我要天天歌頌 我要永遠讚美。 I will sing each day, I will praise forever.


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Presentation transcript:

我要天天歌頌 我要永遠讚美。 I will sing each day, I will praise forever. 我的神 我的王 我要尊崇祢的名。 My God, my king, I want to praise your name. 我要永永遠遠稱頌祢。 I want to praise you forever. 我要天天歌頌 我要永遠讚美。 I will sing each day, I will praise forever. 祢本為大 當受大讚美。 You are great and deserve all the praise. 永遠稱頌祢 Praise You Forever 1/8

我要天天歌頌 我要永遠讚美。 I will sing each day, I will praise forever. 我的神 我的王 我要尊崇祢的名。 My God, my king, I want to praise your name. 我要永永遠遠稱頌祢。 I want to praise you forever. 我要天天歌頌 我要永遠讚美。 I will sing each day, I will praise forever. 祢本為大 當受大讚美。 You are great and deserve all the praise. 永遠稱頌祢 Praise You Forever 2/8

世世代代都要稱頌祢 要傳揚祢大能作為。 述說祢威嚴和尊貴 要永遠稱頌祢名。 Every generation will praise you, witness your great work. 述說祢威嚴和尊貴 要永遠稱頌祢名。 Declare your majesty and honor, praise your name forever. 永遠稱頌祢 Praise You Forever 3/8

世世代代都要稱頌祢 要傳揚祢大能作為。 述說祢威嚴和尊貴 要永遠稱頌祢名。 Every generation will praise you, witness your great work. 述說祢威嚴和尊貴 要永遠稱頌祢名。 Declare your majesty and honor, praise your name forever. 永遠稱頌祢 Praise You Forever 4/8

我要天天歌頌 我要永遠讚美。 I will sing each day, I will praise forever. 我的神 我的王 我要尊崇祢的名。 My God, my king, I want to praise your name. 我要永永遠遠稱頌祢。 I want to praise you forever. 我要天天歌頌 我要永遠讚美。 I will sing each day, I will praise forever. 祢本為大 當受大讚美。 You are great and deserve all the praise. 永遠稱頌祢 Praise You Forever 5/8

我要天天歌頌 我要永遠讚美。 I will sing each day, I will praise forever. 我的神 我的王 我要尊崇祢的名。 My God, my king, I want to praise your name. 我要永永遠遠稱頌祢。 I want to praise you forever. 我要天天歌頌 我要永遠讚美。 I will sing each day, I will praise forever. 祢本為大 當受大讚美。 You are great and deserve all the praise. 永遠稱頌祢 Praise You Forever 6/8

世世代代都要稱頌祢 要傳揚祢大能作為。 述說祢威嚴和尊貴 要永遠稱頌祢名。 Every generation will praise you, witness your great work. 述說祢威嚴和尊貴 要永遠稱頌祢名。 Declare your majesty and honor, praise your name forever. 永遠稱頌祢 Praise You Forever 7/8

世世代代都要稱頌祢 要傳揚祢大能作為。 述說祢威嚴和尊貴 要永遠稱頌祢名。 Every generation will praise you, witness your great work. 述說祢威嚴和尊貴 要永遠稱頌祢名。 Declare your majesty and honor, praise your name forever. 永遠稱頌祢 Praise You Forever 8/8

耶和華你是我的神,我要時時稱頌你的名。 Jehovah, you are my God. I want to praise your name. 你是我的盾牌,是我的榮耀, You are my shield, my glory, 又是叫我抬起頭的神 and you lift up my head. 耶和華你是我的神 Jehovah you are my God 1/7

你是我的神,我所倚靠的, You are my God, my deliverance. 縱然仇敵圍繞攻擊我, Even if there are enemies on every side. 在你懷中必不怕遭害。 In your arms, I will not be fallen. 你是我的神,我所倚靠的, You are my God, my deliverance. 你同在使我全然得勝。 I am victorious because you are with me. 耶和華你是我的神 Jehovah you are my God 2/7

耶和華你是我的神,我要時時稱頌你的名。 Jehovah, you are my God. I want to praise your name. 你是我的盾牌,是我的榮耀, You are my shield, my glory, 又是叫我抬起頭的神 and you lift up my head. 耶和華你是我的神 Jehovah you are my God 3/7

你是我的神,我所倚靠的, You are my God, my deliverance. 縱然仇敵圍繞攻擊我, Even if there are enemies on every side. 在你懷中必不怕遭害。 In your arms, I will not be fallen. 你是我的神,我所倚靠的, You are my God, my deliverance. 你同在使我全然得勝。 I am victorious because you are with me. 耶和華你是我的神 Jehovah you are my God 4/7

你是我的神,我所倚靠的, You are my God, my deliverance. 縱然仇敵圍繞攻擊我, Even if there are enemies on every side. 在你懷中必不怕遭害。 In your arms, I will not be fallen. 你是我的神,我所倚靠的, You are my God, my deliverance. 你同在使我全然得勝。 I am victorious because you are with me. 耶和華你是我的神 Jehovah you are my God 5/7

你是我的神,我所倚靠的, You are my God, my deliverance. 縱然仇敵圍繞攻擊我, Even if there are enemies on every side. 在你懷中必不怕遭害。 In your arms, I will not be fallen. 你是我的神,我所倚靠的, You are my God, my deliverance. 你同在使我全然得勝。 I am victorious because you are with me. 耶和華你是我的神 Jehovah you are my God 6/7

你是我的神,我所倚靠的, You are my God, my deliverance. 你同在使我全然得勝。 I am victorious because you are with me. 耶和華你是我的神 Jehovah you are my God 7/7