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雅 歌 團 雅 仔戲 團 契 场.

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Presentation on theme: "雅 歌 團 雅 仔戲 團 契 场."— Presentation transcript:

1 仔戲

2 麥 場 傳 奇

3 編舞: 王慧娜 音控: Joe Lee, 趙佐 化裝: 曉靈, 俐蓉, 敏娣 特此感謝愛加倍團契的大力支持: 錄音: Joseph Yeh 錄影: Aaron Liao 編劇,編曲, 歌詞,導演,武場:黄慧琥姐妹

4 主是樹頭我是枝 服事上帝得安慰 回返猶太正對時正對時”【三步珠 淚】
“世事了然失活氣 詞:楊敏如 主是樹頭我是枝 服事上帝得安慰 回返猶太正對時正對時”【三步珠 淚】 Naomi: Enshrouded by deaths of my loved ones, I shall return to Judah to seek the comfort of my true Vine, my God and let my daughters-in-law go back home.

5 老身,那俄米。本是猶太伯利恆 的人氏,無奈飢荒欠米糧,帶著 兩個兒子跟隨尪婿遷徙來到這個 外邦--摩押地。誰知他們父子三 人放我一人……
Grieving the loss of my husband and two sons, I, Naomi, a poor Jewish widow, live in Moab, a foreign land alone with….

6 好家在,有俄珥巴和路得,兩個 好媳婦照顧我….罷了,是時陣 囉!應該讓她們回到外家厝。媳 婦快來.
I do have two daughters-in-law, who love me dearly. Ay! It’s time to let them go back home. May the Lord grant that each of them will find rest in the home of another husband.

7 俄珥巴/路得:向婆婆請安 俄珥巴:不知婆婆叫阮出來有甚 麼代誌? Orpah/Ruth: Dear Mother, here we are.

8 那俄米:我的媳婦哪,回去外家 厝吧! 願耶和華恩待你們, 親像你們恩待我一樣, 使你們有平安。
Go back to your mother’s home. May the Lord show you kindness as you have shown to your dead and to me.

9 俄珥巴/路得:婆婆,讓阮們與 你作伙回去猶太地. We will go with you to Judah.

10 那俄米: 我年紀已經老囉,沒尪 沒子,親像死了一款,你們怎麼 可以為了我,一世人守寡呢?回 去吧!不要讓我為你們艱苦心.
I am as old as dead. It pains me bitterly to see you remain widowed for my sake.

11 朝夕相處難分開, 此別是為尊姑命, 哎,望後世又成一家” 【新北調】 “人生無常難定論, 詞: 黄慧琥
“人生無常難定論, 詞: 黄慧琥 朝夕相處難分開, 此別是為尊姑命, 哎,望後世又成一家” 【新北調】 My days with you has been sweet but short. I am parting you to obey your command. May we reunite in next life.

12 那俄米:路得啊,妳的阿嫂已 經離開了,你也趕緊 回去吧…
Ruth, your sister-in-law is going back to her home and her gods. Go back with her.

13 路得:婆婆啊、婆婆,不要逼 我回去。你去哪裡,我也去哪 裡;你住何處,我就住何處。 你的國就是我的國,你的上帝, 也是我的上帝。除了死,没有 什麼,能夠使你我分開啊。
Ruth: Don’t urge me to leave you. Where you go I will go, where you stay I will stay. Your people will be my people and your God my God.

14 與妳相離我不愛啊, 路得 : ”妳的上帝我敬拜, 那俄米╱路得: 相牽同行回猶太…
路得 : ”妳的上帝我敬拜, 詞:楊敏如 咱們情份是主安排, 與妳相離我不愛啊, 那俄米╱路得: 相牽同行回猶太… 回 …猶…太” 【霜雪調】 Ruth: I shall worship our true God with you and die with you. Ruth/Naomi: Together we will return to Bethlehem.

15 闊少:我是大大有名的猪高正。 囉囉:大有名的猪…
Gangsters: We are the famous playboys in the neighborhood.

16 闊少:兄弟啊,今日天氣不錯, 咱出去來溜溜走走.
Gangsters: We are the famous Gangsters who love to loiter around and social with pretty girls.

17 闊少:ㄟ!有姑娘在那裡 囉囉:美喔! 闊少:來去打招呼一下
let us go say hi to the pretty girl there.

18 闊少:呵!呵!呵!美姑娘,讓本 少爺摸一下 路得:救人喔!
Gangster: Let me get closer to you, pretty girl. 路得:救人喔! Ruth: Help!

19 波阿斯:大膽 哪來的小子? 闊少:你是哪一路的?破壞 本少爺的好事. Boaz: Who are you? So ruthless.
Gangster: This is none of your business.

20 波阿斯:竟然光天化日之下, 在這猶太地戲弄良家婦女… 你們太不應該 速速離開這
Boaz: Who is this loser harassing a young girl in Judah!

21 闊少:可惡啊! 闊少:溜! Man, he can really fight. Let’s go….

22 路得:多謝公子搭救. 波阿斯:小姐免禮, 老夫人受驚囉! Thank you.
Don’t mention it. Sorry, I came too late.

23 那俄米:英雄大名? 來日才好報答 波阿斯:請夫人不要掛意. 頭前就是猶太的伯利恆城, 咱們有緣再會.
May we know your name to repay you in future. 波阿斯:請夫人不要掛意. 頭前就是猶太的伯利恆城, 咱們有緣再會. No need for that. Bethlehem is right ahead of us. Maybe I will see you again.

24 路得:婆婆,那位公子講,前 頭就是伯利恆城,咱們 趕緊入城吧!
Ruth: Mother, let’s go to Bethlehem. Without delay.

25 來喔來喔!趕緊來看,那個咁不是甜美的那俄米咧.不過,现在怎會變成苦瓜臉咧?
Isn’t that Sweet Naomi? But, she now looks bitter. 想當時喔!有夠搶迎,一家人去摩押,現在怎剩她一人? They left a big family, now only her is back?

26 那個年青女子,看起來好像外邦人,擱生得真美. 聽說是她的小媳婦,真孝顺,還陪她回来猷太地!
The young girl next to her is her dutiful daughter-in-law. She even left her homeland Moab to be with Naomi.

27 嘿,哪有美啦! 咱這莊 最美的 是 ……… 啦! 唉!外邦查囡,再美也沒錄用.
In our town, the prettiest one is ………! 唉!外邦查囡,再美也沒錄用. Sigh! It’s useless for a Moabite girl to be pretty!

28 榮華富貴莫強求 敬畏上帝是首先,詞: 黄慧琥 為國為民去擔憂”(廣東二簧) 波阿斯”天下萬務有定時,
God created the world in good order. Be in awe of the living God with no fear. I do good wherever I go to please God.

29 小生,波阿斯。猶太伯利恆人士,蒙上帝恩典,賜我很多產業來管理,盼望能夠造福鄉親父老,使全城的人都得到這份福氣。
My name is Boaz. God has blessed me abundantly in Bethlehem, Judah. May my standing glorify the God and benefit my people.

30 蒙受上帝的賞賜,大麥小麥滿作堆, 大麥小麥滿作堆” 詞: 黄慧琥 鄉里傳講嘔咾嘴,賢德孝媳真可貴, 賢德孝媳真可貴” 詞: 楊敏如
“喜迎朝陽春意濃,做夥逗陣到麥場 , 蒙受上帝的賞賜,大麥小麥滿作堆, 大麥小麥滿作堆” 詞: 黄慧琥 “路得親身拾麥穗,養食姑家盡心氣 , 鄉里傳講嘔咾嘴,賢德孝媳真可貴, 賢德孝媳真可貴” 詞: 楊敏如 【六角美人】 In God’s harvest celebration, we marvel at Ruth’s hard work in order to provide for Naomi.

31 波阿斯:願耶和華與你們同在。 眾人:願耶和華賜福給你。 Boaz:
May God and His Blessing be with you. The wheat field workers: May God bless you with more abundance.

32 波阿斯:那是哪一家的女子? 麥場僕人:她喔,就是跟隨拿俄米回來的摩押女子,路得啊! 她懇求我,讓她在這拾麥穗,透早來、做到日頭暗,實在真感心。 Boaz: Whose young woman is that? Foreman: She is the Moabitess who came back with Naomi. She asked to glean and has been morning since early morning.

33 摩押女子就是她 款待姑家擔酸苦, 不辭千里陪伴返猶太” 波阿斯” 原來人人在傳講, 【都馬調】 詞: 黄慧琥
【都馬調】 詞: 黄慧琥 波阿斯” 原來人人在傳講, 摩押女子就是她 款待姑家擔酸苦, 不辭千里陪伴返猶太” Boaz: Everybody talks about what she has done for her mother-in-law since the death of her husband. She left her homeland to live in a land far away and with a people she did not know before.

34 翩翩的風度做人正直 這個麥場是他總管, 大恩大德難回報” 路得”救命恩人就是他,
詞: 黄慧琥 Ruth:The hero who saved me and my mother is also the kind wheat field owner. How can I repay his kindness?

35 順服溫柔名聲傳 投靠耶和華翅股, 願主賜她啊 好前途” 波阿斯”她的賢德我佩服, 詞:楊敏如
Boaz: May the Lord repay her for what she has done. May Ruth be richly rewarded by the Lord, the God of Israel, under whose wings she has come to take refuge.

36 場是我的,妳就在這裡拾麥穗, 不用去别處,直到我這麥子收完。 恩和顧念? 波阿斯:我是波阿斯,這個麥子 路得:我是外邦人,這呢蒙你的
Boaz: My daughter, listen to me. Don’t go glean in another field. Stay here with my servant girls. Ruth: Why have I found such favor in your eyes that you notice me---a foreigner?

37 波阿斯:妳的孝行,我都聽講了, 願妳滿得耶和華的賞賜。 路得:我做你的使女,尚且不夠 格,你還用慈愛的話安慰我的心, 願你在耶和華眼前蒙恩。
波阿斯:妳的孝行,我都聽講了, 願妳滿得耶和華的賞賜。 路得:我做你的使女,尚且不夠 格,你還用慈愛的話安慰我的心, 願你在耶和華眼前蒙恩。 Boaz: I am aware of your love for your mother-in-law. May you be richly blessed by the Lord. Ruth: You have spoken kindly to me---though I don’t have the standing of your servant girl.

38 波阿斯:你從整捆的麥穗抽些 出來、留在土地上,隨便她拾, 不可嚇到她。
波阿斯:你從整捆的麥穗抽些 出來、留在土地上,隨便她拾, 不可嚇到她。 麥場僕人:是,遵命。 Boaz: Pull out some stalks from the bundle and leave for her to pick up, and don’t rebuke her. Foreman: Yes.

39 “至好朋友主耶和華,擔當罪過與煩惱, 真正咱有大福氣,萬事攏可對祂來討. 到今得主疼滿滿,施恩賜福來牽成,
交託主聖手引領,導阮穩當居在這地.” 詞: 黄慧琥【雪梅思君】 What a friend we have in Jesus, all our sins and griefs to bear! What a privilege to carry everything to God in prayer! O what needless pain we bear, all because we do not carry everything to God in prayer.

40 那俄米:我應當為路得來祈求 上帝,替她找個安身的所在, 使她享受福氣。
那俄米:我應當為路得來祈求 上帝,替她找個安身的所在, 使她享受福氣。 路得:婆婆,我回來啦! Naomi: I should pray to the Lord to find a home for Ruth so that she will live well. Ruth: Mother, I am home.

41 那俄米:妳今日在哪裡做工呢?願 那顧念妳的 耶和華賜福給他。
那俄米:妳今日在哪裡做工呢?願 那顧念妳的 耶和華賜福給他。 路得:婆婆,那日救咱們的英雄 就是波阿斯,他允准我每日去他 麥子場拾麥穗.你看!他又賜我 們這多食物. Naomi: Where did you glean today. Blessed be the man who took notice of you. Ruth: I worked for Boaz. He is the hero who rescued us.

42 那俄米:(想)波阿斯…波阿斯… 媳婦啊!我為妳尋到好對象了。 波阿斯有才德,又是我們本族 的至親,照規矩可以娶你做某, 為咱這柱留香火。來!我給你 講…。
路得:婆婆,按呢咁好? Naomi: I should find you a home, where you would be well provided for. Boaz is our close relative; he is one of our kinsman-redeemer. This is what you need to do… Ruth: Mother, should I?

43 那俄米:我的好媳婦,這是咱們 的風俗,勿會失禮啦!
那俄米:我的好媳婦,這是咱們 的風俗,勿會失禮啦! 路得:婆婆吩咐的,我就來準備 Naomi: My good daughter, this is our Judaic custom and not a transgression of the law. Ruth: I will do whatever you say.

44 那俄米:感謝上帝保庇,這一 定能成。唉噢!不對,親像還 有一個親族,比波阿斯卡世大 ………
Naomi: Praise the Lord. God provides. But, wait, there might have been a kinsman-redeemer nearer than Boaz…….


46 哪來女子在其中? 你的婢女我路得、我路得..” 波阿斯”三更半暝麥場頂, 路得” 請求恩人免著驚, 詞: 黄慧琥【遇佳人】
路得” 請求恩人免著驚, 你的婢女我路得、我路得..” 詞: 黄慧琥【遇佳人】 Boaz: Who are you? Ruth: I am your servant Ruth.

47 至近親屬你就是. 婆婆教示如此行, 請您明白莫棄嫌” 路得”求你衣襟遮蓋阮, 【求婚】 詞: 黄慧琥
Spread the corner of your garment over me, since you are a kinsman-redeemer.

48 '女兒願妳蒙賜福,末後的恩能更大 對耶和華來立誓,我必為妳盡本份” '上帝有意巧安排,仙葩並蒂生雙蕊,
波阿斯 '女兒願妳蒙賜福,末後的恩能更大 對耶和華來立誓,我必為妳盡本份” '上帝有意巧安排,仙葩並蒂生雙蕊, 好鳥雙棲人成對.” 【說媒】詞: 黄慧琥 Boaz: The Lord bless you, my daughter. This kindness is greater than that which you showed earlier. Don’t be afraid; I will do for you all you ask.

49 面人人講,波阿斯、大財主, 邀請長老親族聚集地城門口, 趕緊出來看詳細”【扣仔板】 族兄妻”來囉 ! 聽呀聽,聽見外 詞: 黄慧琥
Kinsman-redeemer’s wife: Here I come! Boaz, the rich landowner, is going to the gate waiting for my husband. Let me find out what he is up to.

50 這幾天聽阮尪講起,拿俄米那門,算來和他是cousin…今天中午他也要去城門口…,沒囉,趕緊來看嘪,到底是按怎一回事?
美人我.人人叫我,小辣椒。 這幾天聽阮尪講起,拿俄米那門,算來和他是cousin…今天中午他也要去城門口…,沒囉,趕緊來看嘪,到底是按怎一回事? Everybody calls me “little pepper”. My hubby has been talking about Naomi, his cousin and he’s going to the gate too. What the…

51 改換素衣會鄉親, 探兄心意斟酌問, 盼望好事來成就.” 波阿斯”我身騎白馬往城門, 詞:楊敏如 (七字調)
Boaz: Riding a white horsing, I am rushing to the gate to talk to my cousin, Naomi’s closest kinsman- redeemer. I hope to be able to take care of Ruth.

52 波阿斯今來城門口,對族兄有事來商量,請長老做見證,眾人做夥聽詳細,拿俄米從摩押倒回來,現在要賣她兜那地.
“族兄,請你來坐這。 眾長老啊喔,恁也請這坐, 波阿斯今來城門口,對族兄有事來商量,請長老做見證,眾人做夥聽詳細,拿俄米從摩押倒回來,現在要賣她兜那地. Boaz: Sit here. Naomi is selling the piece of land that belonged to her husband, our brother.

53 我想族兄你當贖,其次輪到我,在長老和眾人的面前,將此事來講明,若肯贖地、你就來贖,請你表明你心意耶.” 【雜唸仔】
詞: 黄慧琥 In the presence of the elders, if you will redeem it, do so. But, if you will not, tell me, so I will know. For no one has the right to do it except you and I am next in line.

54 波阿斯:你贖這地,也當娶摩押 女子路得,她是一位賢德的婦人
族兄:贖贖地,我我肯 波阿斯:你贖這地,也當娶摩押 女子路得,她是一位賢德的婦人 族兄:我我我… Cousin(Kinsman-redeemer):I will redeem it. Boaz: On the day you buy the land from Naomi, you acquire the dead man’s widow, Ruth, in order to maintain the name of the dead with his property.

55 族兄妻:說什麼啊?贖地還要娶 死人的某!…我不愛,我不愛啦, 阮尪要娶小三……
族兄:我不能贖。恐怕我妻。你 贖吧! 此鞋作見證。 Cousin’s wife: What, you’re marrying a young girl? Redeem the land and marry the widow? I don’t like this….. Cousin: Then I can not redeem it. You do it.

56 波阿斯:你們今日作見證,我就買贖拿俄米的地,又娶摩押女子路得為妻,當好為他們那門 留香火,在產業留名
Boaz: Today you are witnesses that I have bought from Naomi all the property of hers. I have acquired Ruth, the Moabitess, Mahlon’s widow, as my wife, in order to maintain the name of the dead with his property.

57 兜的女子,有大福氣。 眾長老們:我們都作見證。 長老一:願耶和華使 這個進你
The elders and all those at the gate: We are witnesses. Elder: May the Lord bless the woman who is coming into your home.

58 亨通有名聲 從這少年女子,賜你後裔 長老二:願你在伯利恆 長老三:願 耶和華
長老三:願 耶和華 從這少年女子,賜你後裔 Elder: May you have standing and be famous in Bethlehem. Elder: May the Lord give you offspring by this young woman.

59 他娶路得合情理,同聲祝应結連理” "春夏秋冬循序行,日月星辰轉無停 宇宙萬物同作證,傳報天父大恩情 ” “波阿斯啊知義理,請來長老察倫理
詞:楊敏如 (狀元樓調) Boaz honors God and obeys God’s way by doing good to Ruth and Naomi. Both Boaz and Ruth put the needs of others ahead of their own. God works in the lives of anyone who is faithful.

60 天父恩典真正大,賜我金孫新生命, 一個路得好媳婦,贏過七個親生子, 感謝獨一主上帝,祂的信實不變卦, 赦咱罪過賜永活,福杯滿溢永不息”
天父恩典真正大,賜我金孫新生命, 一個路得好媳婦,贏過七個親生子, 感謝獨一主上帝,祂的信實不變卦, 赦咱罪過賜永活,福杯滿溢永不息” 詞: 黄慧琥【新都馬調】 Praise be to the Lord. God has blessed me with a grandson, who will renew my life and sustain me in my old age. My daughter-in-law, Ruth, loves me and is better to me than seven sons.

61 我給囝阿 起名俄備得 世世代代都要服事 施恩看顧咱們的上帝
They named the baby Obed. He was the father of Jesse, the father of King David. God's love and goodness is for everyone.

62 基督耶穌 名通四海 稱祂聖名 阮至愛 謙卑跪落 來敬拜 耶穌是主 坐高台啊坐高台 基督耶穌 與咱同在 懇求聖靈 來主宰 換咱心弦 賜和諧 詞:楊敏如 吟詩讚美 萬萬代” (送蓮花調)

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