LWW 全文期刊库 王颖 Ovid北京代表处.


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LWW 全文期刊库 王颖 Ovid北京代表处

Lippincott Williams & Wilkins Lippincott Williams & Wilkins(LWW)是世界第一大专业医学出版社, 为全球众多医师、专业临床医生、护理人员和医科学生提供高质量医学文献资源。 出版的内容包括:期刊、图书、教材等等 History 1792年起源于费城, Benjamin Warner and Jacob Johnson 1836年, Joshua Ballinger Lippincott 接管公司,公司命名为J.B. Lippincott Company 1978年,被Harper & Row出版社收购,从此开始专注出版 医疗、卫生 、保健类内容。 1990年,被Wolterkluwer 集团收购,同时与Raven Publisher合并,成为Lippincott-Raven Publishers 1998年,与Williams & Wilkins 合并,公司命名为Lippincott Williams & Wilkins 。 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins (LWW) is a leading international publisher of professional health information for physicians, nurses, specialized clinicians and students. LWW provides essential information for healthcare professionals in print and electronic formats, including textbooks, journals and via Intranets and the Internet. Products available include drug guides, medical journals, nursing journals, medical textbooks, eBooks and iPad applications. History The publisher had its origins in a Philadelphia bookstall opened by Benjamin Warner and Jacob Johnson in 1792. Joshua Ballinger Lippincott assumed control of the firm in 1836. In 1978, the company (then named J.B. Lippincott Company) was sold to Harper & Row, at which point it began to focus its publishing activities exclusively in health care; in 1990, it was sold to Wolters Kluwer. It was later merged with Raven Press in 1995 to become Lippincott-Raven Publishers, which then merged with Williams & Wilkins, ultimately forming Lippincott Williams & Wilkins in 1998. From a Philadelphia bookstall opened by Benjamin Warner and Jacob Johnson during the presidency of George Washington in 1792, a small book publisher grew to be one of the largest publishers in the English-speaking world within 60 years. After nearly 200 years of independent operation, J.B. Lippincott was sold to Harper & Row in 1978 and then to Wolters Kluwer in 1990. Under the ownership of Wolters Kluwer, J.B. Lippincott merged with Raven Publishers, and then with Williams & Wilkins, to form Lippincott Williams & Wilkins in 1998

Lippincott Williams & Wilkins期刊 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins (LWW) 出版280+种期刊。 约40%学协会期刊 超过60%的刊物有影响因子,多种刊物为其领域的顶尖刊物。 160+刊物提供Ipad Apps Of these nearly 40% are society-owned titles where LWW is the trusted publishing partner. Over 60% of the titles published by LWW have JCR Impact Factors with many of the titles being ranked in the top quartile of their specialty. To date over 160 of the journals published by LWW have stand alone iPad apps which are a digitally-enhanced version of the print journal

LWW顶尖刊物 在7个JCR大类中的排名第一的刊物 Circulation (the American Heart Association刊物) JCR 分类:心脏病/ 心血管系统 周围血管性疾病 影响因子: 15.202 Annals of Surgery (the American Surgical Association and the European Surgical Association) JCR 分类: 外科 影响因子: 6.329 The Journal of Head Trauma Rehabilitation (the official, peer-reviewed journal of the Brain Injury Association of America) JCR分类:康复. 影响因子: 4.443* *2012 Journal Citation Reports® (Thomson Reuters, 2013)

LWW顶尖刊物 在7个JCR大类中的排名第一的刊物 Ear and Hearing (the official journal of the American Auditory Society) JCR分类:耳鼻喉 影响因子:3.262 Epidemiology, the official title of the International Society for Environmental Epidemiology, JCR分类:公共、环境和职业健康 影响因子:5.738 Circulation Research ( American Heart Association journal) JCR分类:血液学 影响因子:11.861 *2012 Journal Citation Reports® (Thomson Reuters, 2013)

LWW 顶尖刊物 Top Cited Journals in Clinical Neurology & Transplantation Neurology (IF 8.249*), (the American Academy of Neurology) JCR分类:神经病学 影响因子:8.294 排名: 8 2012年被引用74408次 Transplantation JCR分类:移植 影响因子:3.781 排名:7 2013年被引用25429次 *2012 Journal Citation Reports® (Thomson Reuters, 2013)

LWW 顶尖刊物 周围血管性疾病的前5名刊物均出自LWW #4 Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis & Vascular Biology, published on behalf of the AHA #5 Stroke, published on behalf of the AHA #1 Circulation, published on behalf of the American Heart Association (AHA) #2 Circulation Research, published on the behalf of the AHA #3 Hypertension, published on behalf of the AHA LWW publishes all top five journals, six in the top ten and eight of the top 20 journals in the JCR Peripheral Vascular Disease category* *2012 Journal Citation Reports® (Thomson Reuters, 2013)

LWW 顶尖刊物 排名前10名的麻醉学刊物,有4种来自LWW #2 Anesthesiology, published on behalf of the American Society of Anesthesiologists #5 Regional Anesthesia and Pain Medicine, published on behalf of the American Society of Regional Anesthesia and Pain Medicine #6 Anesthesia & Analgesia, published on behalf of the International Anesthesia Research Society #9 European Journal of Anaesthesiology, official journal of the European Society of Anaesthesiology LWW publishes six of the top 20 titles in the JCR Anesthesiology* category: Also published by LWW in this category: #11 The Clinical Journal of Pain #13 Current Opinion in Anesthesiology *2012 Journal Citation Reports® (Thomson Reuters, 2013)

LWW Portfolio Impact Factor Highlights #1 Circulation #4 Circulation Research #6 Circulation: Cardiovascular Genetics #7 Circulation: Heart Failure #9 Circulation: Cardiovascular Interventions #11 Circulation: Arrhythmia and Electrophysiology #14 Circulation: Cardiovascular Imaging #15 Circulation: Cardiovascular Quality and Outcomes *2012 Journal Citation Reports® (Thomson Reuters, 2013)

LWW 顶尖期刊 传染病前10名刊物中有4种来自LWW,包括3种AIDS 、 HIV方面的前3名刊物。 LWW has four titles in top ten of the JCR Infectious Diseases* category, including the top 3 journals in the field of AIDS and HIV: #3 AIDS, the official journal of the International AIDS Society #8 Current Opinion in Infectious Diseases #9 Current Opinion in HIV and AIDS #10 JAIDS (Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes) *2012 Journal Citation Reports® (Thomson Reuters, 2013)

LWW顶尖刊物 外科学的前20名刊物中有5种来自LWW #1 Annals of Surgery, affiliated with the American Surgical Association and the European Surgical Association #5 The American Journal of Surgical Pathology, affiliated with The Arthur Purdy Stout Society of Surgical Pathologists and The Gastrointestinal Pathology Society Also published by LWW in this category: #12 Transplantation #13 Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery #18 Diseases of the Colon and Rectum *2012 Journal Citation Reports® (Thomson Reuters, 2013)