Thank You for the cro-ss Lord Thank You for the pri-ce You paid


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Presentation transcript:

Thank You for the cro-ss Lord Thank You for the pri-ce You paid 感謝祢的十字架 Thank You for the cro-ss Lord 感謝祢付上代價 Thank You for the pri-ce You paid 1/8 神羔羊配得 Worthy is the Lamb 詞曲 Words/Music, Darlene Zschech

Bearing all my sin and shame And give a-ma-zing grace 擔當我罪和羞愧 Bearing all my sin and shame 使我完全 賜下奇妙恩典 In love You came And give a-ma-zing grace 2/8

Thank You for this lo-ve Lord Thank You for the nail pierced hands 感謝祢無比大愛 Thank You for this lo-ve Lord 感謝祢釘痕雙手 Thank You for the nail pierced hands 3/8

Washed me in Your clean-sing flow Your for-givi-ness and em-brace 寶血洗淨我污穢 Washed me in Your clean-sing flow 使我了解 祢完全包容赦免 Now all I know Your for-givi-ness and em-brace 4/8

神羔羊配得 坐在寶座上 Wor-thy is the Lamb Seat-ed on the throne 副歌 Chorus 1-1 5/8

Crown You now with ma-ny crowns You reign victo-ri-ous 副歌 Chorus 1-2 頭帶著尊貴冠冕 Crown You now with ma-ny crowns 祢作王到永遠 You reign victo-ri-ous 6/8

副歌Chorus 2-1 來尊崇讚美 High and Lift-ed up 耶穌神兒子 Je-sus Son of God 7/8

The dar-ling of hea-ven cru-ci-fied 副歌Chorus 2-2 從天降下被釘十架 The dar-ling of hea-ven cru-ci-fied 神羔羊配得 (X2) Wor-thy is the Lamb (X2) 8/8