Tiffany M. Cheng Sandy Yu 新的事將要成就 Stream of Praise CCLI #1133585 能不能 Let me Stay Tiffany M. Cheng Sandy Yu 新的事將要成就 Stream of Praise CCLI #1133585
You are my portion evermore 我活著為讚美祢 能不能 Let Me Stay 我屬於祢 Lord I am Yours 祢是我永遠的福分 You are my portion evermore CCLI #1133585
Every night and day, here in Your 我活著為讚美祢 能不能 Let Me Stay 只想日夜在祢殿中 Every night and day, here in Your 獻上敬拜 court I worship CCLI #1133585
Let me gaze upon Your face 我活著為讚美祢 能不能 Let Me Stay 定睛在祢的榮美 Let me gaze upon Your face 世上一切變暗淡 All else will fade away CCLI #1133585
除祢以外 我還能有誰 There’s no one else For me but You 能不能 Let Me Stay 我活著為讚美祢 CCLI #1133585
You are my portion evermore 我活著為讚美祢 能不能 Let Me Stay 我屬於祢 Lord I am Yours 祢是我永遠的福分 You are my portion evermore CCLI #1133585
Every night and day, here in Your 我活著為讚美祢 能不能 Let Me Stay 只想日夜在祢殿中 Every night and day, here in Your 獻上敬拜 court I worship CCLI #1133585
Let me gaze upon Your face 我活著為讚美祢 能不能 Let Me Stay 定睛在祢的榮美 Let me gaze upon Your face 世上一切變暗淡 All else will fade away CCLI #1133585
除祢以外 我還能有誰 There’s no one else For me but You 能不能 Let Me Stay 我活著為讚美祢 CCLI #1133585
I want to stay right here in Your embrace 我活著為讚美祢 能不能 Let Me Stay 能不能 Let me stay 就讓我留在祢的同在裡 I want to stay right here in Your embrace CCLI #1133585
Give me the strength to love You 我活著為讚美祢 能不能 Let Me Stay 能不能 Let me stay 賜我力量讓我更多愛祢 Give me the strength to love You more each day CCLI #1133585
I would rather be than here Lord 我活著為讚美祢 能不能 Let Me Stay 我哪都不想去 There is no other place 只想日夜在祢殿中 I would rather be than here Lord CCLI #1133585
獻上敬拜 全心全意來愛祢 With all my heart With all I am, I worship 我活著為讚美祢 能不能 Let Me Stay 獻上敬拜 With all my heart 全心全意來愛祢 With all I am, I worship CCLI #1133585
I want to stay right here in Your embrace 我活著為讚美祢 能不能 Let Me Stay 能不能 Let me stay 就讓我留在祢的同在裡 I want to stay right here in Your embrace CCLI #1133585
Give me the strength to love You 我活著為讚美祢 能不能 Let Me Stay 能不能 Let me stay 賜我力量讓我更多愛祢 Give me the strength to love You more each day CCLI #1133585
I would rather be than here Lord 我活著為讚美祢 能不能 Let Me Stay 我哪都不想去 There is no other place 只想日夜在祢殿中 I would rather be than here Lord CCLI #1133585
獻上敬拜 全心全意來愛祢 With all my heart With all I am, I worship 我活著為讚美祢 能不能 Let Me Stay 獻上敬拜 With all my heart 全心全意來愛祢 With all I am, I worship CCLI #1133585
I want to stay right here in Your embrace 我活著為讚美祢 能不能 Let Me Stay 能不能 Let me stay 就讓我留在祢的同在裡 I want to stay right here in Your embrace CCLI #1133585
Give me the strength to love You 我活著為讚美祢 能不能 Let Me Stay 能不能 Let me stay 賜我力量讓我更多愛祢 Give me the strength to love You more each day CCLI #1133585
I would rather be than here Lord 我活著為讚美祢 能不能 Let Me Stay 我哪都不想去 There is no other place 只想日夜在祢殿中 I would rather be than here Lord CCLI #1133585
獻上敬拜 全心全意來愛祢 With all my heart With all I am, I worship 我活著為讚美祢 能不能 Let Me Stay 獻上敬拜 With all my heart 全心全意來愛祢 With all I am, I worship 能不能 Let me Stay CCLI #1133585