Uint 4 Don't eat in class.


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Presentation transcript:

Uint 4 Don't eat in class

校纪校规 rule – rules 规章;规定 school rule 1、 礼貌待人。遇见老师或同学要主动问好;平时要使用礼貌用语,如:“您好”、“谢谢”、“对不起”、“没关系”等,不说粗话脏话;回答师长问话要起立;迎来送住要起身热情,接受递送东西要用双手。 2、 注重仪表。学生人人佩校牌,团员个个戴团微;衣着要整洁、朴素、大方;男生不留长发,女生不穿高跟鞋;男女生一律不烫发、化妆、佩戴首饰,一律不穿背心或拖鞋进课堂。 3、 举止文明。不随地吐痰;不乱扔废物;不翻越栏杆;不攀摘花木;不吸烟喝酒;不打人骂人;不赌博偷窃;不看色情、凶杀、迷信书籍、影视片;不早恋;男生不进女生寝室;女生不进男生寝室。 4、 严守校纲。遵守《东阳二中学生手册》中的各项规定;到校、上课不迟到早退;专心听课,大胆质疑,独立作业,考试不作弊;集会阅览时要保持安静;不在教室、楼道内追逐喧哗。 5、 爱护公物。不在黑板、门窗、课桌、墙壁等处乱涂乱刻;不往墙壁踩脚印;借公物要还,损坏公物要赔。 6、 艰苦朴素。生活节俭,不摆阔气,不乱花钱;爱惜粮食,节约水电。 rule – rules 规章;规定 school rule

报告老师我迟到! Don’t arrive late for class

run in the hallway Don’t

Don’t eat in the classrooms

Don’t listen to music in the classrooms or the hallways

Don't fight

Don’t wear a hat

cafeteria eat in the

listen to music in the music room

You can’t do: Don’t arrive late for class. Don’t run in the hallways. 1、上课不要迟到 Don’t arrive late for class. 2、不要在走廊上跑 Don’t run in the hallways. 3、不要在教室里吃东西 Don’t eat in the classrooms. 4、不要在教室或走廊听音乐 Don’t listen to music in the classrooms or the hallways. 5、不要打架 6、不要戴帽子 Don’t fight. Don’t wear a hat.

You can do: 1、在音乐室里听音乐 Listen to music in the music room. 2、在自助餐厅里吃东西 Eat in the cafeteria.

P71 1a. boy looking at his watch boy running in the hallway girl eating an apple boy with headphone boys fighting

P71 1b. 2 Peter: Nicki: Joseph: 3 4

句型:询问学校的规章,规定 --- What’re the rules ? 1. We can’t arrive late for class. 2. We can listen to music in the music room. 3. Don’t eat in the classrooms.