TinyDB資料庫 靜宜大學資管系 楊子青
Database Facebook has a database of every member’s account information, friends list, and posts. Amazon has a database of just about everything you can buy. Google has a database of information about every page in the World Wide Web.
Two components to facilitate database activity TinyDB is used to store persistent data directly on the Android device; this is useful for highly personalized apps where the user won’t need to share her data with another device or person. TinyWebDB is used to store data in a web database that can be shared among devices. Being able to access data from a web database is essential for multiuser games and apps where users can enter and share information.
TinyDB The TinyDB.StoreValue block stores data to the device’s long-term memory. A tag-value scheme is used for database storage. You retrieve data from the database with the TinyDB.GetValue block.
(1) 介面設計
(2) 程式碼
(3) 模擬程式執行結果 輸入名字 再更新 資料庫 任意輸入名字,但 不要按更新資料庫 讀取 資料庫
打包安裝至手機 第一次先輸入名字 關掉APP再開啟,或是按Retrieve DB,會顯示先前貯存的User Name