Tell me the Old, Old Story S18 古老福音 1/3


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Presentation transcript:

Tell me the Old, Old Story S18 古老福音 1/3 請對我講主福音,講說天上妙事, Tell me the old, old story of unseen things above, 講說耶穌愛罪人,講說祂為人死; Of Jesus and His glory,of Jesus and His love. 簡單講說主福音,像對兒童講說, Tell me the story simply, as to a little child; 因我軟弱又愚笨,滿了污穢罪過。 For I am weak and weary,and helpless and defiled. 請對我講主福音,講那古老的福音。 Tell me the old, old story. Tell me the old, old story. 講說耶穌愛罪人,講說耶穌救恩。 Tell me the old, old story, of Jesus and His love.

慢慢講說主福音,使我可以聽明, 神那奇妙的宏恩,如何救罪人心; 常常講說主福音,因我容易忘記, 像清晨草上甘露,日中就無蹤跡。 S18 古老福音 2/3 慢慢講說主福音,使我可以聽明, Tell me the story slowly,that I may take it in 神那奇妙的宏恩,如何救罪人心; That wonderful redemption, God’s remedy for sin. 常常講說主福音,因我容易忘記, Tell me the story often, for I forget so soon; 像清晨草上甘露,日中就無蹤跡。 The early dew of morning has passed away at noon. 請對我講主福音,講那古老的福音。 Tell me the old, old story. Tell me the old, old story. 講說耶穌愛罪人,講說耶穌救恩。 Tell me the old, old story, of Jesus and His love.

每逢我心恐慌時,請仍講主福音, 惟恐今世的虛榮,深深迷惑我心; 請對我講說福音,講說老舊福音, 請仍講主福音說: “耶穌使人潔淨”。 S18 古老福音 3/3 每逢我心恐慌時,請仍講主福音, Tell me the same old story when you have cause to fear, 惟恐今世的虛榮,深深迷惑我心; That this world’s empty glory is costing me too dear. 請對我講說福音,講說老舊福音, Yes, and when that world’s glory is dawning on my soul, 請仍講主福音說: “耶穌使人潔淨”。 Tell me the old, old story; “Christ Jesus makes thee whole.” 請對我講主福音,講那古老的福音。 Tell me the old, old story. Tell me the old, old story. 講說耶穌愛罪人,講說耶穌救恩。 Tell me the old, old story, of Jesus and His love.