Unit1 Why do you have cups


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Presentation transcript:

Unit1 Why do you have cups Module 8 Unit1 Why do you have cups on your heads? 新标准英语 一年级起点六年级下册

Listen and answer. Where’s Sam’s bag?

Where’s Sam’s bag? It’s under his bed.

Listen and answer. They had cups on their heads. What did Sam’s friend have on their heads? They had cups on their heads.

看动画,回答更多问题。 2. Why did the children laugh? Because Amy asked Lingling to bring some caps. But Lingling brought some cups. And they put the cups on their heads. 3. What did Sam bring for his friends? He brought some baseball caps for them.

cups a cup cups 1. What did Sam’s friend have on their heads? They had ______ on their heads.

找个好邻居 cup — cap bad — bed duck— dark sheep ship — horse — house

What’s he doing? He is playing baseball. He’s wearing a baseball cap.

What are they doing? They are playing a baseball game.

What did Sam bring? He brought some caps for the game.

与众不同(一) 我们过去很相似 brought bring -- buy -- think-- bought thought

与众不同(二) 我们过去很相似 caught catch--- teach--- taught

went 我们各不相同(三) did said saw came had made go -- do -- say -- see -- come -- have -- make -- went did said saw came had made

The girl is smiling.

Ask and answer. laugh happy A:What are you doing? B: I’m laughing. A:Why are you laughing? B: Because I’m happy.

A:Why are you crying? B: Because I’m sad. cry sad

A:Why are you shouting? B: Because I’m angry. shout angry

A:Why are you eating? B: Because I’m hungry. eat hungry

Homework 1. 熟读课文。 2. 看图简述故事。(选做) 3. 同桌合作。一人做一动作或表情,同桌运用“Why...?”提问,做动作或表情的同学运用“Because ...回答。