To My Long Lost Brother給失散的你 (1)


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Presentation transcript:

To My Long Lost Brother給失散的你 (1) Whispering your name, my brother, in the middle of the night, I wonder if we’ll meet in dreams tonight, if you’re still holding the plow and not looking back, for the cross is before you and the world is behind you. 叫你一聲親愛弟兄﹐此刻夜色已經深沉﹐ 或許今晚能見到你﹑在夢境中﹔ 是否仍然手扶著犁﹐仍那樣絕不﹑絕不回頭﹖ 十架仍然在前﹑世界在背後﹖ To My Long Lost Brother給失散的你 (1)

To My Long Lost Brother給失散的你 (2) Long ago while we were praising, the Holy Spirit came down as fire – we bowed down before the Lord and offered up ourselves, to live no more for you and for me. 記得當年同唱詩的時候﹐ 聖靈降下如火焰燒過﹔ 我們在主前俯伏就獻上自己﹐ 不再為你﹑不再為我活。 To My Long Lost Brother給失散的你 (2)

To My Long Lost Brother給失散的你 (3) Ever since we parted, the stars often remind me of you as I pray alone at night; I wonder if you keep watching and praying, fighting for His kingdom fearlessly or if the world has overpowered you at last. 自從上次你我別離﹐多少獨自禱告夜晚﹐ 看見天上星光閃閃﹑想起了你﹔ 是否仍然守望儆醒﹐為祂的國度爭戰勇敢﹖ 還是世界究竟﹑究竟勝了你﹖ To My Long Lost Brother給失散的你 (3)

To My Long Lost Brother給失散的你 (4) Before long will all His promises come to be, let us strengthen our feeble arms and weak knees before the day breaks. 還有不久再不多的時候﹐ 祂所應許的就都成就﹔ 黎明前夕讓我們再向主舉起﹐ 發酸的腿﹑下垂的手臂。 To My Long Lost Brother給失散的你 (4)

To My Long Lost Brother給失散的你 (5) Whispering your name, my brother, in the middle of the night, I wonder if we’ll meet in dreams tonight, if you’re still holding the plow and not looking back, for the cross is before you and the world is behind you. 叫你一聲親愛弟兄﹐此刻夜色已經深沉﹐ 或許今晚能見到你﹑在夢境中﹔ 是否仍然手扶著犁﹐仍那樣絕不﹑絕不回頭﹖ 十架仍然在前﹑世界在背後﹖ To My Long Lost Brother給失散的你 (5)