你是我的一切 You Are My All in All


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Presentation transcript:

你是我的一切 You Are My All in All by Dennis L. Jernigan

你是我依靠的力量, 你是我尋求的寶藏, 你是我的一切.你好比貴重的珠寶, 我怎能放棄你不要,你是我的一切. You are my strength When I am weak You are the treasure That I seek You are my all in all Seeking You as a precious jew'l Lord to give up I'd be a fool You are my all in all

耶穌, 神羔羊, 配得大讚美 (x2) Jesus, Lamb of God,Worthy is Your name; (x2)

擔當我罪債和羞辱, 死裡復活我蒙救贖, 你是我的一切. 當我跌倒你扶我起, 當我枯乾你滿我靈, 你是我的一切. Taking my sin My cross my shame Rising again I bless Your name You are my all in all When I fall down You pick me up When I am dry You fill my cup You are my all in all

耶穌, 神羔羊, 配得大讚美 (x2) Jesus, Lamb of God,Worthy is Your name; (x2)