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全然聖潔 全然聖潔主, 配得至尊貴榮耀! 全聖的主, 配得頌揚讚美! Holy Is He Holy is He and great is His glory ! Holy is He and worthy of our praise !

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Presentation on theme: "全然聖潔 全然聖潔主, 配得至尊貴榮耀! 全聖的主, 配得頌揚讚美! Holy Is He Holy is He and great is His glory ! Holy is He and worthy of our praise !"— Presentation transcript:

1 全然聖潔 全然聖潔主, 配得至尊貴榮耀! 全聖的主, 配得頌揚讚美! Holy Is He Holy is He and great is His glory ! Holy is He and worthy of our praise !

2 我肅立在萬有主前, 敬拜讚美萬王之王。 聖潔的主,全然聖潔, 全聖的主! I stand in His presence amazed
我肅立在萬有主前, 敬拜讚美萬王之王。 聖潔的主,全然聖潔, 全聖的主! I stand in His presence amazed. And crown Him with worship and praise. Holy is He, Holy is He, Holy is He!

3 誰赦免我一切過犯 醫治心靈創傷 當我疲倦灰心失望 是誰賜下力量 Who pardons my iniquities
誰赦免我一切過犯 醫治心靈創傷 當我疲倦灰心失望 是誰賜下力量 Who pardons my iniquities? Who heals me from within? Who lifts my fallen life and sets me on my feet again?

4 當我徬徨迷失 誰領我如牧人 就是我神 我主耶穌 我頌揚讚美祂 Who hears me like a Shepherd, When I've gone astray? My Lord, my God, my Jesus, The One I praise today!

5 全然聖潔主, 配得至尊貴榮耀! 全聖的主, 配得頌揚讚美! Holy is He and great is His glory! Holy is He and worthy of our praise!

6 我肅立在萬有主前, 敬拜讚美萬王之王。 聖潔的主,全然聖潔! 全聖的主。 I stand in His presence amazed
我肅立在萬有主前, 敬拜讚美萬王之王。 聖潔的主,全然聖潔! 全聖的主。 I stand in His presence amazed. And crown Him with worship and praise. Holy is He, Holy is He, Holy is He !

7 誰聽我軟弱祈禱聲, 叫我無法躲藏。 是誰在我心門外叩門, 等待要進來? Who hears me in my loneliness
誰聽我軟弱祈禱聲, 叫我無法躲藏。 是誰在我心門外叩門, 等待要進來? Who hears me in my loneliness? Who finds me when I hide? Who knocks outside my broken heart 'Til I let Him inside?

8 是誰在寶座上 配得尊貴榮耀? 就是我神 我主耶穌。 我至愛救贖主! Whose life deserves the honor laid before His throne? My Lord, my God, my Jesus, My Savior and my Own!

9 全然聖潔主, 配得至尊貴榮耀! 全聖的主, 配得頌揚讚美! Holy is He and great is His glory! Holy is He and worthy of our praise!

10 我肅立在萬有主前, 敬拜讚美萬王之王。 聖潔的主,全然聖潔! 全聖的主! I stand in His presence amazed
我肅立在萬有主前, 敬拜讚美萬王之王。 聖潔的主,全然聖潔! 全聖的主! I stand in His presence amazed. And crown Him with worship and praise. Holy is He, Holy is He, Holy is He !

11 Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God Almighty!
【會衆齊唱】聖哉 !聖哉 !聖哉! 全能大主宰! 清晨我衆歌聲穿雲上達至尊! Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God Almighty! All Thy works shall praise Thy Name In earth and sky and sea!

12 聖哉! 聖哉 !聖哉! 慈悲與全能 榮耀與讚美 歸三一真神! Holy, Holy, Holy, merciful and mighty, God in three Persons, Blessed Trinity!

13 配得至尊貴榮耀! 全聖的主, 配得頌揚讚美!
II 全然聖潔主, 配得至尊貴榮耀! 全聖的主, 配得頌揚讚美! Holy is He and great is His glory. Holy is He and worthy of our praise!

14 我肅立在萬有主前, 敬拜讚美萬王之王。 聖潔的主,全然聖潔! 全聖的主 阿們 X 2
【Choir Only】 全聖的主 阿們 X 2 I stand in His presence amazed. And crown Him with worship and praise. Holy is He, Holy is He! Holy is He! X 2 A Men ! X 2

15 我眼睛已經看見 主降臨的大光榮 祂在踏進含忿怒的 一切不良葡萄種
上帝進行歌 我眼睛已經看見 主降臨的大光榮 祂在踏進含忿怒的 一切不良葡萄種 Battle Hymn of the Republic Mine eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the Lord; He is trampling out the vintage where the grapes of wrath are stored;

16 祂已抽出祂的怒劍 發出雷電聲隆隆 祂真理正進行 祂真理正進行!
榮耀!榮耀!哈利路亞! x 3 祂真理正進行! He hath loosed the fateful lightning of His terrible swift sword; His truth is marching on Glory!Glory! Hallelujah! X 3 His truth is marching on !

17 I have seen him in the watch fires of a hundred circling camps.
祂已吹起號角聲音,催我只向前奮進 祂在祂的審判座前,細察世界萬人心 我的靈快快響應祂,我雙足雀躍歡欣 祂真理正進行! I have seen him in the watch fires of a hundred circling camps. They have build Him an altar in the evening dews and damps; I can read His righteous sentence in the dim and flaring lamps. His day is marching on!

18 Glory!Glory! Hallelujah! X 3 His truth is marching on !
祂真理正進行! Glory!Glory! Hallelujah! X 3 His truth is marching on !

19 海的那邊耶穌降生,美麗正如百合花 聖懷含著無限光榮,改變我們都像祂 有祂死了使人聖潔,我願活著救萬民 祂真理正進行!
In the beauty of the lilies, Christ was born across the sea. With a glory in His bosom that transfigures you and me. As He died to make men holy, Let us die to make men free, While God is marching on!

20 Glory!Glory! Hallelujah! X 3 His truth is marching on !
祂真理正進行! 【會衆齊唱】榮耀!榮耀!哈利路亞! x 3 阿們 x 2 Glory!Glory! Hallelujah! X 3 His truth is marching on ! A Men ! x 2

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