中意交流中心 «Sino-Italian Center» 福州大学 - 罗马第三大学 Fuzhou University- Roma Tre University 科技和研究方面合作(2014年联合研究实验室)Cooperation in the field of science and technology since 2014 2016 年 5月12号 建立«中意交流中心» 12 May 2016: Establishment of the «Sino-Italian Center»
中意交流中心 «Sino-Italian Center» 推动合作 Promote cooperation between: 福建省 - 拉齐奥省 Fujian- Lazio 中国 – 意大利 China- Italy
Students mobility agreement FZU-RM3 福州大学-罗马三大交换协议 Students mobility agreement FZU-RM3 TUITION FEES Both parties agree to waive tuition fees, as well as any other tax or fee connected to the courses attended SELECTION The students, nominated by ad hoc committees, will be admitted to pursue the courses described in the Learning Agreement negotiated and approved by the parties involved NUMBER OF STUDENTS Deadline for registration: June 15 2017
为什么选择意大利? Why choose Italy? 科技创新能力 Innovation in the field of science and technology 意大利高等教育 以文化艺术,经济, 遗产保护,建筑设计,工程,旅游等 学科闻名世界 The Italian education System is world-famous for humanities and arts, economics, cultural heritage protection, architecture design, engineering, tourism, etc. 学到高级的专业知识 Aquisition of high-level professional skills.
为什么选择意大利? Why choose Italy? 两国企业与民间机构团体需要国际化人才 Italian and Chinese companies and NGO are in need of International talents. 意大利大学与国际及地方企业合作 Italian Universities cooperate with local and International companies. 留学生有更多的就业机会 Exchange students have more opportunities to find jobs. 去意大利留学意味着进入全欧洲的机会 (欧盟与申根会员国家) Studying in Italy means gaining acces to Europe (European Union and Schenghen country)
为什么选择罗马三大 ? Why choose Roma Tre? 罗马城内规模第二的大学 Second major University in Rome for students number 教学和研究项目在意大利与国际学术排名中名列前矛 Italian and International awards and recognition in the field of teaching and research 提供广泛课程与创新平台 Offers a wide platform for teaching and innovation 2017年«泰晤士(Times )高等教育»发布,世界建校史少于50年的200所 杰出大学中,罗马三大排名81位 81th position in the“Times Higher Education 200 under 50”Ranking in 2017
为什么选择罗马三大 ? Why choose Roma Tre? 学生人数为4万人 around 40.000 students 教师人数为 九百多人 more than 900 professors 工作人员 (包括图书馆、行政、技术等人员总共为七百多人) more than 700 employees (administration staff, librarians and technicians) 12个学院提供70多个学士和硕士专业课程 12 Departments offering more than 70 undergraduate and graduate degree programmes (1st and 2nd cycle degrees) 39个博士课程 39 Research Doctoral programmes(3rd cycle) 罗马三大的语言中心(CLA)为本校学生提供语言培训:通过考试,提供意大利外交部所认可 的意大利语水平考试证明 (全意大利仅有三个确认中心)The CLA (University Language Center) offers many language courses to its students. It is qualifies to issue the (CILS) certification (Certification of Italian as a Second Language) which is recognized by the Italian Foreign Affairs Ministry (only 3 authorized centers in whole Italy)
为什么选择罗马三大 ? Why choose Roma Tre Univ.? 罗马三大的发展重点是: 国际合作, 校际 合作,国际交流 The main strategic point for the developement of Roma Tre University are international relations, inter- university cooperation and international mobility 罗马三大所签署的国际协议数量在全国各大 学当中排名为第二 Second Italian University with the higher number of international agreements
罗马三大 Roma Tre University 罗马三大位于罗马市中心,本校没有校园, 12个学院分散于城市南区,同居民社区的 社会文化生活有着紧密的联系 Roma Tre University is positioned in the center of Rome but it is not enclosed inside a Campus. Its 12 Departments are scattered around the south of the city and deeply rooted in the social and cultural life of its people.
罗马三大学院 The Departments Roma Tre Univ. 建筑学院 Architecture 经济学院 Economics 文哲交际和观赏艺术学院 Philosophy, Show and Communication 法律学院 Law 工程学院 Engineering 外国语言文学和文化学院 Foreing Languages, Literatures and Cultures
罗马三大学院 The Departments Roma Tre Univ. 数学和物理学院 Mathematics and Physics 自然科学学院 Natural Sciences 教育科学学院 Education Science 政治科学学院 Political Studies 经营科学学院 Business Studies 文科学院 Humanities
English-taught courses 英文课程 English-taught courses UNDERGRADUATE DEGREE (学士) Introduction to Banking GRADUATE DEGREE (硕士) Risk Management in banking Corporate governance and business scenarios Risk and Accounting Business Evaluation Business II Corporate communication European Competition Law European Labour Market and Welfare Systems Human Resource Management Knowledge Management Accounting Principles and Financial Informative Quality Systems Strategic Entrepreneurship Technology, innovation and sustainable production Macroeconomics More info about the Faculty of Economics of Roma Tre: http://host.uniroma3.it/facolta/economia/db/docs/guida_facolta_english.pdf http://host.uniroma3.it/facolta/economia/economia.asp?contenuto=corsilingua
意大利生活费 Life expenses in Italy
短期留学签证 Short-term study VISA 国家或申根签证申请表,原件 Formulario di richiesta visto Nazionale o Schengen, in originale 有效护照 Passaporto in corso di validità 机票预订单 Prenotazione aereo 交换/移动/合作的注册证明 Prova dell’avvenuta iscrizione a programmi riconosciuti o autorizzati di scambio/mobilità/partenariato 申请人及其父母的资金证明 Prova dei mezzi economici personali e dei propri genitori tali da garantire il sostentamento in Italia 意大利有效的住宿证明原 Dichiarazione di disponibilità di alloggio 保险须覆盖医疗及住院 Copertura assicurativa per cure mediche e ricoveri ospedalieri http://www.ambpechino.esteri.it/ambasciata_pechino/resource/doc/2015/11/study_other_than_university_enrolment.pdf
更多的信息,请联系 Carmen Lepadat 女士 carmen.lepadat@uniroma3.it 谢谢