Colloquium, Tsinghua Physics 清华大学高等研究院学术报告 Colloquium, Tsinghua Physics Superfluid 3-He: the early days as seen by a theorist Anthony J. Leggett 2003 Nobel Prize Laureate University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 8 月17日(星期二)上午10:00 ,科学馆 104 报告厅 Abstract: I present a very personal account of the way in which,in the approximately 12 months between July 1972 and July 1973,we came to a theoretical understanding of the puzzling experimental data on what we now know as superfluid 3 He. I particularly emphasize the concept of "spontaneously broken spin-orbit symmetry" which turned out to be a key ingredient in understanding the NMR behavior. 报告人简介: Anthony J. Leggett 教授于1938 年生于英国伦敦,相继于英国牛津百里奥(Balliol)学院和牛津默顿(Merton)学院获得文学和物理学学士学位,后在D. ter Haar 指导下获得理论物理博士学位。继在美国Urbana,日本京都等地从事博士后研究之后,于1967 年加入英国苏赛克斯(Sussex)大学教授行列,并先后于1971 年和1978年晋身副教授(Reader)和正教授。自1983 年至现在,他成为美国伊利诺伊大学厄巴纳-香潘恩分校的 John D. and Catherine T. Macarthur Professor。2003 因在超流理论上的开创性工作获诺贝尔物理学奖(与V. L. Ginzburg 及A. A. Abrikosov分享)。