Stand up, stand up for Je-sus, You sol-diers of the cross;


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eiir |5-- eiiir|tiiiy tiiiw 2 9 t |! ! ! yog| 我知 道 我的救 赎 者活 着 他 是永活 的
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在十架上 我救主舍命 靠主十架 我罪得洗净 Down at the cross where my Sav-ior died
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我來到主 捨命十架前 哀求我主 洗淨我罪愆 Down at the cross where my Sav-iour died
基督已經從死裡復活! Christ has indeed been raised from the dead!
主在墳墓安睡,耶穌,我救主! 等待復活日來,耶穌,我主! 主從墳墓裏復活, 得勝一切仇敵與罪惡;
Lord, I offer my life to You 1/4
柑縣台福基督教會 E F C of Orange County 阮歡迎你 We Welcome You 網址 :
Presentation transcript:

Stand up, stand up for Je-sus, You sol-diers of the cross; 興起為耶穌 興起興起為耶穌 Stand up, stand up for Je-sus, 十架忠勇精兵 You sol-diers of the cross; 1/16 Stand Up, Stand Up For Jesus

Lift high His roy-al ban-ner, It must not suf-fer loss. 高舉基督君王旗 Lift high His roy-al ban-ner, 莫損我主威名 It must not suf-fer loss. 2/16

From vic-t’ry un-to vic-t’ry 得勝不斷的得勝 From vic-t’ry un-to vic-t’ry 因主統領全軍 His ar-my He shall lead, 3/16

Till ev-’ry foe is van-quished And Christ is Lord in-deed. 直到仇敵皆消滅 Till ev-’ry foe is van-quished 惟主基督是君 And Christ is Lord in-deed. 4/16

Stand up, stand up for Je-sus, The trum-pet call o-bey; 興起興起為耶穌 Stand up, stand up for Je-sus, 遵從號角軍令 The trum-pet call o-bey; 5/16

今天是主榮耀日 Forth to the might-y con-flict, In this His glo-rious day! 2b 今天是主榮耀日 Forth to the might-y con-flict, 快向敵陣進攻 In this His glo-rious day! 6/16

You that are men, now serve Him勇抗仇敵萬千 A-gainst un-num-bered foes; 2c 同心服役主旗下 You that are men, now serve Him勇抗仇敵萬千 A-gainst un-num-bered foes; 7/16

Let cour-age rise with dan-ger And strength to strength op-pose. 危險時膽量更壯 Let cour-age rise with dan-ger 力量必大增添 And strength to strength op-pose. 8/16

Stand up, stand up for Je-sus, Stand in His strength a-lone; 興起興起為耶穌 Stand up, stand up for Je-sus, 只靠救主大能 Stand in His strength a-lone; 9/16

The arm of flesh will fail you, You dare not trust your own. 3b 血氣之勇難倚靠 The arm of flesh will fail you, 己力不能得勝 You dare not trust your own. 10/16

Put on the gos-pel ar-mor, Each piece put on with prayer: 穿上福音的盔甲 Put on the gos-pel ar-mor, 虔誠禱告儆醒 Each piece put on with prayer: 11/16

Where du-ty calls, or dan-ger, Be nev-er want-ing there. 危險重任不畏懼 Where du-ty calls, or dan-ger, 靠主必能得勝 Be nev-er want-ing there. 12/16

Stand up, stand up for Je-sus, The strife will not be long; 興起興起為耶穌 Stand up, stand up for Je-sus, 爭戰不會久長 The strife will not be long; 13/16

This day the noise of bat-tle, The next the vic-tor’s song. 今日雖有干戈聲 This day the noise of bat-tle, 明日凱歌高唱 The next the vic-tor’s song. 14/16

To him that o-ver-com-eth A crown of life shall be; 忠心奮勇得勝者 To him that o-ver-com-eth 必得生命冠冕 A crown of life shall be; 15/16

He with the King of glo-ry Shall reign e-ter-nal-ly. 4d 並與榮耀大君王 He with the King of glo-ry 掌權直到永遠 Shall reign e-ter-nal-ly. 16/16