(1-1) What if it were today 主若今日來如何


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Presentation transcript:

(1-1) What if it were today 主若今日來如何 Jesus is coming to earth again; what if it were today? Coming in power and love to reign; 主耶穌不久要再降臨, 若今日來如何 以威嚴和慈愛掌王權, 1-1 (1-1) What if it were today 主若今日來如何

(1-2) What if it were today 主若今日來如何 Coming to claim His chosen Bride, all the redeemed and purified, Over this whole earth scattered wide; what if it were today? 主從萬邦揀選祂子民, 凡蒙救贖聖潔者昇天 與主同在直到永遠, 若今日來如何 1-2 (1-2) What if it were today 主若今日來如何

(C) What if it were today 主若今日來如何 Glory, glory! Joy to my heart ‘twill bring. Glory, glory! When we shall crown Him King. Glory, glory! Haste to prepare the way; Glory, glory! Jesus will come some day. 榮耀!榮耀!我要歡樂歌唱; 榮耀!榮耀!擁戴我主為王; 榮耀!榮耀!快快預備主道, 榮耀!榮耀!願主早日臨到。 C (C) What if it were today 主若今日來如何

(2-1) What if it were today 主若今日來如何 Satan’s dominion will then be o’er, O that it were today! Sorrow and sighing shall be no more, 撒旦操權時日快過去, 但願今日就來 那時再沒有悲傷嘆息, 2-1 (2-1) What if it were today 主若今日來如何

(2-2) What if it were today 主若今日來如何 Then shall the dead in Christ arise, caught up to meet Him in the skies, When shall these glories meet our eyes? What if it were today? 在主裡睡了的人復起, 在天空中與救主相遇 何時眼見此榮耀日, 但願今日就來 2-2 (2-2) What if it were today 主若今日來如何

(C) What if it were today 主若今日來如何 Glory, glory! Joy to my heart ‘twill bring. Glory, glory! When we shall crown Him King. Glory, glory! Haste to prepare the way; Glory, glory! Jesus will come some day. 榮耀!榮耀!我要歡樂歌唱; 榮耀!榮耀!擁戴我主為王; 榮耀!榮耀!快快預備主道, 榮耀!榮耀!願主早日臨到。 C (C) What if it were today 主若今日來如何

(3-1) What if it were today 主若今日來如何 Faithful and true would He find us here if He should come today? Watching in gladness and not in fear, 我們是否誠實又忠心, 主今日來如何 歡樂的時候坦然無懼, 3-1 (3-1) What if it were today 主若今日來如何

(3-2) What if it were today 主若今日來如何 Signs of His coming multiply, morning light breaks in eastern sky. Watch, for the time is drawing nigh, what if it were today? 主再來預兆日日加增, 有如晨光在東方出現 儆醒等候時日快臨, 主今日來如何 3-2 (3-2) What if it were today 主若今日來如何

(C) What if it were today 主若今日來如何 Glory, glory! Joy to my heart ‘twill bring. Glory, glory! When we shall crown Him King. Glory, glory! Haste to prepare the way; Glory, glory! Jesus will come some day. 榮耀!榮耀!我要歡樂歌唱; 榮耀!榮耀!擁戴我主為王; 榮耀!榮耀!快快預備主道, 榮耀!榮耀!願主早日臨到。 C (C) What if it were today 主若今日來如何