New words and expressions of Unit 1, Book 1


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Presentation transcript:

New words and expressions of Unit 1, Book 1 制作人:张少林

to be confronted with the anguish of … the laugher and tears New words and expressions in phrase contexts U1A.1, B1 to be confronted with the anguish of … the laugher and tears to carry oneself gracefully a safe haven the small back porch a shudder of fear (tears) to well up to rest on one’s shoulder to stare off into to have sth in common to look into 面临……的痛苦 酸甜苦辣 举止优雅 安全港/避难所 后面的小门廊 因惊吓而哆嗦 (眼泪)涌出 搁在肩膀上 目光转向另一处 在某方面有共同点 调查, 仔细观察

to be conspicuous in importance to kneel down a hoarse cry New words and expressions in phrase contexts U1A.2, B1 to hold sth gently a gentle voice to speak in a whisper hand in hand a conspicuous person to be conspicuous in importance to kneel down a hoarse cry to fight a great evil some tiny village to lock sth away 轻轻地拿着某物 温和的声音 低声说话 手拉手 引人注目的人 重要性显著 跪下 嘶哑的喊叫 与恶魔抗争 某个小村庄 把…收藏好

one’s beloved rosebush to summon the family New words and expressions in phrase contexts U1A.3, B1 彼此分手 病得很重 某人心爱的玫瑰花丛 召集家人 轮到某人的时候 注意到他显得多疲倦 艰难而缓慢的呼吸 伸手去拿 屈服于… 勾起许多回忆 to part from each other to become gravely ill one’s beloved rosebush to summon the family When it comes to one’s turn to note how tired he looks hard and slow breathing to reach for sth to give in to sth to bring back many memories

to outgrow one’s brother to outgrow an era an ounce of gold New words and expressions in phrase contexts U1B.1, B1 a colonial official marble steps a spacious veranda a spirited discussion to spring up to outgrow one’s brother to outgrow an era an ounce of gold to advance to colonel to come to with a start a bait for a snake 殖民地官员 大理石台阶 宽敞的阳台 热烈的讨论 出现,跳起来 长得比哥哥高 不再像某个年代那样 一盎司黄金(28.35克) 晋升为上校 吃惊地醒悟到 引蛇的诱饵

to be careful of the cobra to cause a commotion New words and expressions in phrase contexts U1B.2, B1 (房梁的)木头椽子 小心那条眼镜蛇 引起一场骚动 使眼镜蛇受惊咬人 引人注意的嗓音 使每个人变得严肃 根本没醉,很清醒 罚五十卢比 朝门口走去 使脸泛起光彩 a wooden rafter to be careful of the cobra to cause a commotion to frighten the cobra into striking an arresting voice to sober everyone to be perfectly sober to forfeit fifty rupees to make for the door to light up sb’s face

shudder shake uncontrollably anguish great pain confront be faced with Old to new U1A.4, B1 shudder anguish confront gently conspicuously gravely beloved note whisper shake uncontrollably great pain be faced with softly easily seen seriously deeply loved observe say quietly

sounding rough and hard allow to be defeated keep sth secret Old to new U1A.5, B1 fall on great wickedness extremely small sounding rough and hard allow to be defeated keep sth secret tell sb to come try to find out about rest evil tiny hoarse give in lock sth away summon investigate

to reach deep within you with a brief smile Collocations of old words U1A.6, B1 尽管简短 承载 流着泪回答 红玫瑰花丛 到达你内心深处 带着片刻微笑 构筑我们友谊的特殊情感 簇立着玫瑰花丛的院落 brief as it was to be touched with to reply through tears a red rosebush to reach deep within you with a brief smile special feelings that have made up our friendship the yard where rosebushes sat

a heart where sunshine is an everlasting time Collocations of old words U1A.7, B1 一颗永远阳光般美好的心 能看到玫瑰花丛的窗户 某人出生的那天 a heart where sunshine is an everlasting time the window where sb can see his rosebush the day when sb was born