前來敬拜 Come to worship.


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禱告聚會 Prayer Meeting 週三 Wed 7:00 pm
我的神 我要敬拜你 O My Lord, I Will Worship You
(1) The Worship Song 敬拜之歌
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You are the King of Glory
Presentation transcript:

前來敬拜 Come to worship

Hallelujah, hallelujah 前來敬拜永遠的君王 Come to worship the everlasting God 哈利路亞 哈利路亞 Hallelujah, hallelujah 前來敬拜永遠的君王 Come to worship the everlasting God

Hallelujah, hallelujah 大聲宣告主榮耀降臨 King of glory, You are welcome here 前來敬拜Come to worship 哈利路亞 哈利路亞 Hallelujah, hallelujah 大聲宣告主榮耀降臨 King of glory, You are welcome here

前來敬拜Come to worship 榮耀尊貴 能力權柄歸於祢 Honor and p’wer, glory all belong to You

You are my saving grace, worthy of praise 前來敬拜Come to worship 祢是我的救主 我的救贖 You are my saving grace, worthy of praise

前來敬拜Come to worship 榮耀尊貴 能力權柄歸於祢 Honor and p’wer, glory all belong to You

前來敬拜Come to worship 祢是配得 祢是配得 祢是配得 我的敬拜 You are worthy, You are worthy You are worthy of all my praise

Glorious King, beautiful one 神的兒子 耶穌我的主 前來敬拜Come to worship 榮耀尊貴 美麗無比 Glorious King, beautiful one 神的兒子 耶穌我的主 Son of God, Jesus, Lord of all

Glorious King, beautiful one 神的兒子 耶穌我的主 前來敬拜Come to worship 榮耀尊貴 美麗無比 Glorious King, beautiful one 神的兒子 耶穌我的主 Son of God, Jesus, Lord of all