自高中畢業後,柯比•布萊恩就在NBA出人頭地。 P.62 After graduated from high school, Kobe Bryant is head and shoulders above others in NBA.
大家都認為他和麥可•喬丹非常相似。 P.73 People think that he runs in the same groove with Michael Jordan.
但很不幸的,他很快就得意忘形了。 P.62 Unfortunately, he had his nose in the air very soon.
在球場上,他常對隊友的呼喚充耳不聞。 P.62 On the court, he often turns a deaf ear to his teammates’ calling. Huh? Pass to Me!
P.62 有時,他的傳球陷隊友於水深火熱之中。 Sometimes, his passes put teammates playing in the deep water. Triple team!!
P.63 在場外,他被人告發他強暴一名女服務生。 Over the court, he was put the finger on raping a waitress. 完了. . .
P.62 在他律師顛倒黑白的辨駁下,宣告無罪。 He was pronounced to not guilty because his lawyer talked black into white. 看我的!!
之後,他稱心如意的把歐尼爾踢出球隊。 P.62 After that, he kicked Shaquille O’neal out of the team after his own heart . Oh~~Yeah!!
P.62 人們都對他的作為嗤之以鼻。 People turns up their nose at his behavior. 不給你!! . . . . . . 不給你!!
P.65 這一季,他的廣告活動都被取代了。這都是他咎由自取。 This season, his promotions were all replaced. He is reaping what he has sown. 好喝! Give them back to ME!!