仰望恩典 Upon Your Grace Tiffany Cheng 郑懋柔
Every moment, I gaze upon Your grace 每一天 每一夜 Every day, Every night 每一分鐘 我仰望祢的恩典 Every moment, I gaze upon Your grace
患難時 在我喜樂時 祢雙手領我進入祢恩典 In trials, happy moments in life 仰望恩典 Upon Your Grace 患難時 在我喜樂時 In trials, happy moments in life 祢雙手領我進入祢恩典 You hold me enter into Your loving grace
主耶穌 祢寶血 洗淨我一切的罪孽 Lord Jesus, in Your precious blood 仰望恩典 Upon Your Grace 主耶穌 祢寶血 Lord Jesus, in Your precious blood 洗淨我一切的罪孽 Wash away all of my sin and shame
為我死 為我而流淚 賜給我 無盡的恩典 Die for me, shedding the tears for me 仰望恩典 Upon Your Grace 為我死 為我而流淚 Die for me, shedding the tears for me 賜給我 無盡的恩典 To bless me unending flow of grace
我能有什麼給祢啊 能報答祢付的代價 What can I give to you, my Lord 仰望恩典 Upon Your Grace 我能有什麼給祢啊 What can I give to you, my Lord 能報答祢付的代價 To pay you for the sacrifice
每當我定睛祢十架 眼淚不禁潸然地落下 Whenever I gaze at the Cross 仰望恩典 Upon Your Grace 每當我定睛祢十架 Whenever I gaze at the Cross 眼淚不禁潸然地落下 My tears keep rolling down onto my face
我的心不要忘記啊 祂鞭傷換來新的生命啊 My heart will never forget You 仰望恩典 Upon Your Grace 我的心不要忘記啊 My heart will never forget You 祂鞭傷換來新的生命啊 You took the stripes so I can have new life
從此不再憂傷 不再掙扎 在耶穌懷裡我有平安自由希望 Sorrow I will not be, no more struggle 仰望恩典 Upon Your Grace 從此不再憂傷 不再掙扎 Sorrow I will not be, no more struggle 在耶穌懷裡我有平安自由希望 In Jesus Christ’s love there is real peace and hope, Amen