Prof. Ronghuai HUANG, Beijing Normal University


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Presentation transcript:

Prof. Ronghuai HUANG, Beijing Normal University Research Center of Knowledge Engineering, Beijing Normal University 中国远程教育面临的机遇与挑战 Distance Education in China: Opportunities and Challenges 黄荣怀 北京师范大学 Prof. Ronghuai HUANG, Beijing Normal University 北京师范大学知识工程研究中心

Content 1. 如何理解远程教育? What is Distance Education (DE)? 2. 信息技术发展为远程教育提供技术支撑 Popularization of technology (technology potential for delivering system) 3. 中国高等教育的发展和远程教育的巨大需求 Status of HEIs in China mainland and potential needs of DE 4. 中国远程教育发展现状 Status of DE in HEIs 5. 中国远程教育面临的挑战 Challenges of DE

1. 如何理解远程教育? What is Distance Education?

“远程教育是指学与教通常不在同一地点(/时间)的教育形式,因此需要专门的课程设计技巧、专门的教学方法、采用电子和其他技术的专门交流方法、以及专门的组织与管理。” “Distance education is planned learning that normally occurs in a different place from teaching and as a result requires special techniques of course design, special instructional techniques, special methods of communication by electronic and other technology, as well as special organizational and administrative arrangements". (by Michael Moore, the director of The American Center for the Study of DE, 1996)

远程学习的三个组成部分 Three Components of Distance Learning 学习资源(材料) Learning packet (material) 传送系统(技术) Delivering system (technology) 学习支持(人员和环境) Learning supporting (staff & env) 学习环境 Learning Environment 资源 Sources 设计 Design 传送 Delivery 交互 Interaction 工作地点 Workplace 家庭 Home 教室 Classroom 学习中心 Learning Center 学生需求 Student Needs 组织 Organizations 理论/历史 Theory/History 哲学 Philosophy 教学设计 Instructional Design 媒体 Media 计划 Program 评估 Evaluation 印刷品 Print 音频/视频录音,广播/电视 Audio/Video Recordings, Radio/TV 计算机软件 Computer Software 音频/视频会议 Audio/Video conferencing 计算机网络 Computer Networks 教师 Instructors 辅导老师 Tutors 顾问 Counselors 行政人员 Administrative Staff 其他学习者 Other Students Michael Moore 1996

远程教育的学习资源包含需求分析、教学设计、媒体、评估等方面,核心是课程资源 Learning packet of distance education involves requirement analysis, instructional design, media, evaluation, etc. with the core of course resources 远程教育的传送系统由印刷品、视频音频、广播、电视、教学软件、远程会议和互联网等组成 Delivering system of distance education consists of print, audio/video, radio, TV, instructional software, video conference, and Internet 远程教育的支持系统包括人员服务和学习环境两部分,人员支持涉及教师、导师、顾问、行政管理人员和其他学习者,学习环境可以是家庭、学校、工作单位或远程学习中心 Learning support of distance education includes staff and environment. Instructors, tutors, counselors, administrators belong to supporting staff. Environment can be home, school, workplace, or off-campus learning centers

2. 信息技术发展为远程教育提供技术支撑 Technology Development

计算机网络CERNET已建成20000公里的DWDM/SDH高速传输网,覆盖全国近30个主要城市,主干总容量达40Gbps CERNET has the high-speed network of DWDM/SDH over 20,000kms in 30 major cities, the total volume being 40Gbps CERNET高速主干网已经升级到2.5Gbps,接入速度155Mbps,连接35个重点城市 CERNET high-speed network has upgraded to 2.5Gbps with speed of 155 Mbps connecting 35 major cities 全国已有100多所高等学校以100-1000Mbps速率接入CERNET Over 100 higher education institutes in China has connected to CERNET with speed of 100-1000 Mbps CN下注册的域名数和网站数分别达到43 万多和66.8 万多 URL names and websites registered under CN has reached over 430,000 and 668,000 respectively ----中国互联网络发展状况统计报告(2005年7月)

中国互联网的国际出口带宽 International Bandwidth of China’s Internet 五年内国际出口带宽扩展了30倍! International Bandwidth of China’s Internet has reached more than 80,000 Megabytes 30 times that five years ago 相当于连续5年每年翻一番! Double every year for 5 continuous years! 单位 (兆字节) ——中国互联网络发展状况统计报告(2005年7月)

上网计算机数达到4560 万台 45.6 million computers to connect to Internet 中国已经拥有超过1亿网民 Internet users > 100 million!

中国教育电视台 China Education TV APSTAR-1A Sino-1 中国教育电视台成立于1986年,直属国家教育部领导 As the only specialized national TV station China Education TV (CETV) was founded in 1986 under the direct instruction of the Ministry of Education (MOE) 全国85%的省级和地方有线电视都播放教育电视台一套节目 Over 85% provincial and local cable TV are relaying the program of CETV-1 在教育部领导下,教育电视台于1999年建立起包括电视、语音和IP数据广播的最大的远程学习交互平台,并于2000年投入使用 Under the instruction of MOE, CETV has established the biggest and interactive Distance Learning Platform that includes TV, FM and IP service in 1999 and started in 2000 CETV-2 CETV-1 CETV-3 China & Asia Pacific area Beijing

3. 中国高等教育的发展和远程教育的巨大需求 Status of HEIs in China mainland and potential needs of DE

我国现有在校大学生2000万人(2004年底),2020年计划达到3500~4000万人  净增1500万~2000万人 20 million undergraduate students (to the end of 2004), expected to reach 35~40 million in 2020 现有高中学生2239万人,中职学生1367万人,2020年计划基本普及高中和中职教育,6500万人左右  净增3000万 22.39 million senior middle school students, 13.67 million middle-level vocational students, expected to reach 65 million in 2020 2004年我国的大学毛入学率仅有19%  40% (2020) College enrollment rate in 2004 about 19% 继续教育(在职人员学历提升、行业、企业培训)和终身学习 Continuing education (for professional development and on-the-job training) and life-long learning

如果按照传统的方式,现有大学规模需扩大一倍,甚至我们需要再建1000所大学! We would build the other 1000 universities if the Higher Education develops in the traditional way! 出路在哪里?大力发展远程教育与e-Learning!!! Where should we go? To develop Distance & e-Learning!!!

4. 中国远程教育发展现状 Distance Education Colleges

中国已经批准中央广播电视大学和67所远程教育院校,发展现代远程教育 China has approved CRTVU (Central Radio and TV University) and other 67 higher colleges and universities as pilots to develop modern distance education 300多万学生接受高等远程教育 More than 3 million students of Distance Higher Education

学习中心与专业 Learning Centers and Majors 学习中心总数(除中央广播电视大学外)达到2000多个 More than 2,000 off-campus learning centers (excludes those of CRTVU) 各个层次的专业数量达到上百个 Over 100 majors at different levels

教学资源 Teaching Resources 课程资源总数达8557门 Total number of courses: 8,557 可使用的课件数3609门 Number of courseware can be used: 3,609 建成1.8万门网络课程 18,000 web-based courses

5. 中国远程教育面临的挑战 Challenges of DE in China

挑战之一:学习者转变学习习惯和提高学习能力的困难 Challenge 1: Lower learning ability and difficulties in the change of learning habit about learner 习惯于教师讲课的学生如何在网上进行探索式的自主学习 I am accustomed to listen a lecture in classroom! 在网上学习时“迷航” I like games and chatting with people instead of learning online! 计算机操作技能欠缺的学生如何通过多媒体光盘或网络进行学习? It is difficult to learn through CDs or Internet! ……

挑战之二:具备远程教育经验和能力的合格师资匮乏 Challenge 2: Lack of staff/teachers with experience and knowledge in Distance Education 让学生进行在线自学 Let the students learning online by themselves! 课程录音,学生点播 Record the lectures of teacher, then students could watch them on demand! 只讲解专业知识,不负责技术培训 Focus on content of the course, not caring technical difficulties! ……

挑战之三:校内外资源共享与经验共享 Challenge 3: How to share experience and resources between campus and off-campus 沟通与平衡 Bridge and Balance 校外 Off-campus 新模式!? New mode!? 自己学! Study by themselves! Alone ! And Alone! 校内 On-campus 传统!Traditional! 课堂讲授! Lecture! Lecture! And lecture!

挑战之四:适合学习者的学习资源匮乏 Challenge 4: Lack of learning resources fit for learner) 授课点播! Lectures on demand! 电子书? eBooks? 在线课件!? Courseware online!? ? ? ?

结语 Conclusion 中国远程教育需要真正的研究,为解决实际问题提供依据。 It needs truly research concerning Distance education and e-Learning!

International Conference on Computers in Education Welcome to International Conference on Computers in Education Beijing, November 24-26,2006 Http:// Organized by APSCE Hosted by BNU Supported by CCAI