项目名称: Name of project: 参赛者姓名: Name of contestants:


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Presentation transcript:

项目名称: Name of project: 参赛者姓名: Name of contestants: (该项目的介绍结构仅供参赛者参考,参赛者可根据项目实际情况提供自有项目介绍) (The structure of the project’s introduction is for reference only, competitors can provide introduction of their own project according to the actual situation)

项目简述 Description of Project 请对参赛项目整体情况作一简述 Please describe the overall situation of the project

参赛者简介 Brief Introduction of Contestants 参赛者本人学习经历、专业水平、成长经历、承担项目、获奖情况、工作经历等 Learning experience, professional level, life experience, projects undertaken, awards, work experience, etc of contestants

创业团队构成 Composition of Entrepreneurial Team 创业团队在研发、生产、销售、财务、管理等方面人才构建配置 Construction of talent employment in research & development, manufacturing, sales, finance, management and other aspects about your entrepreneurial  team.

关键技术创新 Innovation of Key Technology 项目的技术创新程度、技术的原创性及重要性、相比当前同类技术的优缺点等 Degree of technological innovation of the project; Originality and importance of technology; The advantages and disadvantages compared with current similar technology, etc.

知识产权状况 Situation of Intellectual Property 是否拥有发明专利(提供专利号或授权使用书)、专利质量(新颖性、创造性、实用性)、专利运用及保护措施等 Whether the contestants hold a patent on their project or not (patent number or Letter of Authorization should be provided); Quality of patent (novelty, creativity, practicability); Patent application and protection measures, etc

技术可行性分析 Feasibility Analysis of Technology 项目技术转化为产品的可能性、可行性以及实现难度等 Possibility, feasibility and difficulty to transit the technology to product, etc.

市场分析 Market Analysis 项目产品的市场需求程度、市场定位是否合理、项目产品未来可能的市场容量等 The condition of market of the project product; whether market positioning is reasonable or not; The possible market capacity in the future of the project product, etc.

竞争优势 Competitive Edge 项目产品或服务与竞争对手的比较优势、项目产品与市场的接轨能力等 The comparative advantages of the project product or service compared with competitors, The project product’s ability of connection to market, etc

商业模式-完整及可行性 Business Model-Completion and Feasibility 项目的市场营销策略、获利方式、发展定位与规划是否完整可行 Whether marketing strategy, profit ways, positioning & planning of development about the project are complete and feasible

商业模式-可持续性 Business Model- Sustainability 财务计划可行性、资金保障能力及项目的持续发展能力等 Feasibility of financial plan, fund guarantee ability and sustainable development capacity of the project, etc

风险控制 Risk Control 项目计划中对政策、市场、经营等风险的分析及应对措施是否合理 Whether the analysis of policy, market, operation and other risks and countermeasures are reasonable in the project plan or not.

社会效益 Social Benefits 项目产品或服务可能带来的社会效益及社会影响等 The social benefits and influences, etc which may be brought by the project product or service.

谢 谢! Thank you!