Poverty Reduction through 4P 构建PPP伙伴关系实现减贫


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Presentation transcript:

Poverty Reduction through 4P 构建PPP伙伴关系实现减贫 FAD Experiences 构建PPP伙伴关系实现减贫 来自IFAD的做法 Sun Yinhong, IFAD China Office 孙印洪 农发基金中国办公室 Beijing, 23 May 2018 Disclaimer: The views expressed in this document are those of the author, and do not necessarily reflect the views and policies of the Asian Development Bank (ADB), its Board of Directors, or the governments they represent. ADB does not guarantee the accuracy of the data included in this document, and accept no responsibility for any consequence of their use. By making any designation or reference to a particular territory or geographical area, or by using the term “country” in this document, ADB does not intend to make any judgments as to the legal or other status of any territory or area.

Poverty – A Multidimensional Phenomenon 贫困的多因素现实 粮食和营养 公平 饮水 抗风险 健康 环卫 资产 衣住能源 教育 www.ifad.org/mpat/

Pathways to Poverty Reduction 减贫措施 Production 发展生产 Education 发展教育 Resettlement 移民搬迁 实现脱贫 Social Welfare 社会保障 Eco-Compensation 生态补偿 Others 其它措施

Adopt a Value Chain Approach 价值链方式—产业扶贫 Support services (TA, FS, BDS, etc) 支持服务:技术推广、金融服务、商业服务等 Business environment (legislation, regulation, policies, infrastructures etc.) 经营环境:政策、法规、基础设施等 Consumption 消费 Distribution 营销 Processing 加工 Input 产前 Production 产中 “from farm to forks” 从农田到餐桌

Mainstream Smallholders to Agribusiness- Push & Pull 小农进入价值链 – 推力+拉力

The concept of 4P 构建PPP伙伴关系 Partnership 伙伴关系 Public sector 公共部门 Private agribusiness sector 私营部门 Poor/small-scale Producers 生产者 Project province Government Tea producers Tea processing coop/ enterprises work together for a common goal jointly assume risks and responsibilities share benefits, resources and expertise

4P blocks 构建伙伴关系的各个要素 管理机制 责权利确定 融资计划 选择合作伙伴 商业计划及实施 监测评价

Roles of 4P partners 明确各方责权利 Cooperatives/ rural enterprises (DHEs) 私营部门 - Purchase producers’ products at fair prices - Provide specialised technical assistance - Facilitate access to inputs for producers - Invest in post harvest processing equipment & facilities Producers 生产者 - Produce according to contract requirements - Get access to productive assets (land, water and inputs) - Invest their time as labour - Follow technical advice - Sell according to the contract (no side selling) Public sector /development project 公共部门 - Facilitate the development of 4Ps 撮合 - Provide capacity building to 4P partners 能力建设 - Finance public goods (e.g. roads) to facilitate market access 公共物品投入 - Ensure a supportive business environment 营造经营环境 - Cofinance investment of producers’ organizations and rural enterprises (DHEs) 融资

What’s Special ? 特别之处 Process: participation & empowerment of smallholders 参与式的赋权的过程 Business orientation: quality assurance 发展经营为导向 Financing arrangement 合理融资安排: different models (% based – VN, activity based – CN, separated-LK, shared based – TZN; Role of government:政府角色的定位 brokerage (mobiliser/motivator), service provider, public investor, monitor; Benefiting mechanism: fair, sustainable利益机制 Performance benchmarking + monitoring 跟踪监测

Learning so far 一些经验 1 With/without makes difference for inclusiveness 对促进包容性有效果 Participatory business plan development; (VN + LK) 参与式的伙伴开发很重要 Converging pursuit for profitability & poverty reduction; 平衡产业效益和扶贫目标的有机结合 Sustainability: partnership post Business Plan 合理的商业计划促进可持续 Equitable benefit sharing/benefiting mechanism – 确保合理的利益分配机制 Not to miss performance M&E of partnership 伙伴关系的监督

Learning so far 一些经验 2 China: Balancing public funding and private sector benefit; 公共资金和私营部门受益之间的平衡 Strong Public/Private & weak Producer; 扶持弱势农户 Due process and benefiting mechanism to build real + sustainable partnership 注重过程和机制确保真正和可持续的伙伴关系  Capacitating farmers’ collective action versus working with mature agribusiness for quick effect 培养农民合作性和与成熟经营主体合作快速见效的优先选择

Thank you !