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Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC)

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1 Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC)
The RSC today is the most effective international organisation for advancing the chemical sciences Here’s an outline of our activities: Learned society and professional body for chemical scientists Registered charity Global membership organisation (43,000) Carries out a range of activities to promote the chemical sciences to the public Education. The RSC is the largest non-government supporter of chemistry education in the UK; works with government on issues that impact on the education system Science policy. The RSC influences and guides scientific policy in partnership with the chemical science community Parliamentary Affairs (promoting RSC’s interests with the government, input into parliamentary select committees) Campaigns to develop and support chemical sciences to meet the scientific, economic, technological and human challenges of the 21st Century. Recent example is the RSC’s success in lobbying the Government in order to prevent the closure of the chemistry dept at Sussex Univ

2 International Reach London & Cambridge Tokyo Philadelphia & Raleigh
Beijing & Shanghai Bangalore

3 RSC Roadmap for the Chemical Sciences
Priority Areas Energy Food Future cities Human health Lifestyle & recreation Raw materials & feedstocks Water & air

4 RSC Publishing – Portfolio
RSC publishing activity dates back to 1841 36 Journals 35,000 submissions (2010) 13,500 articles published (2010) Online journal archive (220,000 articles from 1841) 90+ Books published per year 1,000+ ebooks available Databases, including Analytical Abstracts & ChemSpider Magazines, including Chemistry World Events, Awards, Accreditation We have an active and growing Books program, currently around 40 per year and increasing The RSC publishes 23 journals and has been publishing journals in some guise since 1841. The entire content until 2004 is available electronically in a journals archive. We also publish databases and magazines such as Chemistry World. All the publishing activities are based at our Cambridge office with a staff of 150 people mostly trained chemists. Also LIC based in London

5 RSC JOURNAL RSC电子期刊,由英国皇家化学学会(Royal Society of Chemistry,简称RSC)所发行其出版的期刊及资料库一向是化学领域的核心期刊和权威性的资料库。RSC期刊大部分被SCI和MEDLINE收录,并且是被引用次数最多的化学期刊。 RSC’s 平均影响因子为5.4 ,整个化学科学出版物的平均值为2.38 83%的RSC的期刊影响因子值超过了3.0 * (Source: Thomson ISI) * MEDLINE是美国国立医学图书馆(The National Library of Medicine, 简称NLM)生产的国际性综合生物医学信息书目数据库,是当前国际上最权威的生物医学文献数据库。 * (Science Citation Index, SCI)是由美国科学信息研究所(ISI)1961年创办出版的引文数据库。SCI(科学引文索引 )、EI(工程索引 )、ISTP(科技会议录索引 ) 是世界著名的三大科技文献检索系统,是国际公认的进行科学统计与科学评价的主要检索工具,其中以SCI最为重要。 * 期刊引用报告(Jorunal Citation Reports)简称JCR,是美国科学情报研究所(ISI)编制出版的一部评价期刊的重要工具。它是SCI的副产品

6 Published Articles – 2010 Worldwide

7 RSC eBook Collection
RSC电子图书对化学科学工作人员来说同样是一个权威的参考点,目前有将近1000多册图书,相当于25000多个章节,跨越历史40年以上,并且每年不断有新书更新和补充 (2012年预计将有1090本)。现已完全汇集并数字化为可全面搜索的pdf文档。

8 RSC eBook Collection 收录时间:公元1968~up to date
适用level:从专题论文到大学研究所教科书,满足不同读者需求 主题领域: Analytical Chemistry 分析化学 General一般 Physical Chemistry物理化学 Food Science/ Nutrition食品科学/营养 Organic Chemistry有机化学 Materials and Polymers材料/高分子 Inorganic Chemistry 无机化学 Appliedand Industrial应用/工业化学 Nanoscience奈米科学 Env. Chem., Safety and Toxicology 环境/安全/毒物学 Biomolecular生物分子

9 RSC eBook Collection 2000年后RSC电子书分为9个学科包,分别是:教程化学课本、物理化学、环境化学、分析化学、生物科学、食品科学、有机化学、材料与纳米科学、工业与制药 RSC电子图书购买方式灵活,图书馆既可以全学科、全品种购买,也可以根据需要分学科包购买,全面满足各类型图书馆的个性化需求。 永久使用权,无并发用户限制,提供标准化统计格式(counter statistic) RSC通过用户IP段范围控制用户的访问 RSC无需申请即可免费阅读试用每本书的第一章节,同时也可申请试用,一般为两个月左右,申请成功后可试用全文阅读及50个章节的免费下载。

Analytical Chemistry 分析化学 (71) £9,054 Biosciences 生物科学 (83) £11,975 Environmental Chemistry 环境化学 (36) £4,280 Food Science 食品科学 (56) £6,758 Industrial and Pharmaceutical Chemistry 工业与制药化学(39)£5,261 Materials and Nanoscience 材料与纳米科学 (32) £4,383 Organic Chemistry 有机化学 (46) £4,675 Physical Chemistry 物理化学 (33) £3,869 Tutorial Chemistry Texts and Paperbacks 教程化学课本 (41) £3,841

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