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Presentation transcript:

【平安詩集 第52首】 1. 昨日,今日,直到永遠,主話永不變, 我主所言,無論何言,句句必應驗, 罪人得救,病人得痊,今日如往昔, 轉悲為喜,驚慌得安,榮耀歸主名。 Hymnary 095 YESTERDAY, TODAY, FOREVER 1. Oh, how sweet the glorious message, Simple faith may claim; Yesterday, today, forever,Jesus is the same. Still He loves to save the sinful, Heal the sick and lame; Cheer the mourner, still the tempest; Glory to His name!

副歌: 雖然,宇宙,世界,萬物,漸次全改變, 惟有耶穌,永不改變,榮耀歸主名! 榮耀歸主名!榮耀歸主名! Refrain Yesterday, today, forever, Jesus is the same, All may change, but Jesus never! Glory to His name, Glory to His name, Glory to his name; Glory to His name.

2. 我主乃是,罪人朋友,特來施拯救, 大家就近,恩主腳前,懺悔謙卑求; 主言慈憐,罪莫再犯,你罪皆赦免, 自昔至今,永永遠遠,其恩不改變。 2. He who was the friend of sinners, Seeks thee, lost one, now; Sinner, come, and at His footstool Penitently bow. He who said, "I'll not condemn thee, Go and sin no more;" Speaks to thee that word of pardon, As in days of yore.

副歌: 雖然,宇宙,世界,萬物,漸次全改變, 惟有耶穌,永不改變,榮耀歸主名! 榮耀歸主名!榮耀歸主名! Refrain Yesterday, today, forever, Jesus is the same, All may change, but Jesus never! Glory to His name, Glory to His name, Glory to his name; Glory to His name.

3. 主曾醫治,病患傷痛,藉其大全能, 現在我們,疾病憂悶,求醫也必應; 祂曾分與,婦人能力,一摸血源癒, 今仍如昔,信者得醫,求之莫遲疑。 3. Oft on earth He healed the suff'rer By His mighty hand; Still our sicknesses and sorrows Go at Hiss command. He who gave His healing virtue, To a woman's touch; To the faith that claims His fullness, Still will give as much.

副歌: 雖然,宇宙,世界,萬物,漸次全改變, 惟有耶穌,永不改變,榮耀歸主名! 榮耀歸主名!榮耀歸主名! Refrain Yesterday, today, forever, Jesus is the same, All may change, but Jesus never! Glory to His name, Glory to His name, Glory to his name; Glory to His name.

4. 昔日主往,以馬忤斯,與門徒同路, 我們度日,似乎如此,有主在一處, 基督耶穌,如何升天,祂還如何來, 願主快來,願主快來,永與主同在。 4. As of old He walked to Emmaus, With them to abide; So through all life's way He walketh, Ever near our side. Soon again we shall behold Him, Hasten, Lord, the day! But 'twill still be "this same Jesus,“ As He went away.

副歌: 雖然,宇宙,世界,萬物,漸次全改變, 惟有耶穌,永不改變,榮耀歸主名! 榮耀歸主名!榮耀歸主名! Refrain Yesterday, today, forever, Jesus is the same, All may change, but Jesus never! Glory to His name, Glory to His name, Glory to his name; Glory to His name.