禱告聚會 Prayer Meeting 週三 Wed 7:00 pm


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禱告聚會 Prayer Meeting 週三 Wed 7:00 pm
Please prepare our hearts for worship with silent prayers.
禱告聚會 Prayer Meeting 週三 Wed 7:00 pm
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The Holy Lamb on the Throne 坐在寶座上聖潔羔羊
坐在宝座上圣洁羔羊 The Holy Lamb on the Throne
禱告聚會 Prayer Meeting 週三 Wed 7:00 pm
讓我們全心全意讚美主 用我們心靈誠實敬拜主 向主歡呼 聖哉 全能聖潔主
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Jesus, You are worthy of all the glory
Praise the Lord ! Praise the Lord !
Jesus shall take the highest honor
主我高舉祢的名 主我深愛稱頌祢 主 我高舉祢的名 Lord, I lift Your name on high
禱告聚會 Prayer Meeting 週三 Wed 7:00 pm
全能主上帝 He is Jehovah 敬拜赞美诗歌 167 首.
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坐在宝座上圣洁羔羊 The Holy Lamb on the Throne
全能主上帝 Lord God Almighty
When the Spirit of the Lord
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哈利路亞來讚美主(x3) 哈利路亞 讚美耶穌我的主
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Presentation transcript:

禱告聚會 Prayer Meeting 週三 Wed 7:00 pm 青年聚會 Youth Meeting 週五 Fri 6:30 pm 週六小組 Saturday Group 週六 Sat 7:00 pm 主日崇拜 Sunday Worship 主日 Sun 10:00 am

Please turn off your cell phones, thank you! 請將您的手機關閉,謝謝! Please turn off your cell phones, thank you!

祂是耶和華 造物的主宰 祂是耶和華 全能主上帝 基列的香膏 萬世的磐石 祂是耶和華 是醫治你的神 He is Jehovah, God of creation He is Jehovah, Lord God Almighty The balm of Gilead, the Rock of ages He is Jehovah, the God that healeth thee

唱哈利路亞 唱哈利路亞 祂是耶和華 全能主上帝 祂是耶和華 是醫治你的神 唱哈利路亞 唱哈利路亞 祂是耶和華 全能主上帝 祂是耶和華 是醫治你的神 Sing hallelujah, sing hallelujah He is Jehovah, Lord God Almighty He is Jehovah, the God that healeth thee

自有永有真神 亞伯拉罕的神 耶和華沙龍 平安主上帝 以色列真神 永在的天父 祂是耶和華 是醫治你的神 He is the great I AM, the God of Abraham Jehovah Shalom, the God of peace I am The God of Israel, the everlasting One He is Jehovah, the God that healeth thee

唱哈利路亞 唱哈利路亞 祂是耶和華 全能主上帝 祂是耶和華 是醫治你的神 唱哈利路亞 唱哈利路亞 祂是耶和華 全能主上帝 祂是耶和華 是醫治你的神 Sing hallelujah, sing hallelujah He is Jehovah, Lord God Almighty He is Jehovah, the God that healeth thee

耶和華以勒 我的供應者 耶和華尼西 得勝的旌旗 賜下獨生子 成為神的見證 祂是耶和華 是醫治你的神 耶和華以勒 我的供應者 耶和華尼西 得勝的旌旗 賜下獨生子 成為神的見證 祂是耶和華 是醫治你的神 He's your provider, Jehovah Jireh God of salvation, God of Messiah The Son He sent to you, He testified of Him He is Jehovah, the God that healeth thee

唱哈利路亞 唱哈利路亞 祂是耶和華 全能主上帝 祂是耶和華 是醫治你的神 唱哈利路亞 唱哈利路亞 祂是耶和華 全能主上帝 祂是耶和華 是醫治你的神 Sing hallelujah, sing hallelujah He is Jehovah, Lord God Almighty He is Jehovah, the God that healeth thee

全地當向耶和華歡呼 因祂真配得大讚美 以心靈歌唱拍手歡呼 我神真配得大讚美 Make a joyful noise unto the Lord For He is worthy to be praised Sing with your spirit, clap with your hands Our God is greatly to be praised

配得配得 祂真配得大讚美 哈利路亞 我神真配得大讚美 Worthy, worthy He is worthy to be praised Hallelujah Our God is greatly to be praised

Jesus shall take the highest honor Jesus shall take the highest praise 耶稣,你配得至圣尊荣 耶稣,当受最高赞美 Jesus shall take the highest honor Jesus shall take the highest praise D316你配得至聖尊榮

願全地響應 諸天唱和 來尊崇主聖名超乎萬名 Let all earth join heaven in exalting The Name which is above all other names D316你配得至聖尊榮

讓我們屈膝俯伏敬拜祂 因祂聖名 萬膝要跪拜 Let’s bow the knee in humble adoration for At His name every knee must bow D316你配得至聖尊榮

Let every tongue confess He is Christ God’s only Son, Sovereign Lord 讓萬口承認 祂是主耶穌 全能神 今我榮耀你 Let every tongue confess He is Christ God’s only Son, Sovereign Lord We give You glory now D316你配得至聖尊榮

For all honor and blessing and power Belongs to you, belongs to you 但願尊貴 頌讚和權能 都歸於你 都歸於你 For all honor and blessing and power Belongs to you, belongs to you D316你配得至聖尊榮

For all honor and blessing and power Belongs to you, belongs to you 但願尊貴 頌讚和權能 都歸於你 都歸於你 For all honor and blessing and power Belongs to you, belongs to you D316你配得至聖尊榮

主耶穌 永活真神兒子 Lord Jesus Christ Son of the living God D316你配得至聖尊榮

高舉雙手 向主歡唱 永活真神 再來君王 主耶和華 你掌管我的心 I lift my hands to the coming King To the great “I AM” To you I sing, for You’re the One Who reigns within my heart

And I will serve no foreign god 除你以外我無別神 也沒有別的愛慕 And I will serve no foreign god Or any other treasure

你是我心所愛 豐盛無限的聖靈 因你聖名 我願獻上我一生 You are my heart’s desire Spirit without measure Unto Your name I would raise my sacrifice

我獻上我生命給你 我走到你聖潔之地 獻上我的生命 成為馨香活祭 I offer You my life, oh Lord I come into Your Holy place My life in sacrifice today Upon your altar lay

用新生命充滿我心 渴望新鮮恩膏降臨 在你心意恆切禱告 清楚聽你聲音 Lord fill my heart with life anew I want that fresh anointing too To speak your will in every prayer And hear Your voice so clear

使我成為禱告殿 聖潔禱告的殿 讓各方各族都聚集 來敬拜尋求你 Lord make me a house of prayer A holy house of prayer That every nation every tongue Will come and worship You

我們站立在你殿中 謙卑自己來到你面前 主耶和華 我們舉手向你呼求 We are standing in Your Temple To humble ourselves before You O Lord our God We lift our hands and cry to You

為這百姓 為這土地 謙卑自己來到你面前 主耶和華 我們舉手向你呼求 For our people, and for this land We humble ourselves before You O Lord our God We lift our hands and cry to You

the prayers offered from this place 主啊 求你睜眼看 求你側耳聽 在此處所獻的禱告 O Lord, open up Your eyes Be attentive to the prayers offered from this place

主啊 從天上垂聽 赦免我眾罪 求你來醫治這地 (x2) 哦主 O Lord, hear us from heaven And forgive our sins please come and heal our land (x2) O Lord !