Tel:18814100296 环境微生物学 侯森 暨南大学环境学院 Tel:18814100296


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Presentation transcript:

Tel:18814100296 环境微生物学 侯森 暨南大学环境学院 Tel:18814100296

(三)细菌的繁殖 1、裂殖 (fission) (二分裂, binary fission) 细菌的二分裂过程分为三个连续步骤:  细菌的二分裂过程分为三个连续步骤: ① 核的分裂和隔膜的形成; ② 横隔壁形成; ③ 子细胞分裂。

2、细菌的群体形态 (1)、在固体培养基上(内)的群体形态

(2)、在半固体培养基上(内)的群体形态 根据明胶液化层中呈现的不同形状判断某细菌是否产蛋白酶 根据半固体直立柱表面和穿刺线上细菌群体的生长状态和有否扩散现象判断该菌的运动能力


(四)、常见细菌举例: 常见的主要的几个细菌属:见书26页 大肠埃希氏杆菌(Escherichia coli) 枯草芽孢杆菌(Bacillus subtilis) →工微p60 Figure 1. Electron micrograph of E. coli. This is an electron micrograph of a common Gram negative bacteria that resides in the intestines of most vertebrates on the planet. In size it is approximately 1 to 2 micrometers in length by 0.5 to 1.0 micrometers in width. These cells are actively growing as can be seen by the number of cells that are in the process of cell division or binary fission. Some of them look to be ready to separate and others appear to be just beginning to form their "cross walls". Their surface appears to be covered with a sort of fuzzy material. This "fuzz" is composed of lipopolysaccharide (LPS) and capsular material that covers the outer portion of the cell. These substances serve as a sort of armor to protect the cells. 常见的主要的几个细菌属:见书26页 1、假单胞杆菌属 2、醋酸杆菌属 3、大肠杆菌属 4、沙门氏菌 5、变形杆菌 6、乳杆菌属 7、双歧杆菌属 8、芽孢杆菌属 9、梭状芽孢杆菌属 10、葡萄球菌属 11、其它

细菌运动 螺旋菌运动 细菌分裂 细菌平板生长

Figure 12.4 Typical bacterial shapes (五)细菌染色 染色:细菌细胞小而透明,为便于观察必须增加反差,因此要对细菌进行染色;染色还有助于检测细菌细胞的一些结构和生理特点,可以用于鉴别细菌种类。 正染色—染料与细胞结合而进行染色的过程; 负染色—细胞不染色而使背景染色的过程。 Gram Stain Bacteria are classified into two groups based on the nature of the outermost layers of the cell wall. The gram stain is a diagnostic tool used in identification. One group of bacteria have an outermost cell wall which is usually thick and comprised of peptidoglycan (gram positive). The other has a thin peptidoglycan outer layer and an outer membrane comprised of lipopolysaccharides (gram negative). The gram stain procedure* is detailed elsewhere online. This page was last updated on January 10, 1999. Send comments or questions to Gary Anderson. GRAM STAINING Who could have guessed that a staining procedure devised more than a century ago would still serve as one of the most widespread methods of bacterial classification? Microbiologists of this high-tech age are still indebted to Danish physician Christian The Gram-Negative Cell Unlike Gram-positive bacteria, which asuume a violet color in Gram staining, Gram negative bacteria incorporate the counterstain rather than the primary stain. Because the cell wall of Gram(-) bacteria is high in lipid content and low in peptidiglycan content, the primary crystal-violet escapes from the cell when the decolorizer is added. This is because primary stains like to bind with peptidoglycan- something the G(-) cell lacks. The pathogenic nature of Gram(-) bacteria is usually associated with certain components of their cell walls, particularly the lipopolysaccharide (endotoxin) layer.The Black Plague, which wiped out a a third of the population of Europe, was caused by the tiny G(-) rod, Yersinia pestis. Most enteric (bowel related) illnesses can also be attributed to this group of bacteria. The Gram stain is a quick, easy, diagnostic tool. Gram stains can Exercise 12.3 - Gram Stain (+\-) LEVEL I Figure 12.4 Typical bacterial shapes Materials Colonies of bacteria from Exercise 12.2 Toothpicks Crystal violet Gram's iodine 95% ethanol Safranin Microscopes with oil immersion Procedure 1.       Before staining the individual colonies, you should first practice the technique by observation of the gram positive micro- organisms normally found in the gum linings of your mouth. 2.       Use a clean toothpick to rub along the gingival crevices (area between tooth surface and gums) of your mouth. Rub lightly! 3.       Mix the scrapings with a drop of water previously placed on a clean slide, spread in a thin film over the center of the slide and allow to air dry. 4.       Fix the smear to the slide by passing the slide (smear side up) quickly through a flame three times. If the slide is held directly in the flame, it will heat up too rapidly and break. The trick is to gently dry the smear without overheating the slide. 5.       Place the slide on a staining rack. Apply the stains on the fixed smear as follows: o        Flood the slide with crystal violet for 30 sec. o        Rinse with water. o        Flood with Gram's iodine for 60 sec. o        Decolorize with 95% ethanol. o        Counterstain with safranin for 60 sec. o        Rinse with water and blot dry (no rubbing!). o        Examine under oil-immersion objective lens. 3 Gram-positive bacteria retain crystal violet after washing with 95% ethanol, while gram-negative bacteria lose the purple dye after washing with 95% ethanol. The positive or negative reaction is a measure of the presence or absence of specific polysaccharide components of their cell walls. Safranin is used as a pink counterstain, so that Gram - cells can be visualized. In practice then, the distinction is made between purple cells (+) and pink cells(-). 6.       Determine the basic cell shape of the bacteria. 7.       Add the information on Gram stain and cell shape to the work done in Exercise 12.2. Return to Table of Contents Cell Biology Laboratory Manual Exercise 12.3 - Gram Stain (+\-)

负染色 背景着色,菌体不着色,多用于荚膜的观察 背景着色,菌体不着色,多用于荚膜的观察。

简单染色 制备涂片标本→染色 涂片 干燥 固定 水洗、吸干 镜检 染色1min

革兰氏染色法(Gram Stain) 原理: 由丹麦医生Hans Christian Gram于1884年创立

革兰氏染色法步骤: 涂片固定 结晶紫初染 碘液媒染 乙醇脱色 番红复染 ★The Gram reaction The Gram reaction is named after the Danish physician, Christian Gram, who developed this staining technique in 1884. It involves a series of simple steps. 1.    Bacterial cells are dried onto a glass slide and stained with crystal violet, then washed briefly in water. 2.    Iodine solution is added so that the iodine forms a complex with crystal violet in the cells. 3.    Alcohol or acetone is added to solubilise the crystal violet - iodine complex. 4.    The cells are counterstained with safranin, then rinsed and dried for microscopy. The method separates bacteria into two types. Gram-positive cells retain the crystal violet-iodine complex and thus appear purple (shown for Bacillus cereus in the left-hand image below). Gram-negative cells are decolourised by the alcohol or acetone treatment, but are then stained with safranin so they appear pink (shown for Pseudomonas aeruginosa in the right-hand image below). Thus, the essential difference between Gram-positive and Gram-negative cells is their ability to retain the crystal violet-iodine complex when treated with a solvent. ★his difference in staining reflects a fundamental difference in the organisation of the bacterial cell wall or "cell envelope", shown in highly simplified form below. C.Gram,1884年创立,是最重要的染色法。革兰氏染色的原理:从上图可知, 甲、乙两种细菌经结晶紫初染后,分别染上了紫色,经碘液媒染,结晶紫与碘液形成了分子量较大的复合物,在乙醇脱色时,凡是染上的紫色容易被脱掉的细胞又成为无色菌体(如乙菌),反之则仍为紫色(如甲菌)。最后再用红色染料——沙黄复染,结果甲菌仍然维持最初染上的紫色,而乙菌则被复染而成红色,前者称为革兰氏阳性细菌,简称G+菌,后者则称为革兰氏阴性细菌,简称G-菌。 革兰氏染色是细菌分类鉴定的重要指标,通过革兰氏染色,可以将几乎所有细菌分成革兰氏阳性细菌和革兰氏阴性细菌两大类。这两大类细菌在细胞结构、成分、形态、生理、生化、遗传、免疫、生态和药物敏感性等方面都呈现出明显的差异,因此任何细菌只要先通过很简单的革兰氏染色,即可提供不少其他重要的生物学特性方面的信息。 Gram, who invented the gram-staining method in 1884. To gram stain, an investigator smears a sample of bacteria on a slide, soaks it in a violet dye and then treats it with iodine. The slide is then rinsed with alcohol and counterstained with a pink dye called safranine. The cell walls of gram-negative bacteria have a very low affinity for the violet stain, which is rinsed out by the alcohol. Once counterstained with safranine, however, the gram-negative bacteria appear bright pink to red. Gram-positive cell walls have a high affinity for the violet stain, and retain it even through the alcohol rinse. When the process is complete, they appear dark purple to brown. The difference between the two cell types appears to be in the amount of peptidoglycan in the cell wall. Gram positive cell walls are about five times as rich in peptidoglycan as gram-negative cell walls. In addition, gram-negatives have a second membrane (chemically different from the plasma membrane) external to the cell wall, and may also have a gelatinous sheath external to the second membrane. Cozy. The differences in the cell wall are more than simply a classification tool. Cell wall characteristics are intimately related to the disease-causing potential of the bacterium. In fact, medical researchers have found that an extremely effective way to combat bacterial pathogens is by interfering with cell wall formation. Because the eukaryotic cell has no analog to the prokaryotic cell wall, medicines which target bacterial cell walls have little or no effect on plant or animal cells. Materials Colonies of bacteria from Exercise 12.2 Toothpicks Crystal violet Gram's iodine 95% ethanol Safranin Microscopes with oil immersion Procedure Before staining the individual colonies, you should first practice the technique by observation of the gram positive micro- organisms normally found in the gum linings of your mouth. Use a clean toothpick to rub along the gingival crevices (area between tooth surface and gums) of your mouth. Rub lightly! Mix the scrapings with a drop of water previously placed on a clean slide, spread in a thin film over the center of the slide and allow to air dry. Fix the smear to the slide by passing the slide (smear side up) quickly through a flame three times. If the slide is held directly in the flame, it will heat up too rapidly and break. The trick is to gently dry the smear without overheating the slide. Place the slide on a staining rack. Apply the stains on the fixed smear as follows: Flood the slide with crystal violet for 30 sec. Rinse with water. Flood with Gram's iodine for 60 sec. Decolorize with 95% ethanol. Counterstain with safranin for 60 sec. Rinse with water and blot dry (no rubbing!). Examine under oil-immersion objective lens. 3 Gram-positive bacteria retain crystal violet after washing with 95% ethanol, while gram-negative bacteria lose the purple dye after washing with 95% ethanol. The positive or negative reaction is a measure of the presence or absence of specific polysaccharide components of their cell walls. Safranin is used as a pink counterstain, so that Gram - cells can be visualized. In practice then, the distinction is made between purple cells (+) and pink cells(-). Determine the basic cell shape of the bacteria. ★ Gram Stain Bacteria are classified into two groups based on the nature of the outermost layers of the cell wall. The gram stain is a diagnostic tool used in identification. One group of bacteria have an outermost cell wall which is usually thick and comprised of peptidoglycan (gram positive). The other has a thin peptidoglycan outer layer and an outer membrane comprised of lipopolysaccharides (gram negative). The gram stain procedure* is detailed elsewhere online. This page was last updated on January 10, 1999. Send comments or questions to Gary Anderson.

染料 多数染料都是中性有机盐。据着色基的不同可分为以下类型: ①碱性染料(basic dye)—带正电染料。其阳离子部分为发色基团,可与细胞中带负电的组分结合。如Crystal violet, Safranin, Methylene blue等。 ②酸性染料(Acid dye)—带负电染料。其阴离子部分为发色基团,可与细胞中带正电的组分结合。如Congo red , Acid fuchsin 等。 ③脂溶性染料—如Sudan black。 菌体蛋白的等电点pI为4~5,在pH﹥pI的条件下,带负电。

二 放线菌—Actinomycetes 提要: 放线菌的基本形态 放线菌的生活史和繁殖 放线菌的培养特征 放线菌的分类依据 放线菌的主要属 In this section, we shall discuss three genera of actinomycetes: Actinomyces, Nocardia, and Streptomyces. These organisms have been shown to be higher bacteria, but they were thought to be fungi for many years because they have filamentous forms, 0.5 to 0.8 microns in diameter, which appear to branch. Some species form aerial mycelia in culture. The clinical manifestations of infection are similar to those of a systemic fungal infection. It is now clear that they are not fungi but are closely related to the mycobacteria. Some facts that you should know about these genera are that: Actinomyces are anaerobic, while Nocardia and Streptomyces are aerobic.  Nocardia stain partially acid-fast, Actinomyces and Streptomyces are not acid-fast.  Actinomyces produce granules. Most actinomycetes in tissue do not stain with the H & E stain commonly used for general histopathology. All genera may produce granules; Actinomyces almost always produce granules.

(一)概 述 Actinomycetes是一类具有丝状分枝、以孢子进行繁殖、革兰氏染色阳性的单细胞原核微生物。菌落中的菌丝常从一个中心向四周辐射状呈放射状生长,并因此而得名。 分布:分布广泛,主要分布在含水量较低、有机物丰富、呈微碱性的土壤中。 应用:抗菌素; 酶类、维生素的生产;甾体转化、石油脱蜡、烃类发酵、污水处理; 有的放线菌有固氮能力;具有较强的分解复杂有机物的能力;对物质循环中、土壤肥力的提高也有重要作用。 危害:极少数放线菌对人类构成危害,放线菌病(皮肤、脑、肺和足部感染),诺卡氏菌病;引起植物病害。 Actinomycetes: Unicellular filamentous microorganisms that branch monopodially or more rarely dichotomously and form radiating colonies; mainly found in the soil, and cause of its characteristic odor. 第二节 放线菌——Actinomycetes 放线菌是原核微生物的标志: 1)有原核, 2)菌丝直径与细菌相仿, 3)细胞壁的主要成分是肽聚糖, 4)有的放线菌产生有鞭毛的孢子,其鞭毛类型与细菌相同, 5)放线菌噬菌体的形状与细菌的相似, 6)最适生长Ph与多数细菌的生长Ph相近,一般呈微碱性, 7)DNA的重组方式与细菌相同, 8)核糖体同为70S, 9)对溶菌酶敏感, 10)凡细菌所敏感的抗生素,放线菌也同样敏感。 分布:含水量较低、有机物丰富、呈微碱性的土壤中。估计每克土壤中约含放线菌孢子107个。 应用:截止到1978年,已发现的抗生素5128种,放线菌产生的抗生素3165种,占总数的61.7%,其中87.5%为Streptomyces(链霉菌属)共2769种。 放线菌还是酶类、维生素的生产菌;有的放线菌有固氮能力;放线菌在自然界物质循环中也起着重要作用,由于它们具有较强的分解复杂有机物的能力,对于土壤肥力的提高也有重要作用。 危害:只有极少数放线菌对人类构成危害,某些Actinomyces(放线菌属)菌种引起动物放线菌病(皮肤、脑、肺和足部感染),某些Nocardia(诺卡氏菌属)引起人和动物的诺卡氏菌病(皮肤、肺和足部感染等),还有少数放线菌能引起植物病害(马铃薯和甜菜的疮痂病)。

放线菌与细菌的比较 同为单细胞,菌丝比真菌细,其直径与细菌接近; 同属原核生物。无核膜、核仁和线粒体等。核糖体70S等; 胞壁含磷壁酸,二氨基庚二酸,不含几丁质,纤维素;G+; 对环境的要求与细菌相近; 对溶菌酶敏感; 对抗生素的反应象细菌。 工微—67 放线菌是原核微生物的标志: 1)无核膜, 2)菌丝直径与细菌相仿, 3)细胞壁的主要成分是肽聚糖, 4)核糖体同为70S 4)有的放线菌产生有鞭毛的孢子,其鞭毛类型与细菌相同, 5)放线菌噬菌体的形状与细菌的相似, 6)最适生长Ph与多数细菌的生长Ph相近,一般呈微碱性, 7)DNA的重组方式与细菌相同, 8)核糖体同为70S, 9)对溶菌酶敏感, 10)凡细菌所敏感的抗生素,放线菌也同样敏感。 因为:(一)细胞的形态结构、代谢特征、对噬菌体和抗生素的敏感性:均与细菌相同,所以:在Bergey’s Manual of Systematic Bacteriology. (伯捷氏细菌系统分类手册) Vol.4 上归在分枝菌纲(Actinomycetes) 总之,放线菌是一类介于细菌和真菌之间,而更接近于细菌的原核生物。所以:在Bergey’s Manual of Systematic Bacteriology. Vol.4 上归在分枝菌纲(Actinomycetes) ;在现代微生物学中,归属于放线杆菌纲

(二)、放线菌的形态构造 ★菌丝根据形态和功能不同可分为: 基内菌丝(Substrate mycelium) 气生菌丝(Aerial mycelium) 孢子丝(Reproductive mycelium) ★由分枝状菌丝组成。菌丝无隔膜,仍属单细胞。菌丝直径与杆菌相似(1 m左右);细胞壁含磷壁酸、二氨基庚二酸,不含几丁质、纤维素;革兰氏阳性。 一、放线菌的形态结构 以链霉菌属为例阐述放线菌一般的形态构造。 链霉菌的细胞呈丝状分枝,菌丝直径很小,与细菌相似(<1μm)。营养生长阶段菌丝内无隔,故一般都呈单细胞状态。细胞内有大量核质体。根据放线菌细胞壁中所含肽聚糖种类的不同,可把它们的细胞壁分成四种类型,即: a)       Ⅰ型:含L,L-DAP和甘氨酸; b)      Ⅱ型:含meso-DAP和甘氨酸; c)      Ⅲ型:含meso-DAP; d)      Ⅳ型:含meso-DAP、阿拉伯糖和半乳糖。 细胞壁成分在放线菌的分类、鉴定中具有重要意义。Streptomyces属的细胞壁为Ⅰ型。 菌丝的分类与功能: 基内菌丝(substrate mycelium,又称一级菌丝或营养菌丝),φ0.2~0.8μm,长度差别很大,功能是吸收营养物质并排出代谢废物。有的基内菌丝产生黄、橙、红、紫蓝、绿、褐、黑等不同色素,水溶性色素可以透入培养基中,将培养基染上相应的颜色;非水溶性色素,则使菌落呈现相应的颜色。因此,色素是鉴定菌种的重要依据。 气生菌丝(aerial mycelium又称二级菌丝),是基内菌丝发育到一定时期,长出培养基外并伸向空间的菌丝。它叠生于营养菌丝之上,以致可覆盖整个菌落表面。在光学显微镜下颜色较深,直径比营养菌丝粗,约1~1.4μm,直形或弯曲而分枝,有的产生色素。 孢子丝(又称产孢丝或繁殖菌丝),是气生菌丝发育到一定程度时其上分化出可形成孢子的菌丝即为孢子丝。孢子丝的形状和在气生菌丝上的排列方式随菌种而异。 图——22 链霉菌的各种孢子丝形态 描述孢子丝形状是指它的:直形、波曲和螺旋形;螺旋数目、疏密程度、旋转方向等。孢子丝的排列方式有交替着生,丛生或轮生。 孢子的形状多样,有球形、椭圆状、杆状、圆柱状、瓜子状、梭状和半月状等。孢子的颜色丰富,且与其表面纹饰有关。孢子表面的纹饰在电子显微镜下清晰可见,出表面光滑者外,还有皱褶状、疣状、刺状、发状和鳞片状;刺有粗细、大小、长短和疏密之分。一般直形和波曲的孢子丝都产生光滑的孢子,螺旋状孢子丝产生的孢子表面结构因种而异。 细胞的形态结构:1、菌体为丝状单细胞,其 大小、粗细与细菌相同 2、有多核体,为拟核,与 细菌相同 3、细胞壁组分为肽聚糖, 对溶菌酶敏感 4、孢子的鞭毛同细菌鞭毛 5、核糖体为70s (二)放线菌的代谢特征 1、最适pH:中性偏碱 2、DNA重组方式:同细菌 (三)对噬菌体和抗生素的敏感性: 与细菌相同,所以:在Bergey’s Manual of Systematic Bacteriology. (伯捷氏细菌系统分类手册) Vol.4 上归为 分枝菌纲(Actinomycetes)

匍匐生长于培养基内,吸收营养,也称基内菌丝。一般无隔膜, 直径0.2-0.8 mm,长度差别很大,有的可产生色素。 1、基质菌丝 匍匐生长于培养基内,吸收营养,也称基内菌丝。一般无隔膜, 直径0.2-0.8 mm,长度差别很大,有的可产生色素。

2.气生菌丝 营养菌丝发育到一定阶段,伸向空间形成气生菌丝,叠生于营养 菌丝上,可覆盖整个菌落表面。在光学显微镜下观察,颜色较深 ,直径较粗(1-1.4 mm),有的产色素。

3.孢子丝 气生菌丝发育到一定阶段,其上可分化出形成孢子的菌丝,即孢子丝,又称产孢丝或繁殖菌丝。其形状和排列方式因种而异,常被作为对放线菌进行分类的依据。

横隔孢子基内菌丝或气生菌丝横隔分裂形成,孢子常为球杆状,体积大小相似,又称节孢子或粉孢子。 (三)、放线菌的繁殖方式 放线菌的繁殖:放线菌主要通过形成无性孢子的方式进行繁殖,也可借菌丝断片(液体培养时)进行繁殖。无性孢子主要有以下三种: 分生孢子、孢囊孢子和横隔孢子。 分生孢子(conidiospores):在气生菌丝顶端形成成串或单个孢子,菌丝分裂形成。 孢囊孢子在气生菌丝顶端或基内菌丝顶端膨大或盘卷缠绕形成孢子囊,在孢子囊内形成孢囊孢子。孢囊:菌丝细胞在不同平面反复分裂,形成孢囊孢子.有的孢囊孢子可以丛毛运动 横隔孢子基内菌丝或气生菌丝横隔分裂形成,孢子常为球杆状,体积大小相似,又称节孢子或粉孢子。 孢子——形态:有圆、卵圆、柱状等。 表面:或光滑或粗糙;有的还带有毛刺、鞭毛。 ——色素:因种而异。 二、放线菌的繁殖 根据电镜观察结果,放线菌孢子形成是以横隔分裂方式进行的。横隔分裂可以通过两种途径实现: 1.         细胞膜内陷,并由外向内逐渐收缩,最后形成一个完整的横割膜。通过这种方式可把孢子丝分割成许多分生孢子; 2.         细胞壁和细胞膜同时内陷,并逐步向内缢缩,最终将孢子丝缢裂成一串分生孢子。 (孢子的形状多样,有球形、椭圆状、杆状、圆柱状、瓜子状、梭状和半月状等。孢子的颜色丰富,且与其表面纹饰有关。孢子表面的纹饰在电子显微镜下清晰可见,出表面光滑者外,还有皱褶状、疣状、刺状、发状和鳞片状;刺有粗细、大小、长短和疏密之分。一般直形和波曲的孢子丝都产生光滑的孢子,螺旋状孢子丝产生的孢子表面结构因种而异) 放线菌孢子特点:对干燥抵抗力强,对热抵抗性不强。多为 65℃,10~15min失活(嗜热放线菌例外)。

分生孢子(conidiospores): 在气生菌丝顶端形成成串或单个孢子,菌丝分裂形成。

孢囊孢子: 在气生菌丝顶端或基内菌丝顶端膨大或盘卷缠绕形成孢子囊,在孢子囊内形成孢囊孢子。 孢囊:菌丝细胞在不同平面反复分裂,形成孢囊孢子.有的孢囊孢子可以丛毛运动。

横隔孢子: 基内菌丝或气生菌丝横隔分裂形成,孢子常为球杆状,体积大小相似,又称节孢子或粉孢子。

(四)、放线菌的生活史 芩沛森—公微—62 以链霉菌为例。

(五)、放线菌的菌落形态 质地: 致密、干燥、多皱、小而不蔓延、不挑起,表面有放射状沟纹。 形状:随菌种不同可有两类: (1)产生大量分枝状菌丝的菌种: 如(Strptomyces)菌落与培养基结合较紧的 ,不易挑起或整个挑起。 (2)不产生大量菌丝的菌种: 如(Nocardia)形成菌落呈粉质,挑之易碎 (三)、放线菌的菌落特征:在固体培养基表面,放线菌的细胞有基内菌丝和气生菌丝的分化,气生菌丝成熟时有会分化成孢子丝并产生成串的干粉状孢子,这些气生菌丝或孢子丝伸展在空气中,菌丝间一般都不存在毛细管水。这就使得放线菌菌落具有不同于细菌角落的特征:干燥、不透明、表面呈紧密的丝绒状,上有一层色彩鲜艳的干粉;角落和攀缘茎连接紧密,难以挑取;角落的正反面颜色常不一致,以及角落边缘的攀缘茎常有变形现象,等等。) ▲固体培养基培养—— ★菌落特征:质地致密、干燥、多皱、小而不 蔓延、不易挑起,表面有放射状沟纹。 ★菌落形状:随菌种不同可有两类: (1)产生大量分枝状菌丝的菌种: 如链霉菌属(Strptomyces),菌丝发达、细、分枝多而且相互缠绕,和培养基结合紧密牢固,形成的菌落质地致密,表面呈绒状,坚实、干燥、多皱,菌落小而不蔓延,不易挑起或整个挑起。但当气生菌丝形成孢子丝、产生孢子后,菌落表面会发生变化 ,菌落呈絮状、粉状或颗粒状。 (2)不产生大量菌丝的菌种: 如诺卡氏菌属(Nocardia)形成的菌落,菌丝不发达,形成的菌落不致密,粘着力差,干燥,一般呈粉质,不易挑起,挑之易碎。 ▲液体静止培养: 表面常形成一层膜

(六)、放线菌的代表属 有的种可积累VitB12 产生许多著名的抗生素,如链霉素、红霉素、四环素等。 2、诺卡氏菌属( Nocardia ) ①链霉菌属(Streptomyces) 共约1000多种。具有发育良好的菌丝体,菌丝体有基内菌丝、气生菌丝、和孢子丝之分;孢子丝和孢子的形态多样。 ②诺卡氏菌属(Nocardia) 此属中多数种没有气生菌丝,只有营养菌丝。在培养15h至4天内,菌丝体产生横膈膜,分枝的菌丝体突然全部断裂成杆状、球状或带叉的杆状体。 ③小单孢菌属(Micromonospora) 不行成气生菌丝,只在营养菌丝上长出很多分枝小梗,顶端着生着一个孢子;其菌落较链霉菌小得多。 ④放线菌属(Actinomyces) 多为致病菌。只有营养菌丝,有隔膜,可断裂成V或Y形体。 产生许多著名的抗生素,如链霉素、红霉素、四环素等。 四、发酵工业中常用的放线菌 2、诺卡氏菌属( Nocardia ) 特征:好气型,具气生菌丝,多产粉孢子,应用:烃类发酵,污水处理 ,产生抗生素(如万古 霉素、头孢菌等) 小单孢菌属(Micromonospora) 可产生多种抗生素,如庆大霉素、利福霉素等, 有的种可积累VitB12 参照发酵书,打印,复印人手一份,不讲。

(七)放线菌分类: 现代微生物学,放线杆菌纲分为5个亚纲: ①酸微菌亚纲; ②红杆菌亚纲; ③科里氏杆菌亚纲; ④球杆菌亚纲; ⑤放线杆菌亚纲;

三、光合型细菌 (一)蓝细菌 蓝细菌形态 蓝细菌的结构特性 蓝细菌的生活 蓝细菌运动与繁殖 蓝细菌的异化 分布、生态与常见类群

蓝细菌形态: 蓝细菌形态差异极大,有单细胞和丝状体两类形态。

蓝细菌细胞结构特性: 细胞壁由肽聚糖等多粘复合物组成,并含有二氨基庚二酸,细胞壁可以分泌许多胶粘物质使一群群的细胞或丝状结合在一起形成胶团或胶鞘; 原核,无核膜 细胞质中有气泡。

蓝细菌的生活:光能营养细菌 产氧光合作用;

繁殖方式: 运动性: 单细胞通常利用气囊在水中做垂直运动; 丝状菌具有滑动性。 繁殖方式主要有二分分裂(binary fission) 、断裂(fragmentation)。

蓝细菌的异化: 一些蓝细菌能形成厚壁细胞,称为异形胞(Heterocyst),是蓝细菌进行固氮的场所;有的分化成大而厚壁的休眠细胞,称为静息孢子(Akinete)。

分布与生态: 几乎所有的水域与土壤当中都存在; 形成水华、赤潮; 产毒素; 用做水体污染的指示剂。

常见的蓝细菌类群 类群 形态 繁殖 色球蓝细菌 (Chroococacean) 单细胞,球、杆状 二分分裂或芽殖 宽球菌细菌群 (Pleurocapsalean) 单细胞,杆状细胞 在鞘套内 多重分裂,产生小 繁殖细胞baeocytes 颤蓝细菌群 (Osciliatorian) 丝状,单个细胞在 藻丝内 藻丝断裂 不分枝、异形胞群 (Nonbranching heterocystous) 丝状,不分枝藻丝 藻丝断裂和静息孢 子萌发 分枝异形胞群 (Branching heterocystous) 丝状,分枝藻丝 藻丝断裂生成连锁 体(himogonia)和静 息孢子萌发

(二)光合细菌 光合细菌:一类含有光合色素、进行光合作用的细菌 形态:球形、杆形、弧形、螺旋形 所含色素:不含叶绿素,含菌绿素、胡萝卜素 光合作用特点: 从有机物或无机物(H2O除外)获取氢; 光合作用不产氧; 光合作用一般在厌氧条件下进行


四、鞘细菌 1.概念 2.形状:单个细胞杆状,聚集一起成丝状 3.代谢类型:有机营养型,专性需氧 4.分布:有机污水或活性污泥 5.环保应用:分解有机物能力较强 6.害处:数量过多易丝状膨胀 7.常见属: 1)球衣菌属 2)铁细菌

五、滑动细菌 不靠鞭毛运动,菌体蠕动 分类: 贝氏硫菌属:硫素循环,含硫“三废”处理 噬纤维菌属:分解纤维素能力很强 粘细菌:依赖其他细菌、真菌、藻类而生长。

六、其他细菌型微生物 1.螺旋体( Spirochaeta) 2.支原体(Mycoplasma) 3.立克次氏体(Rickettsia) 4.衣原体(Chlamydia)

(一)螺旋体 1)形态:细长,螺旋状 2)增殖:横断分裂 3)运动:轴丝 4)分布:广泛 5)危害:致病(梅毒:苍白密螺旋体)

(二)立克次氏体(Rickettsia) 1. H.T.Ricketts 1909年,首次发现斑疹伤寒的病原体,并因研究此病而牺牲,1916年人们以他的名字命名这类病原体作为纪念。 2、特性 1)某些性质与病毒相近 大小介于病毒与一般细菌之间,其中伯氏立克次氏体(Rickettsia burneti)能通过细菌过滤器体内酶系不完全,一些必需的养料需从宿主细胞获得; 细胞膜比一般细菌的膜疏松; 专性活细胞寄生物,除五日热(战壕热)立克次氏体(Rickettsia wolhynica)外均不能在人工培养基上生长繁殖 2)从一种宿主传至另一宿主的特殊生活方式


(四)衣原体(Chlamydia) 1、概念:介于立克次氏体与病毒之间,能通过细菌滤器,专性活细胞内寄生的一类原核微生物。 过去误认为“大病毒”,但它们的生物学特性更接近细菌而不同于病毒。 在宿主细胞内观察到的衣原体微菌落(microcolony)

2、特性 1)细胞结构与细菌类似; 2)细胞呈球形或椭圆形,直径0.2-0.3 mm,能通过细菌滤器; 3)专性活细胞内寄生; 具有类似的细胞壁,细胞壁内也含有胞壁酸、二氨基庚二酸; 70S核糖体也是由30S和50S二个亚基组成) 3)专性活细胞内寄生; 衣原体有一定的代谢活性,能进行有限的大分子合成,但缺乏产生能量的系统,必须依赖宿主获得ATP,因此又被称为“能量寄生型生物”。 4)在宿主细胞内生长繁殖具有独特的生活周期,即存在原体和 始体两种形态。 5)衣原体广泛寄生于人类、哺乳动物及鸟类,少数致病; 沙眼衣原体是人类沙眼的病原体,甚至引起结膜炎、角膜炎、等临床症状,成为致盲的重要原因。 6)衣原体不耐热,60度10分钟即被灭活,但它不怕低温,冷 冻干燥可保藏多年。对红霉素、氯霉素、四环素敏感。 1956年,我国微生物学家汤飞凡等应用鸡胚卵黄囊接种法, 在国际上首先成功地分离培养出沙眼衣原体。
