COFCC有机产品认证流程以及发展概况 中绿华夏有机食品认证中心


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Presentation transcript:

COFCC有机产品认证流程以及发展概况 中绿华夏有机食品认证中心 COFCC organic product certification process, and the development of certification 中绿华夏有机食品认证中心

寄发受理通知书、认证合同(项目管理人员,8日) 企业上报申请材料 拒绝受理 COFCC金农系统及食安系统信息录入 (信息录入人员,2日) 合同评审 寄发受理通知书、认证合同(项目管理人员,8日) 检查策划 - Company submit application - Input the application information into the COFCC system and the regulator (CNCA)’s system (done by processor, 2 days) - Contract review (the application may be rejected) - Issue application acceptance notice and sign certification contract (done by certification program manager, 8 days) Planning the inspection Upload the inspection plan to the regulator’s system (done by certification program manager, 1 day) Issue mandate to inspectors and issue inspection notice to the applicant (done by certification program manager, 1 day) Review the inspection plann 上传检查计划至食安系统(项目管理人员,1日) 下发《检查员委派书》《检查通知书》(项目管理人员,1日) 检查计划审核

补充材料与检查发现问题报告关闭(检查组) 部门负责人批准,下发综合审核意见(项目管理人员) 文件审核和现场检查(检查组) 15个工作日 补充材料与检查发现问题报告关闭(检查组) 完成报告、提交整套检查文件(检查组长) 审核意见关闭10日 综合审核(项目管理人员,10日) 部门负责人批准,下发综合审核意见(项目管理人员) Document review and on-site inspection (by inspection team) Applicant supplements relevant information and documents, and the inspection team closes the findings Inspection team leader completes the report and submits the complete set of inspection files to CB (above steps take maxim 15 working days) Certification program manager checks the inspection files (10 days) Department head approves the results of above check If any issue has been identified during above check, it has to be closed within 10 days. After check, inspection files submitted for certification decision The certification decision committee conducts review and make decsion (10 days) CB CEO signs the certificate 审核意见关闭,提交颁证评审 颁证委员会评审(定期评审,10日) 主任签发

说明 一、认证时限设置 受理及检查委派环节——15个工作日。 检查报告撰写——15个工作日。 综合审核及审核意见关闭——20个工作日。 颁证评审及证书制作——20个工作日。 认证环节约需80个工作日。 Notes Time frame requirements for each step Acceptance of application, assign the inspection tasks – 15 working days Complete inspection report – 15 working days Check the inspection files and close any issue identified by such check - 20 working days Certification decision and issuing certificate - 20 working days The whole process takes about 80 working days, depending on the findings from inspection and the issues from check

说明 一、再认证工作流程 1、基本与新认证流程相同。 2、文件简化。 3、认证费用减少。 认证满5年的企业,认证费减免20%; 认证满10年的企业,认证费减免30%; 认证满15年的企业,认证费减免40%; 认证满20年及20年以上的企业,认证费减免50%; Notes Process for re-certification The re-certification process is basically the same as the initial certification Less requirements on documentation Reduced certification fee - Client certified for 5 years, 20% discount on certification fee - Client certified for 10 years, 30% discount on certification fee - Client certified for 15 years, 40% discount on certification fee - Client certified for 20 years or more, 50% discount on certification fee

COFCC有机认证产品概况 近几年来COFCC有机认证产品总量规模持续 稳步扩大。截止到2016年12月31日,有机食品获 证企业951家,证书1539张,产品3844个。其中 境内获证企业909家,产品3688个。防伪标签和 有机码发放总量12.085亿枚。 Development of COFCC organic product certification In recent years, COFCC organic product certification grows continuously and steadily. By 31 Dec 2016: - certified clients: 951 (909 in China) - certificates: 1539 - Types of certified products; 3844 (3688 in China) - total issue of anti-fake labels and organic certification codes: 1.2085 billion

COFCC有机认证产品概况 近5年有机产品企业数和产品数 Blue bar: number of clients Red bar: number of types of certified products

COFCC有机认证产品概况 有机认证产品结构 The number of the types of certified products Alcoholic beverage: 1.9% Wild collection: 12.4% Fishery: 8.4% Livestock: 12.0% Crop farming: 65.4%

COFCC有机认证产品概况 注:种植业、畜牧业、渔业产品分别含其加工产品 产品类别 产品数量(个) 比重(%) 种植业 2512 65.35 462 12.02 渔业 321 8.35 野生采集 476 12.38 酒类饮料 73 1.9 合计 3844 100 The number of the types of certified products Crop farming: 2512, 65.35% Livestock: 462, 12.02% Fishery: 321, 8.35% Wild collection: 476, 12.38% Alcoholic beverage: 73, 1.9% Total: 3844, 100%

COFCC有机认证产品概况 产品 产品数 (个) 产量 (万吨) 总计 3844 451.98 茶叶 697 2.73 粮食作物 588 48.65 粮食加工 457 9.89 水果和坚果 184 8.42 畜产品加工 127 0.19 乳品加工 115 213.17 占比 56% 63% COFCC有机认证产品分类产品发展情况 Number of product types and quantities in tons Total: 3844, 4,519,800 tons The 6 largest categories Tea: 697, 27,300 tons Food crop: 588, 486,500 tons Grain processing: 457, 98,900 tons Fruits and nuts: 184, 84,200 tons Livestock processing: 127, 1,900 tons Diary processing: 115, 2,131,700 tons The above six categories: 56% of 3844; 63% of 4,519,800 tons

COFCC有机认证产品概况 COFCC有机认证产品分地区发展情况 地区 企业项目数 (个) 产品数 产量 (万吨) 总计 951 3844 451.98 黑龙江 121 712 21.48 内蒙古 88 457 256.77 湖北 66 203 4.63 山东 62 192 33.08 江苏 53 173 1.12 河北 42 126 4.74 四川 39 124 2.66 江西 38 141 4.18 宁夏 77 4.19 57% 74% Geographic distribution of certified products (number of types and tons) First column: province (Total, Heilongjiang, Inner Mongolia, Hubei, Shandong, Jiangsu, Hebei, Sichuan, Jiangxi, Ningxia) Second column: number of certified clients Third column: number of the types of products Fourth column: tons

谢谢 ! 合同评审 认证受理 检查现场的组织实施 综合审核 Thank you