真光 (True Light) Jesus, you’re true light of the world, Shine upon us from above, Made your dwelling among us, Full of truth and grace, 耶稣,袮是世界的真光, 从高天临到地上。


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Presentation transcript:

真光 (True Light) Jesus, you’re true light of the world, Shine upon us from above, Made your dwelling among us, Full of truth and grace, 耶稣,袮是世界的真光, 从高天临到地上。 满有真理恩典, 住在人的中间。

Jesus, the rising sun of morn, Shine on the shadow of death, With the mercy of God, tender and full, Guide me to the path of peace. 耶稣,袮像清晨的日光, 照亮死荫的幽暗, 满有怜悯心肠, 领人到平安路上。

Praise upon you, the Lamb of God, You’ve brought hope to the men; Praise upon you, the lamb of God, New life will be filled with the true light of you. 我们称谢你,上帝的羔羊, 袮带来给世人的盼望; 我们称谢袮,上帝的羔羊, 我们生命因袮得着真光。

Jesus, you’re true light of the world, Shine upon us from above, Made your dwelling among us, Full of truth and grace, 耶稣,袮是世界的真光, 从高天临到地上。 满有真理恩典, 住在人的中间。

Jesus, the rising sun of morn, Shine on the shadow of death, With the mercy of God, tender and full, Guide me to the path of peace. 耶稣,袮像清晨的日光, 照亮死荫的幽暗, 满有怜悯心肠, 领人到平安路上。

Praise upon you, the Lamb of God, You’ve brought hope to the men; Praise upon you, the lamb of God, New life will be filled with the true light of you. 我们称谢你,上帝的羔羊, 袮带来给世人的盼望; 我们称谢袮,上帝的羔羊, 我们生命因袮得着真光。

Praise upon you, the Lamb of God, You’ve brought hope to the men; Praise upon you, the lamb of God, New life will be filled with the true light of you. 我们称谢你,上帝的羔羊, 袮带来给世人的盼望; 我们称谢袮,上帝的羔羊, 我们生命因袮得着真光。