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有一只手表的人清楚时间,有二只手表的人搞不清时间。 A man with one watch knows what time it is; A man with two watches is never quite sure 有一只手表的人清楚时间,有二只手表的人搞不清时间。

Don’t look where you fall, 不要在意你于何处跌倒, but where you slipped 但要思考跌倒原因。

Look at life through the wind-shield, not the rear-view mirror 生活需要目视前方,而不要沉湎于过去。

People may doubt what you say But they will believe what you do 人们会怀疑你所说的 但会相信你所做的

Be nice to people on your way up 当你处于顺境之时,善待你周围的人, Because you’ll need them on your way down 因为当你处于逆境之时他们会帮助你。

Never explain. 毋庸解释, Your friends do not need it 你的朋友不需要, and you enemies will not believe it. 你的敌人不相信。

While seeking revenge, dig two graves 寻找仇恨之时,也正是挖掘二个坟墓之时, - one for yourself 其中一个是给你自己的。

Time you enjoyed wasting was not wasted 充分享受余暇并非浪费时间

but the ability to act while facing fear Courage is not a lack of fear, 勇气不是没有恐惧 but the ability to act while facing fear 而是面对恐惧所表现出的能力。

You’ve got to do your own growing, no matter how tall your father was 父亲的高度不能决定儿子的高度。

The best way to predict your future 预示你未来最好的方法 is to create it 就是努力创造