Leading the Club to Success 帶領分會邁向成功


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Presentation transcript:

Leading the Club to Success 帶領分會邁向成功 1st Club Officer Training July 9th - Aug. 5, 2017 Trini Ding, DTM District Director 2017-2018 District 67, Toastmasters International

Agenda Leadership 領導能力 Club Success Plan 分會成功計畫

Session Objectives 單元目標 Identify five principles of motivation 確認動機的五個原則 Apply Toastmasters’ Hierarchy of needs 會員需求的五個層級 List five steps of delegation 授權的五個步驟 Name four steps of successful coaching 成功指導的四個步驟 5 5 5 4

Session Objectives 單元目標 Create SMART goals 建立精準的目標 Develop a Club Success Plan 發展分會成功的計畫

Leadership 領導能力

Leadership Benefits 領導的好處 Practical experience in a safe environment 安全環境下的實際練習經驗 Leadership skill development 發展領導能力 Personal and professional opportunities 個人及專業領域的機會 Building the club’s legacy 建立分會的傳承

Tools of Successful Leaders成功領導者的工具 Motivating team members 激勵團隊合作 Delegating tasks 職務授權 Coaching team member 指導團隊 Setting realistic and attainable goals 定實際可達成的目標

The Five Principles of Motivation 啟發動機的五個原則 Understand what motivates each person. Focus on the benefit to the individual. Make expectations clear. Recognize members. Be a leader. 了解什麼是啟發個人的因素。 專注於個人的利益。 期望訂清楚。 表揚會員。 做個領導者。

The Five Principles of Motivation Discussion討論 What are barriers to delegation? 授權。 Lack of confidence in a person’s abilities. 沒自信。 Fear of losing control of team or project 怕失去控權 Selfishness – not wanting to share credit. 自私,不願他人領功。 Insecurity about asking others to do things for you 沒安全感。 Reluctance – fear that another will do so well that he or she will usurp your leadership. 不情願,怕別人掠奪了自己的領導權威。

The Toastmaster’s Hierarchy of Needs需求的層級 The need to realize your potential (e.g., the realization that you can/will or already have overcome your fear) Self-actualization The need to be acknowledged (e.g., recognized for a fantastic speech) Esteem 自信 The need relating to other people (e.g., friendly, welcoming fellow members) Social The need to be safe and secure (e.g., a safe, supportive club environment) Safety The most basic needs vital to survival (e.g., overcoming the fear of public speaking) Basic 發覺潛力與成就自我 交流 安定的環境 基本需求 Adapted from “A Theory of Human Motivation” by Abraham Maslow

The Five Steps of Delegation授權的五個步驟 Decide what to delegate. 授權項目 Decide who will do the task.授權給誰 Assign responsibility. 給予責任 Grant authority. 賦予權威 Establish accountability. 值得信賴

The Four Steps to Successful Coaching 成功指導的四個步驟 Identify and define goals. 目標定義清楚。 Define strategies to reach goals. 策略明確。 Establish a timeline and milestones to measure progress. 設定期限及里程終點了解進步。 Follow up on goals. 朝目標前進。

The Four Steps to Successful Coaching 成功指導的四個步驟 Coaching plays an important role in sustaining a team.指導在維持團隊上扮演重要的角色。 Listening intently, asking clarifying questions and identifying the issue leads to a strategy for a solution. 傾聽、提問與釐清。 Coaching is an investment in people, helping them to get what they want and ultimately reach personal and club goals. 幫助達到個人與團體的目標。 Let’s talk about goal setting.定目標。

Coaching Role-play 角色扮演 Louis has been a sergeant at arms for three weeks. He is learning the role on his own. His responsibilities are greater than he anticipated. Meetings are starting late because it’s taking longer to set up the room. Louis has come to you for help. Roles Louis Your club officer role Facilitator Louis 接任事務長三個星期了。 他自己摸索著做.沒想到職務比 他想像的還重。準備會場用很多 時間。會議無法準時開始.。 Louis向你求救。

Set SMART Goals建立精準的目標 DCP 明確 能數據化 能達成的 實際 時間進度 REALISTIC

Set SMART Goals建立精準的目標 DCP Specific Who? What? When? Where? Why? Which?

Set SMART Goals創定精明的目標 DCP Measurable How many? How much? How will we know when it’s accomplished? 如何判定目標已完成的時間點?

Set SMART Goals創定精準的目標 DCP Attainable 能達成的 Right attitude 正確態度 Necessary skills and abilities 技能 Necessary financial resources 財源 Necessary time 需時

Set SMART Goals創定明確的目標 DCP Realistic 實際 How willing are we? 意願多高? How able are we? 能力多強? What are our current conditions? 目前狀況? What similar things have been accomplished? 有哪些類似成就?

Set SMART Goals制定精明的目標 DCP Timely考量時效。 What is the deadline? 截止期限。 When must each step be accomplished? 每個步驟必須完成的期限。

Club Success Plan分會成功的計畫 DCP

SWOT Analysis 做詳盡的分析 優勢 機會 弱點 威脅 Strengths Opportunities Weaknesses Threats 威脅

Sample SWOT Analysis詳盡分析的範例 Strengths Well-developed Club Success Plan and budget Club officers who have properly set expectations about duties Opportunities Speech contests Membership-building contests Speechcraft (Item 204) The Successful Club Series (Item 289) Weaknesses No presence on social networks Club website has not been updated recently CL manual not being used Threats Low attendance Members not properly prepared for speeches Dues not paid Members not engaged during meetings

Action Plan 執行計畫 What actions need to be taken? 需要做什麼事? What resources are available?有什麼資源? Who is responsible? 誰負責? When must the action be completed? 何時完成?

This concludes Leading the Club to Success. Aim High! Rise and Shine! This concludes Leading the Club to Success. Club Officer Training