periods and requirements: Application periods: The first week in June & the last week in December every year, from the 3rd semester on. Application requirements: The student who has been ranked among the top 40% in his/her class in terms of the average semester grade in the previous semester. Having received a personal conduct score of 85 or higher, and having no record of minor demerits or even severer punishment in the previous semester.

義守大學外國學生獎助學金 5/ 5 ISU Scholarship for International Student 審查項目 前一學期成績 academic performance 服務學習 service learning 海外志工 overseas volunteer 競賽得獎證明 competition award 社團幹部參與 student activity 義守大學外國學生獎助學金設置辦法: http://www2.isu.edu.tw/upload/29100/獎助學金Celia/q守大學外國學生獎助 學金設置辦法(107年1月31日核定).pdf Regulations for International Student Scholarship at I-Shou University: http://www2.isu.edu.tw/upload/356/InternationalStudent%20Scholarship. pdf

其他獎助學金 Other Scholarships 高雄市國際學生獎學金 Kaohsiung International Student Scholarship 獎助學金相關訊息可上課外活動組網頁查詢 More information about scholarships can be found at: http://www.isu.edu.tw/interface/dept/04/5 (student activity section).

服務教育 Service Education

服務教育課程 Service Education 必修零學分,修習一學年,每學期須 完成3個單元始能完成本課程。 基礎認知單元 服務學習施作單元 反思及回饋單元 All of the new students must take the service education courses in the first year when they study at ISU. Although students can’t get any credits from the courses, students still have to take the required courses before graduating from the university. Service education course is composed of 3 parts, including lectures, daily studying and living environment maintenance, public service participation organized by on/off campus units, and, lastly, online feedback of service conduction.

服務教育課程 Service Education 基礎認知單元:聽取12小時講座, 則可完成本單元。 服務學習施作單元:學生須完成16 小時校內外公共服務,但不包含個人 學術研究活動;其中服務時數至少8 小時須參與本校行政單位所辦理之校 內外公眾服務(學生須在施作的三個 工作天前先至服教組申請,未事先申 請者不予承認時數)。 反思及回饋單元:在完成前兩個單元 後,須至應用系統撰寫服務學習心得, 且填寫服務學習回饋單方能完成本單 元。 Unit I: 12 hours lecture organized by Service education section Unit II: 16 hours public service participation on/off campus; 8 among them must be services organized by ISU admin. Units. Unit III: Online feedback and questionnaire on service education conduction.

請假規定 Leave of Absence Notice

服務教育課程 Service Education 病假、事假、喪假…等一般假別,一 律至應用資訊系統提出電子請假申請。 集會假(系/院週會、學務活動)、考 試假(期末考週請假)採紙本請假方式 請假。 應主動提醒師長至系統審核假單, 可縮短核假速度,並檢視證明文件是 否符合規定,避免被師長退件。 Students who intend to take sick leave, personal leave, bereavement leave, postnatal leave, prenatal leave or miscarriage leave should fill out and submit a leave application on the Information System with supporting documents. Students who intend to take leave of absence from assembly (departmental/college assemblies or student activities) or final exam should apply with a leave record card, which is sold at the convenient store on campus. The procedure for applying for leave of absence is not completed until the card is approved by the responsible faculty members and submitted to the Student Campus Life Guidance Section/Division of Continuing Education.

服務教育課程 Service Education 病假、事假、喪假…等一般假別,一 律至應用資訊系統提出電子請假申請。 集會假(系/院週會、學務活動)、考 試假(期末考週請假)採紙本請假方式 請假。 應主動提醒師長至系統審核假單, 可縮短核假速度,並檢視證明文件是 否符合規定,避免被師長退件。 Students who are absent from a course on personal or health grounds for one-third of the total class hours or more during a semester shall apply for suspension of schooling. Please refer to the following websites for more detailed information. http://www2.isu.edu.tw/2018/showpage_ v01.php?dept_mno=605&dept_id=4&pa ge_id=28096

華語文中心 Chinese Language Center

Chinese Language Center 華語文中心 IC Building 1F

Chinese Language Center Staff 組員 蔡幸嬬 (Joanne Tsai) shingjui@isu.edu.tw Director 主任 黃寶珊(Pao-Shan Huang) paoshan@isu.edu.tw Staff 組員 周佳盈 (Joann Chiew) jiaying95@isu.edu.tw IC Building 1F

Chinese Courses Undergraduate 大學部 Postgraduate 研究所 Required Elective 必修 Elective 選修 Optional 選擇性的 Non-IC Students : two semesters 1. Chinese Literature and Thought Ⅰ 華語文學與思想(一) 2. Chinese Literature and Thought Ⅱ 華語文學與思想(二) General Education-Elective Courses 1. Basic Chinese Ⅰ/Ⅱ 初級華語(一)/(二) 2. Intermediate Chinese Ⅰ/Ⅱ 中級華語(一)/(二) 3. Advance Chinese Ⅰ/Ⅱ 進階華語(一)/(二) IC& International Program Students: One Semester Chinese Literature 華語文學

Required Chinese Courses 必修華語課 Chinese Literature 華語文學 Chinese Literature and Thought Ⅰ&Ⅱ 華語文學與思想 (一) (二) International College/ International Program Students 國際學院/ 全英學程 學生 College of Electrical and Information Engineering/ Science and Engineering/ Management/ Communication and Design/ Tourism and Hospitality/ Language Arts/ Medicine Students 電機資訊/ 理工/ 管理/ 傳播與設計/ 觀光餐旅/ 語文/醫學 學院學生 3 Credits 學分 This course assign by IC 國際學院安排 2 Credits 學分 This course assign by your COLLEAGE 你的學院安排 WEAK CHINESE 中文能力不足 2 Credits 學分 Register in CLC, rearrange this course for you 華語文中心重新安排 Wed. 10:20~12:10 Not allow: Hong Kong, Macao and Chinese students 不含港、澳、陸生

Elective Chinese Courses 選修華語課: Basic ChineseⅠ /Ⅱ ; Intermediate ChineseⅠ /Ⅱ;Advance Chinese Ⅰ/Ⅱ Wed. 10:20~12:10 International College/ International Program Students 國際學院/ 全英學程 學生 College of Electrical and Information Engineering/ Science and Engineering/ Management/ Communication and Design/ Tourism and Hospitality/ Language Arts/ Medicine 電機資訊/ 理工/ 管理/ 傳播與設計/ 觀光餐旅/ 語文/醫學 學院學生 A semester (2 credits) ∥ GE elective course: Second Language 通識課程2學分

Paid Chinese Courses 付費華語課 Seasonal Class 季班: 165 hrs. 小時; 26,000 NTD/ term Tutor 家教班: ≧ 12 hrs.;600 NTD /hour 5~10 People Class: ≧ 24 hrs.;150 NTD /hour Chinese & Culture Program 華語文化體驗營: ≧ 5 People;Customized

外語文中心 Foreign Language Center

外語文中心 Foreign Language Center 地點: 國際學院1F Location: International College 外語文中心功能 Function 辦理學生之英文檢定 English Proficiency Test 通識英文課程實施分級授課 General English Courses 情境教室英語學習 English Situated Classroom

外語文中心 Foreign Language Center 英語檢測 English Proficiency Test Please register on Foreign Language Center online. 測驗項目 Test 測驗日期 Date 地點 Place CSEPT 4/24(三) 10:00-12:00 校本部、醫學院 GEPT 5/5(日) 14:30-16:30 校本部 TOEIC 5/8(三) 10:30-13:00 TOEFL ITP

全校統一及格標準 Pass Standard 學生英語能力畢業資格檢定標準 The standard of passing the English Proficiency Examination 項次 英檢考試類別 英文名稱 全校統一及格標準 Pass Standard 1  全民英檢  GEPT  中級初試 2 托福外語能力測驗  TOEFL ITP/457 CBT/137 IBT/57 3  多益  TOEIC  550 4 國際英語語言測驗/ 雅思  IELTS  4 5  網路全民英檢  NETPAW  中級聽力與閱讀 6 大學校院英語能力 測驗  CSEPT  170+ 7  外語能力測驗  FLPT  150+ 8 劍橋大學英語能力 認證分級測驗  Cam. Main Suite PET 140-152 9 劍橋大學國際商務 英語能力測驗  BULATS Level 2 40-49 10  全球英檢  GET B1

劍橋大學國際商務英語 能力測驗 (BULATS) 申請免修大一通識英文必修課程標準 The standard of exemption from English Listening (I)(II) 英檢考試類別 大一上 大一下 全民英檢 (GEPT) 中級初試 中級複試 托福外語能力測驗 (TOEFL) ITP/500 CBT/173 iBT/61 ITP/525 CBT/196 iBT/71 多益測驗 (TOEIC) 600 650 國際英語語言測驗/雅思 (IELTS) 5 5.5 網路全民英檢 (NETPAW) 中級聽力與閱讀 中高級聽力與閱讀 大專校院英語能力測驗(CSEPT) 170+ 180+ 外語能力測驗 (FLPT) 150+ 劍橋大學英語能力認證分級測驗 PET 140-152 153-159 劍橋大學國際商務英語 能力測驗 (BULATS) Level 2 40-49 50-59 全球英檢 (GET) B1 B2

申請免修大一通識英文必修課程標準 The standard of exemption from English Listening (I)(II) 申請英文免修辦理時間,為每學期開學第一週舉辦一次,且須於大三前向語文學 院外語文中心提出申請。 107-2申請時間:2/18(一)~2/25(一) Applying for exemption from Basic/Advanced English Listening(I)(II) is scheduled on the first week of each semester and must be applied online and submitted to the Foreign Language Center. 107-2 application time: 2/18 (Mon) ~ 2/25 (Mon)

申請免修大一通識英文必修課程標準 The standard of exemption from English Listening (I)(II) 步驟一:資訊應用系統申請 步驟二:填寫並印出免修申請表 步驟三:備妥資料送至外語文中心辦理: 免修申請單 英檢成績單或證照正本及影本(影本由本中心留存) 課程加退選申請單 (外語文中心用印完後繳交至系所單位) Step 1: Apple online at Information system Step 2: Fill out the information and print out the exemption form Step 3: Summit the required document to Foreign language center: Exemption Form Submit a copy of English Proficiency Test transcript and bring an original one to Foreign Language Center. Application form of Changes in Selected Courses

通識英文課程實施分級授課 General English Courses 大一及大二通識英文分級分為初階班與進階班,大一通識英文之分級,以大一新 生入學學測或指考成績為依據;大二通識英文之分級,依照英文檢定成績分級, 英文能力達畢業資格檢定標準者為進階班。 English levels are divided into Basic and Advanced levels. English Listening (I) is based on the freshmen’s entrance examination. Practical English (I) is based on a result of English Proficiency Test. Passing the school English proficiency qualification will be labeled as advanced level.

英語情境教室 English Situated Classroom 地點:國際學院 5樓 Location: International College 5F

By 教學發展中心 梁董廷 2019

什麼是讀書會?What is Study Group? ! 讀書會是由多位同學組成的自主學習團體。 ! 課後群聚一堂自發性閱讀、學習,互相分享學習中領悟的觀點及面 臨的瓶頸,藉此獲得不同的想法,激盪出更多學習火花。 ! 藉由學習上互相勉勵督促,使同學可得出更多的想法,培養學生自 主學習的習慣。 ! Study group is a self-learning group consists of multiple students. ! Students study together after school time for reading, learning and sharing the experience and problems. ! Students can get more idea and have the habit of self-learning by encouraging each other.

我需要參加讀書會嗎?Do I need to participate a Study Group? ! 只要您有志同道合的學習同伴,即可成立(參加)讀書會。 ! 讀書會是彈性的運用課後時間辦理。 ! 想要有一起學習的夥伴?或需要同學督促自己嗎?,歡迎成立(參 加)讀書會。 ! You can set up(participate) a study group than you find the partner. ! Study group works after school time. ! Welcome to set up(participate) study group if you want to learn with classmates.

參加讀書會有什麼好處?What are the benefits to participate a study group? ! 為鼓勵同學互相學習,提高自主學習意願。藉由同學互相分享學習 觀點,促進同學獲得不同的概念,衍生出不一樣想法。 ! 參加讀書會一同討論課程學習進度、準備專業證照考試等等,期望 提升自身的課業成績或是相互鼓勵考取專業證照。 ! 學習有伴、相互扶持,與同學一同進步,增進同儕間的情誼。 ! The purpose of study group is to encourage each other and improve their willingness for self-learning. ! Discuss learning schedule, prepare the exam for professional certification, and improve academic performance. ! Join the study group you can improve relationship for classmate by study together.

讀書會主題 Topics 國家考試 實作成果 課程學習 能力檢定 national examinations implementation results 課程學習 university courses 能力檢定 skills tests

申請條件 Application Qualifications ! 6 位(含)以上本校學生 ! 推選 1 位擔任召集人 ! 邀請 1 位本校專任教師擔任指導老師 ! 讀書會名稱不得重複 ! Shall consist of at least six students of the University, one of whom is the convener. ! Shall also invite one full-time faculty member of the University to be the supervisor. ! Do not allowed to have the same name as another group. ! Each student is allowed to participate in up to two groups.

我需要做什麼?What should I do? Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 提 出 申 請 規 劃 活 動 實 際 執 行 成 果 報 告 Application Planning Conduct Report

提出申請 Submit Application ! 申請時程:即日起至 108 年 3 月 8 日(五) 17:00 止。 ! 申請方式:填寫申請表(線上),填妥後按「傳送」系統將會傳送申 請資料至所登錄之電子郵件信箱,請列印申請資料,並經指導老師 簽名後,繳交至教學發展中心(校本部行政大樓 3 樓),始完成申請 程序。 ! 申請網址:待公告 ! Application period: from now on to 5:00 p.m., March 8, 2019 (Fri.). ! Application method: By clicking the “Submit” button, a copy of the completed application form will be sent to the email address the group convener has specified. It is mandatory for all group conveners to print out the completed application form, have it signed by the supervisor, and submitted to the Faculty Professional Development Section of the Center for Teaching and Learning Development (on the 3th floor of the Administration Building). ! Online application: Awaiting Announcement

規劃活動 Actual Conduct ! 讀書會活動次數至少6次,每次1-3小時,總時數不得少於12小時。 ! 請指導老師實際參加2次以上活動。 ! 讀書會場地,以校內場地為限(如:教室、會議室、研討室、 PBL、實驗室等)。 ! Group members shall meet at least six times during the semester. Each meeting shall last 1 to 3 hours; total meeting hours are no less than 12 hours. ! Study Group Supervisors must attend at least two sessions. ! Group members shall meet in a classroom, conference room or laboratory on ISU campus.

實際執行 Event Planing ! 填寫活動紀錄(每次活動結束後3日內完成) 活動紀錄:召集人學習歷程檔案→課外活動→其他項 目。 ! 填寫活動紀錄(每次活動結束後3日內完成) 活動紀錄:召集人學習歷程檔案→課外活動→其他項 目。 ! Upload the activity report (within 3 days of each session) Activity experience: E-portfolio→ I-join→ other SCAN ME!!

實際執行 Event Planning ! 讀書會Facebook打卡交流(每次活動當下執行) 內容包含:讀書會名稱、次數、召集人姓名、日期、 時間、地點 ! Check in on Study Group Facebook (each activity) Detail: Study Group name, number of times, convener’s name, date, time, location. SCAN ME!! 進入讀書會FB→加入社團→待確認→成為社員 所有重要訊息皆會公告於『讀書會Facebook』 Study Group FB→join the group→approve→become a member All important information will be announced on 『Study Group Facebook』

成功報告 Results Report ! 成果回饋(108.06.28前繳交) 每次活動簽到單 !期末成果表(依各自主題繳交對應成果) 課程學習:前後測成績對照表格及評量方式佐證資料 專業能力證照或國家考試:檢定考試表,並檢附通過證明影本;若尚未考試請指導老師設計模擬考題進行測驗,繳交前後測成績對照表並附考題佐證,檢視進步成效。 實作成果:實作成果心得(每位成員一份,並附上實作成果照片) ! Results feedback (before June 28, 2019) The attendance sheet for 6 sessions at least. ! Any of the following forms(depending on which topic the group chose) university courses: Each member must submit the mid-term and final exam transcript. professional skills tests and national examinations: the certification of professional skills test/exam. implementation results: reading reports of group members.

成功報告 Results Report ! 召集人心得(108.06.28前繳交) 每次活動約100字心得,並於心得內附上活動照片。 先行撰寫於心得表 格中,轉檔為PDF格式上傳至E- portfolio。 ! Convener’s experience(before June 28, 2019) About 100 words for each time, and attach a photo of the event. written in the report first, and transfer for pdf and upload to E-portfolio. SCAN ME!! 表格於教發中心讀書會頁面下載 CTLD web can download the session

期末分享交流會 Final results Presentation exchange ! 於期末辦理成果分享交流會 ! 辦理時間將另行以E-mail通知 ! 獲得經費補助之讀書會請務必參與,未獲得補助之讀書會則採自由 參與。 ! Final seminar among groups will be notified. ! The study group that receives the subsidy must attend seminar, and the study group that has not received the subsidy is free to participate.

優良讀書會 Outstanding Student Study Groups ! 甄選資格 人數6位(含)以上,且有1位指導老師(實際參與至少2次(含)以上)。 每學期活動次數至少6次,總時數至少12小時。 於規定期限內繳交紙本成果報告資料。 成員平均出席率須達60%以上。 ! 提供獎勵予以優良讀書會,以茲鼓勵 獲得補助:共十組; 未獲得補助: 共五組 ! Qualifications Maintain at least six members and one supervisor(supervisor has attended at least two sessions). Have met at least six times and the total session hours reach 12 hours. Submit the report of the results before the deadline. The average attendance rate of group members reaches 60%. ! Provide rewards to outstanding study group Subsidized: ten groups in total. Not subsidized: five groups in total.

重要時程 Important Dates ! 本(107)學年度第二學期讀書會活動時間 申請成功後到108 年 6 月 06 日(四)結束 ! 本(107)學年度第二學期讀書會資料繳交期限 開始實施後陸續繳交至 108 年 6 月 28 日(五)截止 還在等什麼?就是現在!加入吧! ! Study Group’s period for 2nd Semester of Academic Year 2018 From March 8th, 2019 to June 6th, 2019 ! Submit the report of the results Deadline is June 28th, 2019 What are you waiting for? Just do it! Join us!

承辦人聯絡資訊 Contact Person 教學發展中心(Center for Teaching and Learning Development) 梁董廷(LIANG TUNG TING) 07-6577711#2144 ting622@isu.edu.tw

Thank you for listening