會徽設計信息及指南 Logo Design Information & Guidelines


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Presentation transcript:

會徽設計信息及指南 Logo Design Information & Guidelines 北歐華人基督教會會徽 NCCC Logo 會徽設計信息及指南 Logo Design Information & Guidelines

北歐華人基督教會會徽 NCCC Logo 北歐華人基督教會各福音堂需要一個聯合會徽 One joint logotype is needed across all NCCC churches. 歡迎北歐華人基督教會各福音堂弟兄姊妹依據所需包含元素及 設計指南設計會徽 NCCC b/s are welcome to design their proposals based on the logo requirements and the guidelines provided.

會徽要求 Logo requirements 會徽必須包含元素 The logotype must contain the following elements: 十字架/基督 Cross/Christ 聖經 Bible 另外會徽可以添加表達“合一”及“北歐國家地圖”的元素 Furthermore, the logo could be designed to represent unity and the Nordic countries. 請參照信息指南設計會徽 See guidelines for tips on designing a logo

如何參加 How to participate 請將您設計的會徽提交北歐華人教會理事會秘書唐宛男處 Create your logo design and submit to NCCC council secretary Wannan Tang: tangwannan@hotmail.com 截止日期:2019年4月30日 Deadline April 30th, 2019 *為滿足更廣泛的用途,評審委員會有權決定及修改最終設計方案 * The jury reserves the right to make necessary design modifications of the chosen logo design to enable professional usage across different contexts

時間 Timeline 3月1日March 1 4月30日 April 30 5月15日May 15 6月15日June 15 信息更新 Updated information 更新有關會徽設計信息指南並邀請北歐華人基督教會弟兄姊妹參加設計徵選 Updated information of with logo design guidelines and invitation to NCCC b/s 4月30日 April 30 設計提交截止日期 Submission Deadline 補充設計請最晚於4月30日前提交,北歐華人教會理事會秘書會將所有設計匿名提交至評審委員會 Additional proposal submission by latest April 30, 2019 to NCCC council secretary Wannan Tang, who will forward the blinded proposals to the jury for voting. 5月15日May 15 提名設計 Shortlist 評審委員會將於5月15日公布最終提名設計,並最於6月15日投票決定最終設計方案 The jury will shortlist by May 15, 2019 and final voting decision June 15, 2019 6月15日June 15 最終方案揭曉 Disclosure of the chosen logo proposal 8月1日 Aug 1 會徽開始使用 Implementation and roll out

會徽設計指南 Logo Design Guidelines 此指南將用來幫助會徽設計能夠在不同的信息媒介及聯繫下進行使用 These guidelines are meant to help design a logo that would work on different media and in different contexts.

可讀性及簡化性 Readability & Simplicity Are the symbols and graphics readable and understandable at different sizes? Complicated logos with many different colours and graphic elements will usually be less readable in smaller sizes and in black and white. 符號及圖形是否在不同大小下都可讀?複雜的具有 不同顏色和圖形元素的會徽通常都在小號及黑白版 本下不易被讀出。 Nordic Chinese Christian Church 北歐華人基督教會 NCCC NCCC Nordic Chinese Christian Church 北歐華人基督教會 NCCC

黑白及灰階 Black and White / Greyscale Does it work in black and white? A lot of printed material is in black and white or greyscale, and the logo must still look good and be readable. 在黑白時是否可用?許多時候會徽將會被打印成黑 白色在不同的材料上,此時會徽仍須型態良好並可 讀。 Nordic Chinese Christian Church 北歐華人基督教會 Nordic Chinese Christian Church 北歐華人基督教會 NCCC NCCC

黑白及灰階 Black and White / Greyscale John 1:1-8 1太初有道,道與上帝同在,道就是上帝。 2這道太初與上帝同在。 3萬物都是藉著他造的,沒有一樣不是藉著他造的。凡被造的, 4在他裏面有生命,這生命就是人的光。 5光照在黑暗裏,黑暗卻沒有勝過光。 6有一個人,是從上帝那裏差來的,名叫約翰。 7這人來是為了作見證,是為那光作見證,要使眾人藉著他而信。 8他不是那光,而是要為那光作見證。 9那光是真光,來到世上,照亮所有的人。 1In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. 2He was in the beginning with God. 3All things were made through him, and without him was not any thing made that was made. 4In him was life, and the life was the light of men. 5The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it. 6There was a man sent from God, whose name was John. 7He came as a witness, to bear witness about the light, that all might believe through him. 8He was not the light, but came to bear witness about the light. NCCC John 1:1-8 1太初有道,道與上帝同在,道就是上帝。 2這道太初與上帝同在。 3萬物都是藉著他造的,沒有一樣不是藉著他造的。凡被造的, 4在他裏面有生命,這生命就是人的光。 5光照在黑暗裏,黑暗卻沒有勝過光。 6有一個人,是從上帝那裏差來的,名叫約翰。 7這人來是為了作見證,是為那光作見證,要使眾人藉著他而信。 8他不是那光,而是要為那光作見證。 9那光是真光,來到世上,照亮所有的人。 1In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. 2He was in the beginning with God. 3All things were made through him, and without him was not any thing made that was made. 4In him was life, and the life was the light of men. 5The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it. 6There was a man sent from God, whose name was John. 7He came as a witness, to bear witness about the light, that all might believe through him. 8He was not the light, but came to bear witness about the light. Logo is clear and visible and text is readable when printed in greyscale in small format. 會徽清晰可見,當會徽中文字在黑白打印及字體偏小時需可讀。 Christian Church Nordic Chinese 北歐華人基督教會 Logo is unclear and text is hard to read when printed in greyscale. Logo elements are too small to be seen clearly. 會徽不清晰,當黑白打印及字體偏小時,其中文字不易閱讀。 Jane Doe Brochmanns gate 214 0123 Oslo, Norway Christian Church Nordic Chinese 北歐華人基督教會 Jane Doe Brochmanns gate 214 0123 Oslo, Norway 北歐華人 基督教會

語言 Language NCCC 會徽是否可以使用多種語言表達?作為在西方的華 人教會,我們需要嘗試將會徽設計適合多種語言。 Does the logo work for more languages? As a Chinese Church in a western context, we should try to design a logo that works in several languages. 會徽是否可以使用多種語言表達?作為在西方的華 人教會,我們需要嘗試將會徽設計適合多種語言。 北 歐 華 人 N C C C 基 督 教 會 NCCC 北歐華人基督教會 It is unclear how to handle an English version of this logo. [Chinese] Nordic Chinese Christian Church 北歐華人 基督教會

其他指南 Other tips 創造性 – 如果我們想要將上帝 的話語呈現出來,嘗試用不同 的方式來表達。嘗試從透視及 負空間的角度去發揮。 Be creative - If we want to represent the Word of God, try to think of other ways to illustrate it. Play with perspectives and negative-space. 創造性 – 如果我們想要將上帝 的話語呈現出來,嘗試用不同 的方式來表達。嘗試從透視及 負空間的角度去發揮。

其他指南 Other tips Draw many variations - When professional designers design logos, they try out dozens or even hundreds of ideas. If you end up having several good ideas, send all of them to us! 嘗試多種不同的變化 – 當專業設計 人士設計會徽時,他們會嘗試成百 上千種的變化方式。如果您有多種 不同好的想法,請將它們所有都提 交給我們。