主治萬方 Jesus Shall Reign 生命聖詩 16 Hymns of Life 16.


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Presentation transcript:

主治萬方 Jesus Shall Reign 生命聖詩 16 Hymns of Life 16

主治萬方 日月所照萬國萬方, 耶穌必為統治君王; 東西南北海洋極岸, 主國普及永久無疆。 Jesus Shall Reign 詞 Lyrics: Isaac Watts 曲 Composer: John Hatton 日月所照萬國萬方, Jesus shall reign where’er the sun 耶穌必為統治君王; Does his successive journeys run; 東西南北海洋極岸, His kingdom stretch from shore to shore, 主國普及永久無疆。 Till moons shall wax and wane no more. 1-V.1 生命聖詩 16 Hymns of Life 16

主治萬方 各處各方萬族萬民, 共享主愛歌頌不停, 嬰孩也來同聲讚美, 及早頌揚救主聖名。 Jesus Shall Reign 詞 Lyrics: Isaac Watts 曲 Composer: John Hatton 各處各方萬族萬民, People and realms of every tongue 共享主愛歌頌不停, Dwell on His love with sweetest song; 嬰孩也來同聲讚美, And infant voices shall proclaim 及早頌揚救主聖名。 Their early blessings on His Name. 2-V.1 生命聖詩 16 Hymns of Life 16

主治萬方 在主治下多蒙福樂, 罪人跳出捆綁束縛, 倦者能享永恒安息, 豐盈富足賜與貧者。 Jesus Shall Reign 詞 Lyrics: Isaac Watts 曲 Composer: John Hatton 在主治下多蒙福樂, Blessings abound wherever He reigns; 罪人跳出捆綁束縛, The prisoner leaps to lose his chains; 倦者能享永恒安息, The weary find eternal rest, 豐盈富足賜與貧者。 And all the sons of want are blessed. 3-V.1 生命聖詩 16 Hymns of Life 16

主治萬方 受造群生皆當奮興, 特向君王尊崇致敬, 天使不停歌頌歡欣, 地上萬民同應阿門。 Jesus Shall Reign 詞 Lyrics: Isaac Watts 曲 Composer: John Hatton 受造群生皆當奮興, Let every creature rise and bring 特向君王尊崇致敬, Peculiar honors to our King; 天使不停歌頌歡欣, Angels descend with songs again, 地上萬民同應阿門。 And earth repeat the loud amen! 4-V.1 生命聖詩 16 Hymns of Life 16