The book of Ruth gives us Visions of faith, hope and love


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Presentation transcript:

The book of Ruth gives us Visions of faith, hope and love 路得的見証 Testimony of Ruth 路得記展示信望愛的美麗圖畫 The book of Ruth gives us Visions of faith, hope and love 路得記Ruth1:6-18

to being the great grandma of King David ◆ 路得的生命改變 她本是卑微的摩押女子, 卻在基督耶穌的家譜上佔一席位, 成為大衛王的曾祖母 ◆ Transformation of Ruth’s Life From a lowly Moabitess to being the great grandma of King David listed in the genealogy of Jesus Christ

◆ 信心的選擇 1. 取捨在於愛心關係而不在於個人自由 ◆ 信心的選擇 1. 取捨在於愛心關係而不在於個人自由 拿俄米對兩個媳婦說:“去吧, 你們還是各自回娘家吧.願耶和華恩待你們,像你們善待已死的人和我一樣. 願耶和華使你們各人有機會再嫁,找到歸宿.” ◆ Choice of Faith 1. Choice between love relationship and freedom Then Naomi said to her two daughters-in-law, “Go back, each of you, to your mother’s home. May the LORD show you kindness, as you have shown kindness to your dead husbands and to me. May the LORD grant that each of you will find rest in the home of another husband.”

她們又放聲大哭.俄耳巴就和婆婆吻別,路得卻捨不得離開拿俄米。 得1:8-9, 14 ◆ 信心的選擇 1. 取捨在於愛心關係而不在於個人自由 她們又放聲大哭.俄耳巴就和婆婆吻別,路得卻捨不得離開拿俄米。 得1:8-9, 14 ◆ Choice of Faith 1. Choice between love relationship and freedom At this they wept aloud again. Then Orpah kissed her mother-in-law goodbye, but Ruth clung to her. Ruth 1:8-9, 14

2. 取捨在於信仰而不在於利益 “走吧,我女兒啊,你們回去吧,因為我太老,不能嫁人了,就算我說我還有希望今天晚上有個丈夫,又生兒子,你們可以等到他們長大嗎? 你們可以為他們守節而不嫁人嗎?” 得1:12-13 2. Choice was made according to faith not profit Return home, my daughters; I am too old to have another husband. Even if I thought there was still hope for me—even if I had a husband tonight and then gave birth to sons— would you wait until they grew up? Would you remain unmarried for them?

2. 取捨在於信仰而不在於利益 路得說:“請不要逼我離開你回去,不跟從你.你到哪裡去,我也要到哪裡去; 你在哪裡過夜,我也要在哪裡過夜; 你的同胞就是我的同胞,你的 神就是我的神。 得1:16 2. Choice was made according to faith not profit But Ruth replied, “Don’t urge me to leave you or to turn back from you. Where you go I will go, and where you stay I will stay. Your people will be my people and your God my God. Ruth 1:16

3. 取捨在於永久而不在於眼前的環境 波阿斯回答她說:“自從你丈夫去世以後,你對婆婆所行的,和你怎樣離開父母與出生之地, 來到素來不認識的人中間,這一切我都知道得很清楚了.願耶和華照你所作的報答你; 你來投靠在耶和華以色列神的翅膀下,願他充充足足酬報你。” 3. Choice was based on the permanent not on immediate Boaz replied, “I’ve been told all about what you have done for your mother-in-law since the death of your husband—how you left your father and mother and your homeland and came to live with a people you did not know before. May the LORD repay you for what you have done. May you be richly rewarded by the LORD, the God of Israel, under whose wings you have come to take refuge.” Ruth 2:11-12

- 不以自己的利益為前題,看拿俄米如母親,願以家婆的需要為前題,要在她身邊侍候。 ◆ 愛的委身跟隨 1. 不自私的決定 - 不以自己的利益為前題,看拿俄米如母親,願以家婆的需要為前題,要在她身邊侍候。 ◆ Commitment of Love 1. Selfless commitment - She treated Naomi as her own mother and put the needs of Naomi before her own; to be there with her to serve her

- 是在沒有任何應許,完全沒有任何期望而決斷的。 ◆ 愛的委身跟隨 2. 無條件的決定 - 是在沒有任何應許,完全沒有任何期望而決斷的。 ◆ Commitment of Love 2. Unconditional commitment - She acted without any promise or expectation in return.

你死在哪裡,我也要死在哪裡,葬在哪裡.除非死亡把你我分離;如果我離開你,願耶和華加倍懲罰我。 得1:17 ◆ 愛的委身跟隨 3. 永不改變的決定 你死在哪裡,我也要死在哪裡,葬在哪裡.除非死亡把你我分離;如果我離開你,願耶和華加倍懲罰我。 得1:17 ◆ Commitment of Love 3. Unchanging commitment Where you die I will die, and there I will be buried. May the LORD deal with me, be it ever so severely, if even death separates you and me.” Ruth 1:17