学 术 报 告 题 目:Platinum Alloy Nanocatalyst with Manipulated Particle Composition and Morphology for Improved ORR Properties 报告人:彭振猛 助理教授 美国阿克伦大学 时.


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Presentation transcript:

学 术 报 告 题 目:Platinum Alloy Nanocatalyst with Manipulated Particle Composition and Morphology for Improved ORR Properties 报告人:彭振猛 助理教授 美国阿克伦大学 时 间:2017年7月24日 (周一) 上午 10:00 地 点:固体所六室纳米中心楼204会议室 报告摘要:Electrocatalyst development for oxygen reduction reaction (ORR) has been an area of intensive research for decades because of both its fundamental complexity and practical importance for many applications. Pt remains the most effective element for ORR in acidic electrolyte for both reaction kinetics and durability considerations. Because of a high Pt price and its insufficient activity, extensive studies have been devoted to decreasing the Pt usage by searching new Pt nanostructures with improved ORR property. Use of facet-controlled Pt alloy nanoparticle catalysts represents one promising strategy to address the problems. In this talk I will discuss our research findings in the field. In particularly, we realized scalable and surfactant-free production of faceted Pt alloy nanoparticle catalysts by developing a new impregnation method. The prepared octahedral Pt1.5Ni/C exhibited 1.96 A/mg Pt mass ORR activity at 0.90 V vs. RHE, which was about 10 times the values for commercial Pt/C specifically. The prepared octahedral Pt2CuNi/C uniform alloy nanoparticle catalyst exhibited both excellent ORR mass activity of 2.35 A/mg Pt at 0.90 V vs. RHE and promising stability, with 81.3% and 68.1% retained activity after 4,000 and 10,000 cycles of durability test. The values made the octahedral Pt2CuNi/C a significantly more stable catalyst than the octahedral Pt-Ni/C.。 报告人简介:彭振猛博士任教于美国阿克伦大学化学工程与生物分子工程系,现为终身教职序列助理教授。博士毕业于美国罗切斯特大学,在美国加州大学伯克利分校从事博后工作两年。主要从事分子尺度上的机理探究、高性能燃料电池和电解水催化剂的研发、光催化的基础研究等。已在J.Am.Chem.Soc., Adv.Mater., Nano Lett., ACIE, Adv., ACS Nano,等知名杂志上发表科研论文60余篇,总引用次数近4000次。担任美国匹兹堡-克里夫兰地区催化协会主席,Frontier in Chemistry杂志编辑。