Status quo, Prospect, and Capacity Building 现状、前景与能力建设


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Presentation transcript:

Status quo, Prospect, and Capacity Building 现状、前景与能力建设 National Communication on Climate Change The People’s Republic of China  中国气候变化国家信息通报 Status quo, Prospect, and Capacity Building 现状、前景与能力建设 Sun Cuihua, NDRC;孙翠华,国家发展改革委 November 2004, Philippines;2004年11月,菲律宾

Project Brief 项目简介 Project Title: Enabling China to Prepare Its Initial National Communication 中国第一次信息通报项目名称:中国准备初始国家信息通报的能力建设; Start Date: July 2001 开始时间:2001年7月; National Executing Agency: NDRC 国家执行机构:国家发展改革委 UNDP/GEF: US$ 3,500,000 UNDP/GEF资金:350万美元

Project Brief 项目简介 There are seven immediate objectives in this project 本项目共有7个直接目标 The first five of these may be considered as a group, with the common objective of the development of China's national inventory of GHG 前5个分别为按部门划分的中国国家温室气体排放清单的编制

Project Brief 项目简介 The sixth immediate objective will be to develop a general description of steps taken and finally prepare the steps, along with inventory results, in a written document to submit to the UNFCCC as China's Initial National Communication 第6个目标将完成履约步骤的总体描述,并与清单一起,组成国家初始信息通报,以文件的形式提交给秘书处 The last immediate objective will be to increase public awareness related to climate change in China 提高中国公众的气候变化意识为第7个目标

Project Brief 项目简介 The greatest emphasis of the project will be in the area of building capacity, collecting data, and conducting analysis for the national inventory; 本项目特别强调其重点为编制温室气体国家清单的能力建设、资料收集和分析; Sectors: (1) energy, (2) industrial processes, (3) agriculture, (4) forestry, and (5) municipal waste; 部门:能源、工业过程、农业、林业、城市废弃物; Greenhouse gas:CO2, CH4, N2O; Base year:1994 温室气体种类:CO2, CH4, N2O;清单基年:1994年

Implementation Arrangements 实施机构安排 The Office of the National Coordination Committee on Climate Change serves as the National Executing Agency of the project 国家气候变化对策协调小组办公室为本项目执行机构 A Project Steering Committee has been established , the members are officials and experts from the NDRC, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, MOST, Ministry of Finance, State Environmental Protection Administration, China Meteorological Administration, and UNDP China Office 成立了项目指导委员会,其成员由国家发展改革委、外交部、科技部、财政部、国家环保总局、中国气象局和UNDP驻华代表处的代表组成 A Project Management Office has been established by the NDRC 国家发展改革委成立了项目办公室

Implementation Status 执行状况(目前的进展) 完成了能源、工业过程、农业、林业和城市废弃物的温室气体排放清单;完成了气候变化初始国家信息通报文稿。 The Website on China Climate Change Information Network was established 开通了中国气候变化信息网 The book on global climate change was published by the Commercial Press, which is suitable for training officers, researchers, businessman, and students 委托商务出版社出版了《全球气候变化-人类面临的挑战》一书,可用作培训官员、研究人员、企业家和学生的教材

Implementation Status 执行状况(主要结论) 中国温室气体排放状况(1994) 温室气体排放总量为36.5亿吨二氧化碳当量。其中: 二氧化碳:26.7亿吨 比重: 73.05%; 甲烷: 7.2亿吨 比重: 19.73%; 氧化亚氮: 2.6亿吨 比重: 7.22%

Implementation Status 执行状况(审批进程) The Initial National Communication on climate change was reviewed by the National Coordination Committee on Climate Change in the early of July and approved by the State Council at the end of August 中国初始国家信息通报已于2004年7月获得国家气候变化对策协调小组会议通过,8月被国务院批准 The Iinitial National Communication on Climate Change will be submitted to the CoP10 中国初始国家信息通报拟向第十次缔约方大会提交

Other Relevant Capacity Building Project 相关的能力建设项目 Targeted Research Related to Climate Change supported by UNDP/GEF (CPR/00/G33) 由UNDP/GEF资助的气候变化目标研究项目 The Canada-China Cooperation on Climate Change Project, supported by Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA) 由加拿大国际开发署资助的中加气候变化合作项目

Other Relevent Capacity Building project 相关的能力建设项目 气候变化对中国西部地区影响的脆弱性和适应性综合评估(AS25); 正在进行的国家评估报告。

General Problems 初始国家信息通报存在主要问题 Lack of activity data and of accurate emissions factors 缺少活动水平数据及准确的排放因子 Lack of country specific models for assessment on the impacts of climate change 缺少适合国情的用于气候变化影响评价的模型

Prospect on SNC 第二次国家信息通报设想 Provide a proposal to GEF for Self-assessment financing in 2005, to produce project document 拟于2005年向GEF申请初始国家信息通报项目自我评估资金,并准备项目申请文件 Provide the project document to GEF for Climate change enabling activity financing in 2006, to produce the second national communication 拟于2006年向GEF提交申请开展中国准备第二次国家信息通报的能力建设项目的文件

Capacity Building Requirements in the Field of NC 第二次国家信息通报需要能力建设的领域 Develop country specific emissions factors 开发国家特定的排放因子 Improve the representative of the sample for survey; 提高调查样本的代表性 Development of QC/QA 清单质量控制/质量评估方法的发展 Assessment on impacts of climate change and adaptation? 温室气体排放预测方法及影响和适应评估研究。

Thanks! 谢谢!