Remember the five simple rules to be happy 快樂的五個簡單常規


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Presentation transcript:

Remember the five simple rules to be happy 快樂的五個簡單常規

1. Free your heart from hatred 釋放心中的憎恨 2 1. Free your heart from hatred 釋放心中的憎恨 2. Free your mind from worries 不過份憂慮 3. Live simply 活得簡單 4. Give more and Demand less 付出多一些和少一點要求 5. Expect miracles in life 對生命有盼望

No one can go back and make a brand new start 或許無人能重新開始 Anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending.. 但每人卻可以從今天重新建立一個新的結局

God didn't promise days without pain, laughter without sorrow, sun without rain, 上帝沒有應許生活 沒痛楚,遺憾,或沒有下雨天 but He did promise strength for the day, comfort for the tears and light for the way. 祂卻應許 生活中尋力量,淚中得安慰,前路有昐望。

Disappointments are like road bumps, they slow you down a bit but you will enjoy the smooth road afterwards. 失望有如 不平坦的路,它會令你進度慢下來, 但它能使你更享受往後平坦的路。 Don't stay on the bumps too long. Move on! 不要停留太久在不平坦的路, 應盡快向前跑!

When you feel down because you didn't get what you want, just sit tight and be happy, because God has thought of something better to give you.. 當你為得不到的而感到沮喪時, 請嘗試預備好自已心情, 因為上帝可能已為你預備更好的‥

When something happens to you, good or bad, consider what it means

There's a purpose to life's events, to teach you how to laugh more or not to cry too hard. 生命中所發生的事,總有它的目的, 可能是叫我們學習多些開心,或哭少些。

You can't make someone love you You can't make someone love you. All you can do is be someone who can be loved; the rest is up to the person to realize your worth. 你不能令某人愛你。 你祇能令自己可愛點; 其餘的就是乎那人怎樣看你的價值。

It's better to lose your pride to the one you love, than to lose the one you love because of pride. 應選擇為你所愛的而放棄自尊, 好過為自尊而失去你所愛的。

We spend too much time looking for the right person to love or finding fault with those we already love, when instead we should be perfecting the love we give. 可能我們花了太多時間 去尋找那個合適的人或 對我們所愛的人過份挑剔, 或許我們應該多些反思 怎樣改善自己付出的愛。

Never abandon an old friend Never abandon an old friend. You will never find one who can take his place. Friendship is like wine, it gets better as it grows older. 不要輕易放棄舊朋友。 因你不能找別人代替他。 友情就像酒,越舊越好。

Pass it on to your dear friends. I just did. 請將它傳遞給你的好友。 我剛剛做了。