信靠耶穌 (我平時當靠救主) Trusting Jesus Edgar P. Stites / Ira D


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52 倚靠主永遠膀臂 Leaning on the Everlasting Arms
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We Walk by Faith 我們憑信心行走 (1)
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我与救主同行 , 在他話的光中 何等荣耀照亮我路程 当我听主命令, 他就于我同行 信靠順服者, 主必同行
前有一日我意立定, 信靠耶穌救我靈魂; 那時心中實在高興, 願到四方傳揚主名.
永久磐石為我開 讓我藏身在祢懷 願祢所流水與血 解決我的眾罪孽 贖我免去罪永刑 救我脫離罪權柄
前有一日我意立定, 信靠耶穌救我靈魂; 那時心中實在高興, 願到四方傳揚主名.
誰像耶穌使人喜樂, 因有祂同在一起, 真實、清潔、寶貴、溫和, 祂屬我何等福氣。
(1) Walking in The Comfort of The Holy Spirit 行走在聖靈的幫助中
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Since Jesus Came into My Heart Since Jesus came into my heart!
在十架上 我救主舍命 靠主十架 我罪得洗净 除我重担 安慰我伤心
只要信祂/ONLY TRUST HIM 被罪壓害,人人請來, Come, every soul by sin oppressed,
Who can still my anxious heart? Who can ease my strain?
Blessed Assurance Jesus Is Mine 有福的確據
怎能如此 像我這樣罪人 也能蒙主寶血救贖 因我罪過使祂受苦 因我罪過使祂受死
在十架上 我救主舍命 靠主十架 我罪得洗净 Down at the cross where my Sav-ior died
天父必看顧你 S46-1/4 任遭何事不要驚怕,天父必看顧你; 必將你藏祂恩翅下,天父必看顧你.
信靠順服 Trust and Obey.
我何等愛耶穌 O, How I Love Jesus Hymnary 231 Frederick Whitfield
And opened the life gate that all may go in.
神的路 God's Way.
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(調用“全路程我救主领我” All the Way My Savior Leads Me)
Presentation transcript:

信靠耶穌 (我平時當靠救主) Trusting Jesus Edgar P. Stites / Ira D 信靠耶穌 (我平時當靠救主) Trusting Jesus Edgar P. Stites / Ira D. Sankey from 教會聖詩 #57

我信心雖還不足, 惟要信靠我救主. 我不論走何險路, 惟要信靠我救主. Sim-ply trust-ing ev-ery day, (1)我平時當靠救主, 遇難事求主幫助; Sim-ply trust-ing ev-ery day, Trusting through a storm-y way; 我信心雖還不足, 惟要信靠我救主. E-ven when my faith is small, Trust-ing Je-sus that is all. (副)靠耶穌渡過今世, 靠耶穌能行萬事; Trust-ing as the mo-ments fly, Trust-ing as the days go by; 我不論走何險路, 惟要信靠我救主. Trust-ing Him what-e’er be-fall,

求主領我走正路, 惟要信靠我救主. 我不論走何險路, 惟要信靠我救主. Bright-ly doth His Spir-it shine (2)求聖靈照亮我心, 叫我心滿得光明; Bright-ly doth His Spir-it shine In-to this por heart of mine; 求主領我走正路, 惟要信靠我救主. While He leads I can-not fall, Trust-ing Je-sus that is all. (副)靠耶穌渡過今世, 靠耶穌能行萬事; Trust-ing as the mo-ments fly, Trust-ing as the days go by; 我不論走何險路, 惟要信靠我救主. Trust-ing Him what-e’er be-fall,

若危險主必保護, 惟要信靠我救主. 我不論走何險路, 惟要信靠我救主. (3)路平安當頌主名, 路黒暗有主同行; Sin-ing if my way is clear, Pray-ing if the path be drear; 若危險主必保護, 惟要信靠我救主. If in dan-ger, for Him call, Trust-ing Je-sus that is all. (副)靠耶穌渡過今世, 靠耶穌能行萬事; Trust-ing as the mo-ments fly, Trust-ing as the days go by; 我不論走何險路, 惟要信靠我救主. Trust-ing Him what-e’er be-fall,

我離世即往天堂, 惟要信靠我救主. 我不論走何險路, 惟要信靠我救主. (4)靠耶穌渡過今世, 靠耶穌能行萬事; Trust-ing Him while life shall last, Trust-ing Him ‘til earth be past; 我離世即往天堂, 惟要信靠我救主. ‘Til I hear His fi-nal call, Trust-ing Je-sus that is all. (副)靠耶穌渡過今世, 靠耶穌能行萬事; Trust-ing as the mo-ments fly, Trust-ing as the days go by; 我不論走何險路, 惟要信靠我救主. Trust-ing Him what-e’er be-fall,