OCLC Firstsearch 全國版推廣教育訓練課程


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Section 1 Basic concepts of web page
Presentation transcript:

OCLC Firstsearch 全國版推廣教育訓練課程 OCLC Taiwan Rep. 飛資得資訊產品策略中心

大 綱 OCLC FirstSearch 特色 What STIC Offers For Libraries? 特色資料庫及欄位說明 大 綱 OCLC FirstSearch 特色 What STIC Offers For Libraries? 特色資料庫及欄位說明 Firstsearch新功能 實例操作 Q & A

FirstSearch 系統特色 擁有超過80種資料庫,其中含數十種全文資料庫 連結超過7,500種期刊 同時可連結OCLC WorldCat 查詢館藏資料 整合ECO全文資料庫於單一介面 從檢索到資源分享(ILL)畢其功於一役 檢索結果可顯示那些單位有其資源 可整合自身圖書館館藏系統(OPAC) End-user可自行進行館際互借 1. Main difference between CORC and the ordinary search engines is that CORC is based on the Dublin Core to organize their web resources. Therefore, a user can have a more specific field search or tag search. 2. Not like the ordinary search engine, the organized information is quite limited. 3. First Search: a. look out the Subject icon on the ERIC database, it did give us a vocabulary control search mean, even though it is an extremely poor technology after comparing with OVID b. after searching in FS, you can click several icons on the top of the interface to search for the related ArticleFirst, NetFirst, and so on. C. also look out the Expand and Limit in the ERIC and MEDLINE search interface (For expand, it would enable the user to look at the Authors and subject heading in the search results)

What STIC Offers For Libraries? National License 使用方式 連線網址 2005年起僅提供4種資料庫。 --Article First、 PaperFirst 、 Proceedings First 、ECO A&I 使用方式 全國大專校院免費使用 全國National License 6 人版 原始文件可透過OCLC ILL館際互借系統取得!!! 連線網址 IP控管: http://newfirstsearch.oclc.org/fsip 利用id,pw進入: http://newfirstsearch.oclc.org


Article First 主題 : 商業、科學、人文學、社會科學、醫藥、技術、通俗文化 收錄範圍 : 1990 – Present 資料類型 : 索引、摘要、全文 特色 : 蒐錄15,000種期刊之文章索引、摘要 資料數量 : 15,000多筆書目資料 2004年新功能 Browse Journal 依期刊名稱檢索/瀏覽 呈現期刊內容資訊—出版社, ISSN,刊期等 收錄完整之期刊目次

ArticleFirst Example 以nanotechnology 為kw之檢索實例 呈現書目資料

可檢索刊名 可依字順瀏覽刊名

期刊資訊, 出版商, ISSN等資料 可進行目次的瀏覽


Proceedings First 原始文件可透過OCLC ILL館際互借系統取得!!! 主題 : 收錄各種學科之會議、研討會、展覽等會議論文集 收錄範圍 : 1993 – Present 資料類型 : 書目及目次資料 特色 : 包含大英圖書館文獻供應中心 ( The British Library Document Supply Center ) 所有收錄會議論文報告之 論文集 資料數量 : 超過149,000筆 原始文件可透過OCLC ILL館際互借系統取得!!!

ProceedingsFirst Example 以telecommunication為kw之檢索實例

原始文件可透過OCLC ILL館際互借系統取得!!! PaperFirst 主題 : OCLC為在世界各地會議上發表的論文所編纂的索引 收錄範圍 : 1993 – Present 資料類型 : 書目資料 特色 : 包含大英圖書館文獻供應中心 ( The British Library Document Supply Center ) 所有收錄會議論文報告之 單篇論文書目索引資料 資料數量 : 490萬筆書目資料 更新頻率:半月更新 原始文件可透過OCLC ILL館際互借系統取得!!!

Paper First Example 以telecommunication 為kw之檢索實例

ECO A&I 主題 :農業、圖書館學、人類學、文學、商業、醫藥、經濟學、哲學、教育、政治科學、美術、心理學、地理、宗教、歷史、科學語言、社會科學、法律、技術 收錄範圍 : 1995 – Present 資料類型 : 索引、摘要 特色 : 蒐錄4,800種期刊之文章索引、摘要 資料數量 : 1,690,000多筆書目資料 2004年新功能 --Browse Journal 依期刊名稱檢索/瀏覽 --呈現期刊內容資訊—出版社, ISSN,刊期等 --收錄完整之期刊目次

ECO 期刊 瀏覽及檢索 點選此功能 鍵入檢索詞彙 1. Main difference between CORC and the ordinary search engines is that CORC is based on the Dublin Core to organize their web resources. Therefore, a user can have a more specific field search or tag search. 2. Not like the ordinary search engine, the organized information is quite limited. 3. First Search: a. look out the Subject icon on the ERIC database, it did give us a vocabulary control search mean, even though it is an extremely poor technology after comparing with OVID b. after searching in FS, you can click several icons on the top of the interface to search for the related ArticleFirst, NetFirst, and so on. C. also look out the Expand and Limit in the ERIC and MEDLINE search interface (For expand, it would enable the user to look at the Authors and subject heading in the search results) 鍵入檢索詞彙

ECO Browse journal --依主題 1. Main difference between CORC and the ordinary search engines is that CORC is based on the Dublin Core to organize their web resources. Therefore, a user can have a more specific field search or tag search. 2. Not like the ordinary search engine, the organized information is quite limited. 3. First Search: a. look out the Subject icon on the ERIC database, it did give us a vocabulary control search mean, even though it is an extremely poor technology after comparing with OVID b. after searching in FS, you can click several icons on the top of the interface to search for the related ArticleFirst, NetFirst, and so on. C. also look out the Expand and Limit in the ERIC and MEDLINE search interface (For expand, it would enable the user to look at the Authors and subject heading in the search results) ECO Browse journal --依主題


ECO 檢索畫面說明 資料庫選擇 --各單位所訂購之資料庫清單 關鍵字查詢 --提供十數個欄位供檢索 多元限制條件 --依出版商/主題/全文 檢索結果排序 --相關率/日期


期刊資料說明 1. Main difference between CORC and the ordinary search engines is that CORC is based on the Dublin Core to organize their web resources. Therefore, a user can have a more specific field search or tag search. 2. Not like the ordinary search engine, the organized information is quite limited. 3. First Search: a. look out the Subject icon on the ERIC database, it did give us a vocabulary control search mean, even though it is an extremely poor technology after comparing with OVID b. after searching in FS, you can click several icons on the top of the interface to search for the related ArticleFirst, NetFirst, and so on. C. also look out the Expand and Limit in the ERIC and MEDLINE search interface (For expand, it would enable the user to look at the Authors and subject heading in the search results)

多樣化檢索 欄位 關鍵字 作者/片語 資料類型 主題 ISSN或標準號碼

檢索有關 古典音樂方面的文獻資料: 關鍵字: Classic music

共有21筆與classic music 有關的書目


End user直接填寫館際互借需求單傳送至圖書館請圖書館辦理館合。 紅色字體表示必填欄位

OCLC FirstSearch 加值服務 儲存檢索策略 儲存檢索結果 進入Firstsearch檢索系統後,讀者自行建立帳密碼。 建立完成後,每次登入時皆可以使用該組帳號進行儲存檢索策略及再執行策略之用 儲存檢索結果



註冊成功後, 表示已可直接進行檢索並儲存檢索策略

進行資料庫檢索時, 在檢索結果呈現處則有「儲存檢索」功能鍵






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