微声盼望 Whispering hope.


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Presentation transcript:

微声盼望 Whispering hope

When a mild life’s busy thronging 疲倦寂寞多感喟; 在忙碌生命的当中, When a mild life’s busy thronging 疲倦寂寞多感喟; Wearied and lonely you sigh, 你心灵饥渴与虚空, When for your soul’s deepest longing 却无法得着安慰; Naught to bring comfort is nigh;

Hark on the listening ear falling, 是温柔真实言词, 听, 这声音何等美妙, Hark on the listening ear falling, 是温柔真实言词, Comes a word tender and true; 听, 慈爱声向你呼召, List to a gentle voice calling, 带来好信息与你。 Bringing a message for you.

微声盼望, 我喜听主慈爱声, Whispering hope, oh how well come thy voice. 使我心灵, 痛苦中, 得安宁。 Making my heart in its sorrow rejoice.

All the world’s glamouring pleasures 2. 世界一切浮华宴乐, All the world’s glamouring pleasures 祗是欺骗与束缚; Only deceive and enchain; 真实与不变的珍宝, True and inperishing treasures 世间上永找不到; There seek ye ever in vain.

Come lift your eyes to the mountains, 你心灵必得满足, 来, 你要向高山举目, Come lift your eyes to the mountains, 你心灵必得满足, And your soul’s yearning shall cease; 来, 饮于生命活水泉, Drink at the life giving fountains 必可享和平安全。 There to find rest and sweet peace.

微声盼望, 我喜听主慈爱声, Whispering hope, oh how welcome thy voice, 使我心灵, 痛苦中, 得安宁。 Making my heart in its sorrow rejoice. (2X)