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『聖經都是神所默示的,於教訓、督責、使人歸正、教導人學義都是有益的。』(提後3:16) 20120727 Friday Morning (#2) "All Scripture is given by inspiration of God and profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness" (2Timothy3:16)… 『聖經都是神所默示的,於教訓、督責、使人歸正、教導人學義都是有益的。』(提後3:16) 2

『叫屬神的人得以完全,預備行各樣的善事。』(提後3:17) 20120727 Friday Morning (#2) “that the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly equipped for every good work" (2Timothy3:17)… 『叫屬神的人得以完全,預備行各樣的善事。』(提後3:17) 3

聖經 All Scripture Verse 15 The Holy Scriptures (gramma) 20120727 Friday Morning (#2) All Scripture 聖經 Verse 15 The Holy Scriptures (gramma) 第15節,聖經(希臘文`gramma’) A general term, -translated also as "bill," "learning," "letter," "writing," and "written 通用的術語-也可譯作「賬」、「學問」、 「書」、「信」、「字句」、「字」或「儀文」。 4

is given by inspiration of God 20120727 Friday Morning (#2) is given by inspiration of God 都是神所默示的 six words in the English language, 英文用了六個字(中文則用了七個字) in the Greek language:Theopneustos 希臘文是 `Theopneustos’ made up of two words. theos, “God,” and pneo; “to breathe.” 由兩個字組成:`theos’=神,`pneo’ =吹氣 5

20120727 Friday Morning (#2) You need the Bible because it is totally reliable and useful for all of life. 你需要聖經因為它全然可靠 而且對你一生受用 “All Scripture is God-breathed” (the best translation). 「聖經都是神所吹氣的」(最佳的翻譯) This means that God is the originator of Scripture. 意即神是聖經的始創者 6

20120727 Friday Morning (#2) You need the Bible because it is totally reliable and useful for all of life. 你需要聖經因為它全然可靠 而且對你一生受用 Since it comes from God who is reliable, all Scripture is reliable. 由於它是從可靠的神而來,所以聖經都是可靠的。 7

and profitable for doctrine, 20120727 Friday Morning (#2) and profitable for doctrine, 於教訓…都是有益的 Profitable = useful, helpful, beneficial 有益的=有用、有幫助、有益處的 Every Scripture serves to meet the moral and spiritual needs of man 每段經文都能幫助人滿足其在道德和屬靈上的需要 8

and profitable for doctrine, 20120727 Friday Morning (#2) and profitable for doctrine, 於教訓…都是有益的 Doctrine = teaching 教訓=教導 Doctrine structures our thinking and so determines what and how we believe which in turn is reflected in how we behave.  教訓構建我們的思想,以致決定我們相信甚麼和怎樣相信,然後在我們的行為上反映出來。 9

Scripture is useful for teaching God’s truth. 20120727 Friday Morning (#2) Scripture is useful for teaching God’s truth. 聖經有助於教導神的真理 God’s Word is the supreme and final source and standard of truth. 神的話是至高的真理,且是真理之終極源頭和標準。 It gives us God’s wisdom concerning the great questions of human existence: 對於人類生存的許多大難題,它賦予我們神的智慧: 10

20120727 Friday Morning (#2) There are principles in the Bible concerning all the practical matters we face daily 對於我們每天所面對的實際問題, 聖經記有一些原則 How do I relate to my husband/wife? 怎樣與我的丈夫/妻子建立關係? How do I relate to others? 怎樣與別人建立關係? 11

20120727 Friday Morning (#2) There are principles in the Bible concerning all the practical matters we face daily 對於我們每天所面對的實際問題, 聖經記有一些原則 How do I raise my children? 怎樣撫養我的孩子? How do I manage my money? 怎樣管理我的金錢? 12

20120727 Friday Morning (#2) There are principles in the Bible concerning all the practical matters we face daily 對於我們每天所面對的實際問題, 聖經記有一些原則 How do I conduct my business? 怎樣經營我的生意? How do I make wise decisions? 怎樣做明智的決定? 13

20120727 Friday Morning (#2) There are principles in the Bible concerning all the practical matters we face daily 對於我們每天所面對的實際問題, 聖經記有一些原則 The Bible speaks practically on these and many more matters. 對於這些和許多其它的問題,聖經都有實際的講述。 14

and profitable … for reproof 20120727 Friday Morning (#2) and profitable … for reproof 於…督責…都是有益的 Reproof = bringing to light 督責=曝光 That which scrutinizes or examines carefully, exposing and setting forth. 仔細審查或檢查,揭露和列明。 In its purest form, reproof is an expression of strong disapproval. 督責純粹就是表達強烈的不滿。 15

Scripture is useful for confronting our sin. 20120727 Friday Morning (#2) Scripture is useful for confronting our sin. 聖經有助於對抗我們的罪 “Reproof” means to convince or expose. 「督責」意即說服或揭露 to expose sin in our lives and to convince us that we are in the wrong. 揭露我們生命中的罪,並且讓我們知道我們正做錯事。 16

Scripture is useful for confronting our sin. 20120727 Friday Morning (#2) Scripture is useful for confronting our sin. 聖經有助於對抗我們的罪 Not comfortable with that? 對此感到不舒服? You should be 理應如此 Because sin will ruin your life! 因為罪必會敗壞你生命! 17

profitable .. for correction, 20120727 Friday Morning (#2) profitable .. for correction, 於…使人歸正…都是有益的 Correction (epanorthosis from epi = upon + anorthoo = make straight again) 使人歸正(epanorthosis是由`epi’即「在…之上」和`anorthoo’即「恢復正直」二字組成) A restoration of something to its original and proper condition. 恢復某個物件之原有和應有的 狀況 18

profitable .. for correction, 20120727 Friday Morning (#2) profitable .. for correction, 於…使人歸正…都是有益的 It also referred to repairing a broken arm or leg, thus making it straight again. 它也可指把受傷的臂膀或腿修復,使之復原挺直。 19

profitable .. for correction, 20120727 Friday Morning (#2) 於…使人歸正…都是有益的 The Word tells us how to get right with God, with others, and with ourselves. 神的話告訴我們怎樣與神、與他人和自己有正確的關係。 It restores us to the God’s ways. 它使我們照著神的方式恢復過來 20

profitable .. for correction, 20120727 Friday Morning (#2) 於…使人歸正…都是有益的 When we become aware of sin in our lives, it tells us how to confess it and receive God’s forgiveness. 當我們察覺到自己有罪,它就告訴我們要如何認罪和接受神的饒恕。 It tells us how to be reconciled with those we have wronged. 它告訴我們要如何跟所得罪的人和好。 21

profitable .. for correction, 20120727 Friday Morning (#2) 於…使人歸正…都是有益的 It tells us how to overcome harmful habits, how to break off harmful alliances, and how to mend broken relationships. 它告訴我們要如何克服有害的啫好、如何斷絕有害的聯繫,以及如何修補破裂了的關係。 22

for instruction in righteousness 20120727 Friday Morning (#2) for instruction in righteousness 於…教導人學義,都是有益的 Instruction =Training  教導=培訓 literally, “childtraining.” 字意是「兒童培訓」 23

for instruction in righteousness 20120727 Friday Morning (#2) for instruction in righteousness 於…教導人學義,都是有益的 whatever parents and teachers do to train, correct, cultivate, and educate children in order to help them develop and mature as they ought 無論父母和教師做甚麼以來訓練、糾正、培養和教育孩童,其目的都是為了幫助孩童按著他們理當的情況發展和長大。 24

for instruction in righteousness 20120727 Friday Morning (#2) for instruction in righteousness 於…教導人學義,都是有益的 Righteousness in Scripture is that which is itself in keeping with what God is in His holy character 聖經中的義是指那些合乎神聖潔性情的東西。 25

for instruction in righteousness 20120727 Friday Morning (#2) for instruction in righteousness 於…教導人學義,都是有益的 Righteousness is rightness of a man‘s character before God and rightness of actions before men 義是指一個人在神面前有正當的性格,以及在眾人面前有正當的舉動。 26

that the man of God may be perfect 20120727 Friday Morning (#2) that the man of God may be perfect 叫屬神的人得以完全 Man/Woman/any Christian 男人/ 女人/任何基督徒 Not -sinless 並非-無罪的 Whole or complete, sound of body and mind, fullgrown, 完全或完整,健全的身體和心靈,充份發展 27

that the man of God may be perfect 20120727 Friday Morning (#2) that the man of God may be perfect 叫屬神的人得以完全 Something fitted for its intended purpose 某些適合它達到預期目的的東西 Since God made you for His purpose, only His Word—not this world’s wisdom— is able to fit you for that purpose. 神造你,是為了祂的目的,因此只有祂的話-不是這世界的智慧-才能讓你達到那個目的。 28

thoroughly equipped for every good work 20120727 Friday Morning (#2) thoroughly equipped for every good work 預備行各樣的善事 “Equipped” means to be furnished or supplied. 「預備」意指裝設好或得供應 29

thoroughly equipped for every good work 20120727 Friday Morning (#2) thoroughly equipped for every good work 預備行各樣的善事 Exartizo in secular Greek described a machine that was sold in good condition or in other words was capable of performing the service expected of it! 根據世俗的希臘文,`Exartizo’是用來形容被賣出的機器有著良好的狀況,或換句話說,它能執行其預期的服務工作! 30

thoroughly equipped for every good work 20120727 Friday Morning (#2) thoroughly equipped for every good work 預備行各樣的善事 You will have adequate resources to perform the work you were created to carry out. 你會有足夠資源去執行你被造時所要履行的工作。 31

thoroughly equipped for every good work 20120727 Friday Morning (#2) thoroughly equipped for every good work 預備行各樣的善事 NEVER HAVE THE RIGHT TOOLS! 永遠也不會有合適的工具! SOME PARTS MISSING 有些配件不見了 32

thoroughly equipped for every good work 20120727 Friday Morning (#2) thoroughly equipped for every good work 預備行各樣的善事 33